From ec9be0a2967b38955d26e337b05bc3a042ac4544 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jared Adams <>
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 22:45:17 +0000
Subject: Branch data for eAthena

 db/const.txt     | 147 ++++++-----------
 db/item_db.txt   | 441 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 db/job_db1.txt   |   2 +-
 db/mob_db.txt    |  63 +++++---
 db/skill_db.txt  |   6 +
 db/statpoint.txt | 476 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 6 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 508 deletions(-)

(limited to 'db')

diff --git a/db/const.txt b/db/const.txt
index 76095b9c..73e60c04 100644
--- a/db/const.txt
+++ b/db/const.txt
@@ -1,73 +1,4 @@
-Job_Novice	0
-Job_Swordman	1
-Job_Mage	2
-Job_Archer	3
-Job_Acolyte	4
-Job_Merchant	5
-Job_Thief	6
-Job_Knight	7
-Job_Priest	8
-Job_Wizard	9
-Job_Blacksmith	10
-Job_Hunter	11
-Job_Assassin	12
-Job_Knight2	13
-Job_Crusader	14
-Job_Monk	15
-Job_Sage	16
-Job_Rogue	17
-Job_Alchem	18
-Job_Bard	19
-Job_Dancer	20
-Job_Crusader2	21
-Job_SuperNovice	23
-Job_Novice_High	24
-Job_Swordman_High	25
-Job_Mage_High	26
-Job_Archer_High	27
-Job_Acolyte_High	28
-Job_Merchant_High	29
-Job_Thief_High	30
-Job_Lord_Knight	31
-Job_High_Priest	32
-Job_High_Wizard	33
-Job_Whitesmith	34
-Job_Sniper	35
-Job_Assassin_Cross	36
-Job_Lord_Knight2	37
-Job_Paladin	38
-Job_Champion	39
-Job_Professor	40
-Job_Stalker	41
-Job_Creator	42
-Job_Clown	43
-Job_Gypsy	44
-Job_Paladin2	45
-Job_Baby	46
-Job_Baby_Swordman	47
-Job_Baby_Mage	48
-Job_Baby_Archer	49
-Job_Baby_Acolyte	50
-Job_Baby_Merchant	51
-Job_Baby_Thief	52
-Job_Baby_Knight	53
-Job_Baby_Priest	54
-Job_Baby_Wizard	55
-Job_Baby_Blacksmith	56
-Job_Baby_Hunter	57
-Job_Baby_Assassin	58
-Job_Baby_Knight2	59
-Job_Baby_Crusader	60
-Job_Baby_Monk	61
-Job_Baby_Sage	62
-Job_Baby_Rogue	63
-Job_Baby_Alchem	64
-Job_Baby_Bard	65
-Job_Baby_Dancer	66
-Job_Baby_Crusader2	67
-Job_Super_Baby	68
+// Constants usable in scripts
 mf_nomemo	0
 mf_noteleport	1
@@ -196,36 +127,50 @@ bAgiVit			1071
 bAgiDexStr		1072
 bPerfectHide		1073
-bRestartFullRecover	2000
-bNoCastCancel	2001
-bNoSizeFix	2002
-bNoMagicDamage	2003
-bNoWeaponDamage	2004
-bNoGemStone	2005
-bNoCastCancel2	2006
-bInfiniteEndure	2007
+equip_head 1
+equip_shield 2
+equip_hand2 3
+equip_hand1 4
+equip_gloves 5
+equip_shoes 6
+equip_misc1 7
+equip_misc2 8
+equip_torso 9
+equip_legs 10
+cNone  11
+cWhite 10
+cRed    0
+cGreen  1
+cDarkBlue  2
+cYellow 3
+cLightBlue  4
+cPink   5
+cBlack  6
+cOrange 7
+cPurple 8
+cDarkGreen 9
+NIBBLE_3_MASK 61440
+NIBBLE_4_MASK 983040
+NIBBLE_5_MASK 15728640
-Eff_Stone	0
-Eff_Freeze	1
-Eff_Stan	2
-Eff_Sleep	3
-Eff_Poison	4
-Eff_Curse	5
-Eff_Silence	6
-Eff_Confusion	7
-Eff_Blind	8
+NIBBLE_6_MASK 251658240
-SC_Stone	128
-SC_Freeze	129
-SC_Stan		130
-SC_Sleep	131
-SC_Poison	132
-SC_Curse	133
-SC_Silence	134
-SC_Confusion	135
-SC_Blind	136
-SC_SpeedPot0	37
-SC_SpeedPot1	38
-SC_SpeedPot2	39
-SC_ATKPot	185
-SC_MATKPot	186
+NIBBLE_7_MASK 4026531840
diff --git a/db/item_db.txt b/db/item_db.txt
index 2b023980..3bebd29c 100644
--- a/db/item_db.txt
+++ b/db/item_db.txt
@@ -1,142 +1,299 @@
-#ID,	Name,			Label,			Type,	Price,	Sell,	Weight,	ATK,	DEF,	Range,	Slot,	Job,		Gender,	Loc,	wLV,	eLV,	View,	{UseScript},				{EquipScript}
-  0,	DEFAULT,		Default,		0,	20,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-501,	CactusDrink,		Cactus Drink,		0,	50,	25,	70,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 15,0; },			{}
-502,	CactusPotion,		Cactus Potion,		0,	70,	35,	70,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 25,10; },			{}
-503,	CasinoCoins,		Casino Coins,		3,	20,	10,	1,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-504,	DecorCandyCane,		Decor Candy Cane,	3,	25,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-505,	MaggotSlime,		Maggot Slime,		3,	8,	4,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-506,	CandyCane,		Candy Cane,		0,	20,	10,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 5,0; },			{}
-507,	ScorpionStinger,	ScorpionStinger,	3,	50,	25,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-508,	XmasCake,		Xmas Cake,		0,	70,	10,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 10,0; },			{}
-509,	ChocolateBar,		Chocolate Bar,		0,	60,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 20,0; },			{}
-510,	Candy,			Candy,			0,	20,	10,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 5,0; },			{}
-511,	SantaHat,		Santa Hat,		5,	400,	200,	200,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	10,	{},					{}
-512,	GingerBreadMan,		Ginger Bread Man,	0,	50,	25,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 25,0; },			{}
-513,	Cake,			Cake,			0,	30,	15,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 15,0; },			{}
-514,	XmasCandyCane,		Xmas Candy Cane,	0,	30,	15,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 10,0; },			{}
-515,	PurplePresent,		Purple Present,		3,	50,	25,	1,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-516,	YellowPresent,		Yellow Present,		3,	60,	30,	1,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-517,	RedScorpionStinger,	Red Scorpion Stinger,	3,	170,	85,	1,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-518,	BugLeg,			Bug Leg,		3,	60,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-519,	CherryCake,		Cherry Cake,		0,	100,	50,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 35,0; },			{}
-520,	EasterEgg,		Easter Egg,		0,	200,	100,	1,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 100,0; },			{}
-521,	Dagger,			Dagger,			4,	1000,	500,	100,	15,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-522,	SharpKnife,		Sharp Knife,		4,	100,	50,	100,	10,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-523,	LeatherShirt,		Leather Shirt,		5,	2000,	1000,	100,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	3,	{},					{}
-524,	FancyHat,		Fancy Hat,		5,	1600,	800,	25,	,	5,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	8,	{},					{}
-525,	MinerHat,		Miner Hat,		5,	800,	400,	200,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	9,	{},					{}
-526,	CoinsBag,		Coins Bag,		3,	100,	50,	5,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-527,	Milk,			Milk,			0,	300,	150,	5,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 150,0; },			{}
-528,	Boots,			Boots,			5,	8000,	500,	200,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	64,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
-529,	IronArrow,		Iron Arrow,		10,	5,	2,	1,	50,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	32768,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-530,	ShortBow,		Short Bow,		4,	3000,	500,	200,	50,	,	5,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	4,	11,	{},					{}
-531,	MinerGloves,		Miner Gloves,		5,	3000,	1000,	20,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	4,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
-532,	LeatherGloves,		Leather Gloves,		5,	6000,	2000,	30,	,	3,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	4,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
-533,	RoastedMaggot,		RoastedMaggot,		0,	110,	55,	5,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 150,0; },			{}
-534,	OrangeCupcake,		OrangeCupcake,		0,	90,	45,	5,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 100,10; },			{}
-535,	Apple,			Apple,			0,	10,	5,	5,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 50,0; },			{}
-536,	ShortSword,		Short Sword,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-537,	TreasureKey,		Treasure Key,		3,	100,	50,	5,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-538,	GreenPresent,		Green Present,		0,	20,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
-539,	Beer,			Beer,			0,	175,	87,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 200,5; },			{}
-540,	Empty Bottle,		Empty Bottle,		3,	20,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-541,	BottleWater,		Bottle Water,		0,	200,	100,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 250,0; },			{}
-542,	BottledSand,		Bottled Sand,		3,	70,	35,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-543,	StandardHeadBand,	Standard Head Band,	5,	800,	400,	10,	,	3,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	7,	{},					{}
-544,	SilkHeadBand,		Silk Head Band,		5,	5000,	2000,	10,	,	10,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	6,	{},					{}
-545,	ForestBow,		Forest Bow,		4,	5000,	2500,	10,	70,	,	5,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	0,	11,	{},					{}
-546,	DesertShirt,		DesertShirt,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	2,	{},					{}
-547,	Spear,			Spear,			5,	20,	10,	10,	,	100,	,	0,	0,		2,	2,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
-548,	Pickaxe,		Pickaxe,		4,	20,	10,	10,	100,	,	1,	0,	0,		2,	2,	1,	0,	0,	{},					{}
-549,	Axe,			Axe,			4,	20,	10,	10,	100,	,	1,	0,	0,		2,	2,	1,	0,	0,	{},					{}
-550,	BlacksmithAxe,		Blacksmith Axe,		4,	20,	10,	10,	100,	,	1,	0,	0,		2,	2,	1,	0,	0,	{},					{}
-551,	Hint1,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-552,	Hint2,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-553,	Hint3,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-554,	Hint4,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-555,	Hint5,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-556,	Hint6,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-557,	Hint7,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-558,	Hint8,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-559,	Hint9,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-560,	Hint10,			Hint,			3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-561,	SabreSword,		SabreSword,		4,	10000,	5000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-562,	ChickenLeg,		ChickenLeg,		0,	250,	125,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 500,5; },			{}
-563,	WinterGloves,		WinterGloves,		5,	6000,	3000,	20,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	4,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
-564,	WoolSweater,		WoolSweater,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	20,	{},					{}
-565,	Petal,			Petal,			0,	50,	25,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 50,5; },			{}
-566,	SmallMushroom,		SmallMushroom,		0,	50,	25,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 50,5; },			{}
-567,	IronPotion,		IronPotion,		0,	500,	250,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ sc_start SC_ATKPOT,30,30; },		{}
-568,	ConcentrationPotion,	ConcentrationPotion,	0,	500,	250,	10,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ sc_start SC_SpeedPot0,1800,0; },	{}
-569,	RawLog,			Raw Log,		3,	20	,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-570,	BoneKnife,		Bone Knife,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-571,	Setzer,			Setzer,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-572,	Scimitar,		Scimitar,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-573,	Falcion,		Falcion,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-574,	Scorpion,		Scorpion,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-575,	ShortBow,		Short Bow,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	1,	11,	{},					{}
-576,	Beheader,		Beheader,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-577,	Bonedarts,		Bonedarts,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-578,	Sandcutter,		Sandcutter,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-579,	Rocknife,		Rocknife,		4,	15000,	7500,	100,	300,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-580,	Staffoflive,		Staffoflive,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-581,	Srescentrod,		Crescentrod,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-582,	StaffOfRa,		Staff Of Ra,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-583,	StaffOfAmun,		Staff Of Amun,		4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-584,	Jackal,			Jackal,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-585,	Scarabarmelt,		Scarabarmlet,		5,	8000,	4000,	100,	,	0,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	32,	,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-586,	CottonShorts,		Cotton Shorts,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	4,	{},					{}
-610,	JeansShorts,		Jeans Shorts,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	0,	5,	{},					{}
-611,	WhiteFur,		White Fur,		3,	8,	4,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-612,	SnakeLamp,		Snake Lamp,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-613,	HardSpike,		Hard Spike,		3,	8,	4,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-614,	PinkAntenna,		Pink Antenna,		3,	10,	5,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-615,	PumpkinHelmet,		Pumpkin helmet,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	11,	{},					{}
-616,	AxeHat,			Axe Hat,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	12,	{},					{}
-617,	PirateHat,		Pirate Hat,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	13,	{},					{}
-618,	Goggles,		Goggles,		5,	500,	100,	10,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	14,	{},					{}
-619,	LeatherGoggles,		Leather Goggles,	5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	3,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	15,	{},					{}
-620,	Circlet,		Circlet,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	16,	{},					{}
-621,	Eyepatch,		Eyepatch,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	3,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	17,	{},					{}
-622,	Bandana,		Bandana,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	3,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	18,	{},					{}
-623,	Scythe,			Scythe,			4,	100,	50,	400,	75,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	3,	{},					{}
-624,	VNeckSweater,		V Neck Sweater,		5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	19,	{},					{}
-625,	ChainmailChestArmor,	Chainmail Chest Armor,	5,	15000,	1500,	250,	,	20,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	25,	{},					{}
-626,	PlatemailChestArmor,	Platemail Chest Armor,	5,	50000,	2500,	240,	,	25,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	26,	{},					{}
-627,	TopHat,			Top Hat,		5,	2500,	1250,	10,	,	15,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	33,	{},					{}
-628,	FunkyHat,		Funky Hat,		5,	3000,	1500,	10,	,	18,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	34,	{},					{}
-629,	MushroomHat,		Mushroom Hat,		5,	2500,	1250,	10,	,	15,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	37,	{},					{}
-630,	ShroomHat,		Shroom Hat,		5,	3000,	1500,	10,	,	18,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	38,	{},					{}
-631,	DarkCrystal,		Dark Crystal,		3,	100,	50,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-632,	CottonSkirt,		CottonSkirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	27,	{},					{}
-633,	XmaselfHat,		XmaselfHat,		5,	3000,	1500,	10,	,	18,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	36,	{},					{}
-634,	WoodenMask,		WoodenMask,		5,	2500,	1250,	10,	,	15,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	35,	{},					{}
-635,	Santacookie,		Santacookie,		3,	1,	1,	1,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-636,	WarlordHelm,		Warlord Helmet,		5,	30000,	3000,	10,	,	25,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	39,	{},					{}
-637,	KnightHelm,		Knight Helmet,		5,	20000,	2000,	10,	,	20,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	40,	{},					{}
-638,	InfantryHelm,		Infantry Helmet,	5,	15000,	1500,	10,	,	20,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	41,	{},					{}
-639,	CrusadeHelm,		Crusade Helmet,		5,	25000,	2500,	10,	,	25,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	42,	{},					{}
-640,	IronOre,		Iron Ore,		3,	250,	100,	40,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-641,	SnakeSkin,		Snake Skin,		3,	250,	100,	20,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-642,	JeansChaps,		Jeans Chaps,		5,	2000,	1000,	40,	,	6,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	0,	28,	{},					{}
-643,	CowboyWhite,		White Cowboy Hat,	5,	1800,	900,	30,	,	6,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	43,	{},					{}
-644,	CowboyBlack,		Black Cowboy Hat,	5,	1800,	900,	30,	,	6,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	44,	{},					{}
-645,	GoldenPlatemailArmor,	Golden Platemail Armor,	5,	9999000,2500,	240,	,	25,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	45,	{},					{}
-646,	Crown,			Crown,			5,	5000,	1000,	50,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	46,	{},					{}
-647,	Cap,			Cap,			5,	2000,	500,	20,	,	5,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	47,	{},					{}
-1199,	Arrow,			Arrow,			10,	3,	1,	1,	25,	0,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	32768,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-1200,	Bow,			Bow,			4,	1000,	500,	200,	20,	,	5,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	4,	11,	{},					{}
-1201,	Knife,			Knife,			4,	50,	25,	100,	5,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
-1202,	CottonShirt,		Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	1,	{},					{}
-1203,	RangerHat,		Ranger Hat,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	21,	{},					{}
-1204,	AntlerHat,		Antler Hat,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	22,	{},					{}
-1205,	ChristmasTreeHat,	Christmas Tree Hat,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	2,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	23,	{},					{}
-1206,	SantaBeardHat,		Santa Beard Hat,	5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	5,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	24,	{},					{}
-1207,	RedStocking,		Red Stocking,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-1208,	RedEgg,			RedEgg,			3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-1209,	GreenEgg,		GreenEgg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-1210,	BlueEgg,		BlueEgg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-1211,	YellowEgg,		YellowEgg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-1212,	PinkEgg,		PinkEgg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-1213,	TealEgg,		TealEgg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
-1214,	BunnyHeadBand,		Bunny Head Band,	5,	5000,	2000,	10,	,	10,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	29,	{},					{}
+#ID,	Name,			Label,				Type,	Price,	Sell,	Weight,	ATK,	DEF,	Range,	Mbonus,	Slot,	Job,		Gender,	Loc,	wLV,	eLV,	View,	{UseScript},				{EquipScript}
+  0,	DEFAULT,		Default,			0,	20,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+501,	CactusDrink,		Cactus Drink,			0,	50,	25,	70,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 15,0; },			{}
+502,	CactusPotion,		Cactus Potion,			0,	70,	35,	70,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 25,10; },			{}
+503,	CasinoCoins,		Casino Coins,			3,	20,	10,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+504,	DecorCandy,		Decor Candy,			3,	25,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+505,	MaggotSlime,		Maggot Slime,			3,	8,	4,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+506,	CandyCane,		Candy Cane,			0,	20,	10,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 5,0; },			{}
+507,	ScorpionStinger,	Scorpion Stinger,		3,	50,	25,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+508,	XmasCake,		Xmas Cake,			0,	70,	10,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 10,0; },			{}
+509,	ChocolateBar,		Chocolate Bar,			0,	60,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 20,0; },			{}
+510,	Candy,			Candy,				0,	20,	10,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 5,0; },			{}
+511,	SantaHat,		Santa Hat,			5,	400,	200,	200,	,	2,	,	-2,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+512,	GingerBreadMan,		Ginger Bread Man,		0,	50,	25,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 25,0; },			{}
+513,	Cake,			Cake,				0,	30,	15,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 15,0; },			{}
+514,	XmasCandyCane,		Xmas Candy Cane,		0,	30,	15,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 10,0; },			{}
+515,	PurplePresentBox,	Purple Present Box,		3,	50,	25,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+516,	BluePresentBox,		Blue Present Box,		3,	60,	30,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+517,	RedScorpionStinger,	Red Scorpion Stinger,		3,	170,	85,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+518,	BugLeg,			Bug Leg,			3,	60,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+519,	CherryCake,		Cherry Cake,			0,	100,	50,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 35,0; },			{}
+520,	EasterEgg,		Easter Egg,			0,	200,	100,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 100,0; },			{}
+521,	Dagger,			Dagger,				4,	1000,	500,	100,	15,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+522,	SharpKnife,		Sharp Knife,			4,	100,	50,	100,	10,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+523,	LeatherShirt,		Leather Shirt,			5,	2000,	1000,	100,	,	4,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+524,	FancyHat,		Fancy Hat,			5,	1600,	800,	25,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+525,	MinersHat,		Miners Hat,			5,	800,	400,	200,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+526,	CoinBag,		Coin Bag,			3,	100,	50,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+527,	Milk,			Milk,				0,	300,	150,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 150,0; },			{}
+528,	Boots,			Boots,				5,	8000,	500,	200,	,	2,	,	-2,	0,	10477567,	2,	64,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+529,	IronArrow,		Iron Arrow,			10,	5,	2,	1,	50,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	32768,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+530,	ShortBow,		Short Bow,			4,	3000,	500,	200,	50,	,	5,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	4,	11,	{},					{}
+531,	MinerGloves,		Miner Gloves,			5,	3000,	1000,	20,	,	2,	,	-10,	0,	10477567,	2,	4,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+532,	LeatherGloves,		Leather Gloves,			5,	6000,	2000,	30,	,	4,	,	-20,	0,	10477567,	2,	4,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+533,	RoastedMaggot,		Roasted Maggot,			0,	110,	55,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 150,0; },			{}
+534,	OrangeCupcake,		Orange Cupcake,			0,	90,	45,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 100,10; },			{}
+535,	Apple,			Apple,				0,	10,	5,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 50,0; },			{}
+536,	ShortSword,		Short Sword,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+537,	TreasureKey,		Treasure Key,			3,	100,	50,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+538,	GreenPresentBox,	Green Present Box,		0,	20,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+539,	Beer,			Beer,				0,	175,	87,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 200,5; },			{}
+540,	Empty Bottle,		Empty Bottle,			3,	20,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+541,	BottleOfWater,		Bottle of Water,		0,	200,	100,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 250,0; getitem 540,1; },	{}
+542,	BottleOfSand,		Bottle of Sand,			3,	70,	35,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+543,	StandardHeadband,	Standard Headband,		5,	800,	400,	10,	,	3,	,	-3,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+544,	SilkHeadband,		Silk Headband,			5,	5000,	2000,	10,	,	10,	,	-10,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+545,	ForestBow,		Forest Bow,			4,	5000,	2500,	10,	70,	,	5,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	0,	11,	{},					{}
+546,	DesertShirt,		Desert Shirt,			5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-18,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+547,	Bardiche,		Bardiche,			5,	20,	10,	10,	,	100,	,	-200,	0,	0,		2,	2,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+548,	Halberd,		Halberd,			4,	20,	10,	10,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	0,		2,	2,	1,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+549,	Axe,			Axe,				4,	20,	10,	10,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	0,		2,	2,	1,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+550,	BlacksmithsAxe,		Blacksmith's Axe,		4,	20,	10,	10,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	0,		2,	2,	1,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+551,	Hint1,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+552,	Hint2,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+553,	Hint3,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+554,	Hint4,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+555,	Hint5,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+556,	Hint6,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+557,	Hint7,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+558,	Hint8,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+559,	Hint9,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+560,	Hint10,			Hint,				3,	20,	0,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+561,	Sabre,			Sabre,				4,	10000,	5000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+562,	ChickenLeg,		Chicken Leg,			0,	250,	125,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 500,5; },			{}
+563,	WinterGloves,		Winter Gloves,			5,	6000,	3000,	20,	,	3,	,	-15,	0,	10477567,	2,	4,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+564,	TurtleneckSweater,	Turtleneck Sweater,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-18,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+565,	Petal,			Petal,				0,	50,	25,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 50,5; },			{}
+566,	SmallMushroom,		Small Mushroom,			0,	50,	25,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 50,5; },			{}
+567,	IronPotion,		Iron Potion,			0,	500,	250,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ sc_start 185, 90, 60; },		{}
+568,	ConcentrationPotion,	Concentration Potion,		0,	500,	250,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ sc_start 37, 90, 30; },		{}
+569,	RawLog,			Raw Log,			3,	20	,	10,	10,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+570,	BoneKnife,		Bone Knife,			4,	10000,	6000,	120,	115,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+571,	Setzer,			Setzer,				4,	20000,	8000,	80,	110,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	3,	{},					{}
+572,	Scimitar,		Scimitar,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+573,	Falcion,		Falcion,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+574,	Scorpion,		Scorpion,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+575,	DesertBow,		Desert Bow,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	1,	11,	{},					{}
+576,	Beheader,		Beheader,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+577,	BoneDarts,		Bone Darts,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+578,	SandCutter,		Sand Cutter,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+579,	RocKnife,		Rock Knife,			4,	15000,	7500,	100,	300,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+580,	StaffOfLife,		Staff of Life,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+581,	SrescentRod,		Crescent Rod,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+582,	StaffOfFire,		Staff of Fire,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+583,	StaffOfIce,		Staff of Ice,			4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+584,	Jackal,			Jackal,				4,	8000,	4000,	100,	100,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+585,	Scarabarmelt,		Scarab Armlet,			5,	8000,	4000,	100,	,	0,	,	5,	0,	10477567,	2,	32,	,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+586,	CottonShorts,		Cotton Shorts,			5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+601,	SteelShield,		Steel Shield,			5,	40000,	3000,	180,	,	20,	,	-200,	0,	10477567,	2,	32,	,	,	0,	{},					{}
+602,	WoodenShield,		Wooden Shield,			5,	10000,	2000,	100,	,	14,	,	-70,	0,	10477567,	2,	32,	,	,	0,	{},					{}
+603,	LeatherShield,		Leather Shield,			5,	2000,	1000,	60,	,	7,	,	-35,	0,	10477567,	2,	32,	,	,	0,	{},					{}
+610,	JeansShorts,		Jeans Shorts,			5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+611,	WhiteFur,		White Fur,			3,	8,	4,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+612,	CaveSnakeLamp,		Cave Snake Lamp,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+613,	HardSpike,		Hard Spike,			3,	8,	4,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+614,	PinkAntenna,		Pink Antenna,			3,	10,	5,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+615,	PumpkinHelmet,		Pumpkin Helmet,			5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+616,	AxeHat,			Axe Hat,			5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+617,	PirateHat,		Pirate Hat,			5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+618,	Goggles,		Goggles,			5,	500,	100,	10,	,	2,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+619,	LeatherGoggles,		Leather Goggles,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	3,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+620,	Circlet,		Circlet,			5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	4,	,	5,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+621,	Eyepatch,		Eyepatch,			5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	3,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+622,	Bandana,		Bandana,			5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	3,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+623,	Scythe,			Scythe,				4,	100,	50,	400,	75,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	3,	{},					{}
+624,	VNeckSweater,		V-Neck Sweater,			5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-24,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+625,	ChainmailShirt,		Chainmail Shirt,		5,	15000,	1500,	250,	,	20,	,	-120,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+626,	LightPlatemail,		Light Platemail,		5,	50000,	2500,	240,	,	25,	,	-150,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+627,	TopHat,			Top Hat,			5,	2500,	1250,	10,	,	10,	,	2,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+628,	FunkyHat,		Funky Hat,			5,	3000,	1500,	10,	,	13,	,	2,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+629,	MushHat,		Mush Hat,			5,	2500,	1250,	10,	,	10,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+630,	ShroomHat,		Shroom Hat,			5,	3000,	1500,	10,	,	13,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+631,	DarkCrystal,		Dark Crystal,			3,	100,	50,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+632,	CottonSkirt,		CottonSkirt,			5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+633,	ChristmasElfHat,	Christmas Elf Hat,		5,	3000,	1500,	10,	,	13,	,	2,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+634,	FaceMask,		Face Mask,			5,	2500,	1250,	10,	,	10,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+635,	SantaCookie,		Santa Cookie,			3,	1,	1,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+636,	WarlordHelmet,		Warlord Helmet,			5,	30000,	3000,	10,	,	18,	,	-36,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+637,	KnightsHelmet,		Knight's Helmet,		5,	20000,	2000,	10,	,	15,	,	-30,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+638,	InfantryHelmet,		Infantry Helmet,		5,	15000,	1500,	10,	,	15,	,	-30,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+639,	CrusadeHelmet,		Crusade Helmet,			5,	25000,	2500,	10,	,	18,	,	-36,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+640,	IronOre,		Iron Ore,			3,	250,	100,	40,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+641,	SnakeSkin,		Snake Skin,			3,	250,	100,	20,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+642,	JeansChaps,		Jeans Chaps,			5,	2000,	1000,	40,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+643,	CowboyWhite,		White Cowboy Hat,		5,	1800,	900,	30,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+644,	CowboyBlack,		Black Cowboy Hat,		5,	1800,	900,	30,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+645,	GoldenPlatemail,	Golden Platemail,		5,	9999000,3000,	240,	,	25,	,	-100,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+646,	Crown,			Crown,				5,	5000,	1000,	50,	,	4,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+647,	DevelopersCap,		Developers Cap,			5,	2000,	500,	20,	,	5,	,	5,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+654,	Cap,			Cap,				5,	2000,	500,	20,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+655,	FurBoots,		Fur Boots,			5,	5000,	600,	250,	,	3,	,	-3,	0,	10477567,	2,	64,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+656,	SerfHat,		Serf Hat,			5,	500,	100,	20,	,	2,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+657,	Orange,			Orange,				0,	12,	6,	7,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 60,0; },			{}
+658,	WarlordPlate,		Warlord Plate,			5,	100000,	3000,	275,	,	27,	,	-170,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+659,	GoldenWarlordPlate,	Golden Warlord Plate,		5,	500000,	4000,	275,	,	27,	,	-110,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+660,	CottonCloth,		Cotton Cloth,			3,	1000,	500,	40,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+661,	RedRose,		Red Rose,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+662,	WhiteRose,		White Rose,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+663,	DarkRedRose,		Dark Red Rose,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+664,	PinkRose,		Pink Rose,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+665,	YellowRose,		Yellow Rose,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+666,	BlackRose,		Black Rose,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+667,	OrangeRose,		Orange Rose,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+668,	BlueRose,		Blue Rose,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+669,	YellowTulip,		Yellow Tulip,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+670,	PurpleTulip,		Purple Tulip,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+671,	RedTulip,		Red Tulip,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+672,	WhiteTulip,		White Tulip,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+673,	PinkTulip,		Pink Tulip,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+674,	OrangeTulip,		Orange Tulip,			3,	40,	20,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+675,	GraduationCap,		Graduation Cap,			5,	1000,	250,	20,	,	2,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+676,	Steak,			Steak,				0,	275,	100,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 250,0; },			{}
+677,	HeartNecklace,		Heart Necklace,			3,	2500,	1000,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+678,	NohMask,		Noh Mask,			5,	7000,	1000,	15,	,	3,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+679,	DemonMask,		Demon Mask,			5,	10000,	5000,	15,	,	3,	,	5,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+680,	MauveHerb,		Mauve Herb,			3,	2,	1,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+681,	CobaltHerb,		Cobalt Herb,			3,	2,	1,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+682,	GambogeHerb,		Gamboge Herb,			3,	2,	1,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+683,	AlizarinHerb,		Alizarin Herb,			3,	2,	1,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+684,	TinyHealingPotion,	Tiny Healing Potion,		0,	25,	12,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 100,0; },			{}
+685,	SmallHealingPotion,	Small Healing Potion,		0,	50,	25,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 200,0; },			{}
+686,	MediumHealingPotion,	Medium Healing Potion,		0,	100,	50,	20,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 400,0; },			{}
+687,	LargeHealingPotion,	Large Healing Potion,		0,	200,	100,	40,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 800,0; },			{}
+688,	WhiteTankTop,		White Tank Top,			5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+689,	WhiteShortTankTop,	White Short Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+690,	RedDye,			Red Dye,			3,	100,	20,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+691,	GreenDye,		Green Dye,			3,	2500,	1000,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+692,	DarkBlueDye,		Dark Blue Dye,			3,	40000,	15000,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+693,	YellowDye,		Yellow Dye,			3,	100,	20,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+694,	LightBlueDye,		Light Blue Dye,			3,	100,	20,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+695,	PinkDye,		Pink Dye,			3,	2500,	1000,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+696,	BlackDye,		Black Dye,			3,	30000,	25000,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+697,	OrangeDye,		Orange Dye,			3,	2500,	1000,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+698,	PurpleDye,		Purple Dye,			3,	70000,	50000,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+699,	DarkGreenDye,		Dark Green Dye,			3,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+700,	Pearl,			Pearl,				3,	5000,	3000,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+701,	PileOfAsh,		Pile of Ash,			3,	3000,	500,	5,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+702,	WeddingRing,		Wedding Ring,			5,	1000,	1,	1,	,	0,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	128,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+703,	SulphurPowder,		Sulphur Powder,			3,	1000,	100,	2,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+704,	IronPowder,		Iron Powder,			3,	800,	80,	3,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{},					{}
+706,	GoldenScorpionStinger,	Golden Scorpion Stinger,	3,	2000,	500,	2,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+707,	MonsterOilPotion,	Monster Oil Potion,		3,	10000,	2000,	50,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+708,	LeatherPatch,		Leather Patch,			3,	300,	150,	18,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+709,	BlackScorpionStinger,	Black Scorpion Stinger,		3,	250,	100,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+710,	SnakeTongue,		Snake Tongue,			3,	120,	60,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+711,	MountainSnakeTongue,	Mountain Snake Tongue,		3,	160,	80,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+712,	GrassSnakeTongue,	Grass Snake Tongue,		3,	240,	120,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+713,	CaveSnakeTongue,	Cave Snake Tongue,		3,	240,	120,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+714,	SnakeEgg,		Snake Egg,			0,	100,	50,	4,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 30,5; },			{}
+715,	MountainSnakeEgg,	Mountain Snake Egg,		0,	150,	75,	4,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 40,5; },			{}
+716,	GrassSnakeEgg,		Grass Snake Egg,		0,	200,	100,	4,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 50,5; },			{}
+717,	CaveSnakeEgg,		Cave Snake Egg,			0,	50,	25,	4,	,	,	,	,	,	10477567,	2,	,	,	0,	,	{ itemheal 20,5; },			{}
+718,	SilkCocoon,		Silk Cocoon,			3,	200,	3,	1,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+720,	SilkRobe,		Silk Robe,			5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+1199,	Arrow,			Arrow,				10,	3,	1,	1,	25,	0,	0,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	32768,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+1200,	Bow,			Bow,				4,	1000,	500,	200,	20,	,	5,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	34,	1,	4,	11,	{},					{}
+1201,	Knife,			Knife,				4,	50,	25,	100,	5,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+1202,	CottonShirt,		Cotton Shirt,			5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-2,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+1203,	RangerHat,		Ranger Hat,			5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-1,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+1204,	AntlerHat,		Antler Hat,			5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	2,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+1205,	ChristmasTreeHat,	Christmas Tree Hat,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	2,	,	4,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+1206,	SantaBeardHat,		Santa Beard Hat,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	5,	,	2,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+1207,	RedChristmasStocking,	Red Christmas Stocking,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+1208,	RedEasterEgg,		Red Easter Egg,			3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+1209,	GreenEasterEgg,		Green Easter Egg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+1210,	BlueEasterEgg,		Blue Easter Egg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+1211,	YellowEasterEgg,	Yellow Easter Egg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+1212,	PinkEasterEgg,		Pink Easter Egg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+1213,	TealEasterEgg,		Teal Easter Egg,		3,	80,	40,	10,	,	,	,	,	,	,		,	,	,	,	,	{},					{}
+1214,	BunnyEars,		Bunny Ears,			5,	5000,	2000,	10,	,	10,	,	1,	0,	10477567,	2,	256,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+1215,	ToySabre,		Toy Sabre,			4,	50,	25,	1,	1,	,	1,	,	0,	10477567,	2,	2,	1,	1,	1,	{},					{}
+2050,	RedCottonShirt,		Red Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2051,	GreenCottonShirt,	Green Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2052,	DarkBlueCottonShirt,	Dark Blue Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2053,	YellowCottonShirt,	Yellow Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2054,	LightBlueCottonShirt,	Light Blue Cotton Shirt,	5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2055,	PinkCottonShirt,	Pink Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2056,	BlackCottonShirt,	Black Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2057,	OrangeCottonShirt,	Orange Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2058,	PurpleCottonShirt,	Purple Cotton Shirt,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2059,	DarkGreenCottonShirt,	Dark Green Cotton Shirt,	5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2060,	RedVNeckSweaterRed,	Red V-Neck Sweater,		5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2061,	GreenVNeckSweater,	Green V-Neck Sweater,		5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2062,	DarkBlueVNeckSweater,	Dark Blue V-Neck Sweater,	5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2063,	YellowVNeckSweater,	Yellow V-Neck Sweater,		5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2064,	LightBlueVNeckSweater,	Light Blue V-Neck Sweater,	5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2065,	PinkVNeckSweater,	Pink V-Neck Sweater,		5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2066,	BlackVNeckSweater,	Black V-Neck Sweater,		5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2067,	OrangeVNeckSweater,	Orange V-Neck Sweater,		5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2068,	PurpleVNeckSweater,	Purple V-Neck Sweater,		5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2069,	DarkGreenVNeckSweater,	Dark Green V-Neck Sweater,	5,	6000,	3000,	10,	,	8,	,	-16,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2070,	RedTNeckSweater,	Red Turtleneck Sweater,		5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2071,	GreenTNeckSweater,	Green Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2072,	DarkBlueTNeckSweater,	Dark Blue Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2073,	YellowTNeckSweater,	Yellow Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2074,	LightBlueTNeckSweater,	Light Blue Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2075,	PinkTNeckSweater,	Pink Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2076,	BlackTNeckSweater,	Black Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2077,	OrangeTNeckSweater,	Orange Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2078,	PurpleTNeckSweater,	Purple Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2079,	DarkGreenTNeckSweater,	Dark Green Turtleneck Sweater,	5,	2000,	1000,	10,	,	6,	,	-12,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2080,	RedSilkRobe,		Red Silk Robe,			5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2081,	GreenSilkRobe,		Green Silk Robe,		5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2082,	DarkBlueSilkRobe,	Dark Blue Silk Robe,		5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2083,	YellowSilkRobe,		Yellow Silk Robe,		5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2084,	LightBlueSilkRobe,	Light Blue Silk Robe,		5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2085,	PinkSilkRobe,		Pink Silk Robe,			5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2086,	BlackSilkRobe,		Black Silk Robe,		5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2087,	OrangeSilkRobe,		Orange Silk Robe,		5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2088,	PurpleSilkRobe,		Purple Silk Robe,		5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2089,	DarkGreenSilkRobe,	Dark Green Silk Robe,		5,	8000,	4000,	5,	,	5,	,	0,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2090,	RedTankTop,		Red Tank Top,			5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2091,	GreenTankTop,		Green Tank Top,			5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2092,	DarkBlueTankTop,	Dark Blue Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2093,	YellowTankTop,		Yellow Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2094,	LightBlueTankTop,	Light Blue Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2095,	PinkTankTop,		Pink Tank Top,			5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2096,	BlackTankTop,		Black Tank Top,			5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2097,	OrangeTankTop,		Orange Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2098,	PurpleTankTop,		Purple Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2099,	DarkGreenTankTop,	Dark Green Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2100,	RedCottonSkirt,		Red Cotton Skirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2101,	GreenCottonSkirt,	Green Cotton Skirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2102,	DarkBlueCottonSkirt,	Dark Blue Cotton Skirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2103,	YellowCottonSkirt,	Yellow Cotton Skirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2104,	LightBlueCottonSkirt,	Light Blue Cotton Skirt,	5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2105,	PinkCottonSkirt,	Pink Cotton Skirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2106,	BlackCottonSkirt,	Black Cotton Skirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2107,	OrangeCottonSkirt,	Orange Cotton Skirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2108,	PurpleCottonSkirt,	Purple Cotton Skirt,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2109,	DarkGreenCottonSkirt,	Dark Green Cotton Skirt,	5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	4,	,	-8,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2110,	RedCottonShorts,	Red Cotton Shorts,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2111,	GreenCottonShorts,	Green Cotton Shorts,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2112,	DarkBlueCottonShorts,	Dark Blue Cotton Shorts,	5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2113,	YellowCottonShorts,	Yellow Cotton Shorts,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2114,	LightBlueCottonShorts,	Light Blue Cotton Shorts,	5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2115,	PinkCottonShorts,	Pink Cotton Shorts,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2116,	BlackCottonShorts,	Black Cotton Shorts,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2117,	OrangeCottonShorts,	Orange Cotton Shorts,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2118,	PurpleCottonShorts,	Purple Cotton Shorts,		5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2119,	DarkGreenCottonShorts,	Dark Green Cotton Shorts,	5,	1000,	500,	10,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	1,	,	1,	0,	{},					{}
+2120,	RedShortTankTop,	Red Short Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2121,	GreenShortTankTop,	Green Short Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2122,	DarkBlueShortTankTop,	Dark Blue Short Tank Top,	5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2123,	YellowShortTankTop,	Yellow Short Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2124,	LightBlueShortTankTop,	Light Blue Short Tank Top,	5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2125,	PinkShortTankTop,	Pink Short Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2126,	BlackShortTankTop,	Black Short Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2127,	OrangeShortTankTop,	Orange Short Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2128,	PurpleShortTankTop,	Purple Short Tank Top,		5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
+2129,	DarkGreenShortTankTop,	Dark Green Short Tank Top,	5,	10,	5,	100,	,	2,	,	-4,	0,	10477567,	2,	512,	,	0,	0,	{},					{}
diff --git a/db/job_db1.txt b/db/job_db1.txt
index 3c832cd4..4278d78d 100644
--- a/db/job_db1.txt
+++ b/db/job_db1.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-20000,  0,500,100, 650, 700, 750,800,2000,2000, 800,2000, 700, 700, 650,900,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000
+20000,  0,500,100, 650, 700, 750,600,2000,2000, 800,2000, 700, 700, 650,900,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000
 28000, 70,500,200, 400, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 700, 750, 650, 700,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000
 22000, 30,500,600, 500, 600,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000, 700,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000
 26000, 50,500,200, 400, 600,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000, 700,2000,2000,2000,2000,2000
diff --git a/db/mob_db.txt b/db/mob_db.txt
index 33f369d8..5e22078b 100644
--- a/db/mob_db.txt
+++ b/db/mob_db.txt
@@ -1,27 +1,38 @@
 # ID,	Name,		JName,			LV,	HP,	SP,	EXP,	JEXP,	Range1,	ATK1,	ATK2,	DEF,	MDEF,	STR,	AGI,	VIT,	INT,	DEX,	LUK,	Range2,	Range3,	Scale,	Race,	Element,	Mode,	Speed,	ADelay,	AMotion,	DMotion,	Drop1id,	Drop1per,	Drop2id,	Drop2per,	Drop3id,	Drop3per,	Drop4id,	Drop4per,	Drop5id,	Drop5per,	Drop6id,	Drop6per,	Drop7id,	Drop7per,	Drop8id,	Drop8per,	Item1,	Item2,	MEXP,	ExpPer,	MVP1id,	MVP1per,	MVP2id,	MVP2per,	MVP3id,	MVP3per
-1002,	Maggot,		Maggot,			5,	50,	0,	10,	2,	1,	5,	10,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	6,	30,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		505,		800,		501,		150,		518,		400,		533,		150,		502,		70,		522,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1003,	Scorpion,	Scorpion,		10,	100,	0,	25,	4,	1,	10,	15,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	15,	30,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	2000,	1872,	672,		480,		507,		700,		510,		100,		509,		50,		518,		700,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1004,	RedScorpion,	Red Scorpion,		90,	550,	0,	200,	145,	1,	50,	55,	4,	6,	10,	8,	10,	10,	30,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		129,	1000,	1872,	672,		480,		517,		2000,		509,		100,		518,		500,		1200,		10,		1199,		760,		1201,		540,		524,		5,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1005,	GreenSlime,	Green Slime,		40,	300,	0,	80,	8,	1,	25,	30,	2,	7,	1,	25,	1,	0,	30,	30,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		131,	1500,	1872,	672,		480,		502,		200,		513,		100,		501,		100,		521,		100,		522,		190,		526,		10,		503,		500,		535,		750,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1006,	GiantMaggot,	Giant Maggot,		80,	500,	0,	180,	16,	2,	45,	50,	2,	7,	10,	6,	2,	1,	22,	1,	2,	2,	1,	0,	20,		129,	2000,	1872,	672,		480,		1199,		900,		519,		100,		518,		750,		501,		5000,		502,		3000,		503,		11,		526,		10,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1007,	YellowSlime,	Yellow Slime,		60,	400,	0,	140,	2,	1,	35,	40,	2,	7,	10,	6,	2,	1,	34,	1,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		131,	1400,	1800,	672,		480,		534,		200,		519,		100,		501,		350,		502,		250,		522,		10,		640,		150,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1008,	RedSlime,	Red Slime,		70,	450,	0,	160,	56,	1,	40,	45,	2,	7,	15,	8,	2,	1,	25,	1,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		135,	1300,	1500,	672,		480,		1201,		300,		509,		110,		521,		200,		523,		40,		525,		80,		535,		750,		528,		250,		531,		150,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1009,	BlackScorpion,	Black Scorpion,		100,	600,	0,	270,	70,	1,	60,	65,	4,	6,	20,	15,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	1000,	1500,	672,		480,		523,		150,		509,		100,		518,		800,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1010,	Snake,		Snake,			150,	850,	0,	400,	100,	1,	75,	90,	4,	6,	20,	15,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	1000,	1500,	672,		480,		524,		300,		638,		5,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1011,	FireGoblin,	Fire Goblin,		20,	200,	0,	40,	2,	1,	15,	20,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	6,	30,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		505,		800,		501,		150,		518,		800,		502,		150,		521,		70,		522,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1012,	Spider,		Spider,			140,	800,	0,	375,	280,	1,	70,	85,	4,	6,	20,	15,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	25,		175,	1000,	1500,	672,		480,		537,		500,		535,		100,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1013,	EvilMushroom,	Evil Mushroom,		110,	650,	0,	350,	110,	1,	65,	70,	4,	6,	20,	15,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	25,		137,	800,	1800,	672,		480,		535,		500,		540,		5,		534,		100,		566,		500,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1014,	SleepFlower,	Sleep Flower,		120,	700,	0,	375,	110,	1,	70,	75,	0,	5,	20,	15,	20,	20,	20,	20,	1,	1,	1,	3,	25,		128,	800,	800,	672,		480,		535,		100,		540,		5,		1199,		100,		526,		400,		565,		500,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1015,	SantaSlime,	Santa Slime,		130,	750,	0,	325,	0,	1,	75,	80,	2,	7,	1,	25,	1,	0,	30,	30,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		161,	1500,	1872,	672,		480,		512,		800,		513,		700,		514,		600,		519,		500,		527,		400,		538,		500,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1016,	RudolphSlime,	Rudolph Slime,		50,	350,	0,	120,	16,	1,	30,	35,	2,	7,	1,	25,	1,	0,	30,	30,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		131,	1000,	1872,	672,		480,		504,		800,		506,		500,		508,		200,		509,		300,		510,		600,		515,		800,		516,		500,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1017,	Bat,		Bat,			20,	150,	0,	55,	2,	1,	7,	10,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		505,		800,		501,		150,		518,		400,		533,		150,		521,		70,		522,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1018,	Violet,		Violet,			30,	500,	0,	75,	3,	1,	7,	10,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		614,		800,		0,		150,		0,		400,		0,		150,		0,		70,		0,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1019,	Shroom,		Shroom,			30,	300,	0,	65,	4,	1,	10,	13,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	10,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		567,		800,		501,		150,		518,		50,		613,		150,		0,		70,		0,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1020,	Fluffy,		Fluffy,			30,	500,	0,	55,	3,	1,	10,	12,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		611,		800,		527,		150,		535,		400,		0,		150,		0,		70,		0,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1021,	LampSnake,	Lamp Snake,		30,	1000,	0,	120,	5,	1,	20,	15,	1,	5,	10,	1,	1,	0,	10,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		612,		800,		610,		20,		0,		400,		0,		150,		0,		70,		0,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1022,	JackO,		JackO,			50,	6000,	0,	5000,	5000,	1,	40,	100,	20,	6,	20,	10,	10,	10,	30,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	250,	1500,	672,		480,		617,		5000,		622,		5000,		624,		5000,		620,		5000,		615,		5000,		1203,		5000,		524,		5000,		616,		5000,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1023,	FireSkull,	Fire Skull,		30,	500,	0,	75,	2,	1,	10,	12,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	15,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		631,		1000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1024,	PoisonSkull,	Poison skull,		30,	1000,	0,	85,	5,	1,	20,	20,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	15,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		631,		1000,		0,		0		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1025,	Stumpy,		Stumpy,			30,	500,	0,	75,	30,	1,	7,	10,	50,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		569,		2000,		0,		150,		0,		400,		0,		150,		0,		70,		0,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1026,	MountainSnake,	Mountain Snake,		160,	900,	0,	500,	100,	1,	80,	95,	4,	6,	20,	15,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	1000,	1500,	672,		480,		532,		20,		641,		150,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
-1027,	EasterFluffy,	EasterFluffy,		30,	500,	0,	55,	3,	1,	10,	12,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		1208,		2000,		1209,		2000,		1210,		2000,		1211,		1000,		1212,		1000,		1213,		200,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1002,	Maggot,		Maggot,			5,	50,	0,	10,	2,	1,	5,	10,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	6,	30,	1,	1,	1,	3,	21,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		505,		800,		501,		150,		518,		400,		533,		150,		502,		70,		522,		10,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1003,	Scorpion,	Scorpion,		10,	100,	0,	25,	4,	1,	10,	15,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	15,	30,	1,	1,	1,	3,	20,		129,	2000,	1872,	672,		480,		507,		700,		510,		100,		509,		50,		518,		700,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1004,	RedScorpion,	Red Scorpion,		90,	550,	0,	200,	145,	1,	50,	55,	4,	6,	8,	8,	10,	10,	30,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		129,	1000,	1872,	672,		480,		517,		2000,		509,		100,		518,		500,		1200,		10,		1199,		760,		1201,		540,		524,		25,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1005,	GreenSlime,	Green Slime,		40,	300,	0,	80,	8,	1,	25,	30,	2,	7,	1,	25,	1,	0,	30,	30,	1,	1,	1,	0,	21,		131,	1500,	1872,	672,		480,		502,		200,		513,		100,		501,		100,		521,		100,		522,		190,		526,		10,		503,		500,		535,		750,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1006,	GiantMaggot,	Giant Maggot,		80,	500,	0,	180,	16,	2,	45,	50,	2,	7,	8,	6,	2,	1,	22,	1,	2,	2,	1,	0,	41,		129,	2000,	1872,	672,		480,		1199,		900,		519,		100,		518,		750,		501,		5000,		502,		3000,		503,		11,		526,		20,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1007,	YellowSlime,	Yellow Slime,		60,	400,	0,	140,	2,	1,	35,	40,	2,	7,	9,	6,	2,	1,	34,	1,	1,	1,	1,	0,	21,		131,	1400,	1800,	672,		480,		534,		200,		519,		100,		501,		350,		502,		250,		522,		10,		640,		150,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1008,	RedSlime,	Red Slime,		70,	450,	0,	160,	56,	1,	40,	45,	2,	7,	12,	8,	2,	1,	25,	1,	1,	1,	1,	0,	21,		135,	1300,	1500,	672,		480,		1201,		300,		509,		110,		521,		200,		523,		80,		525,		80,		535,		750,		528,		250,		531,		150,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1009,	BlackScorpion,	Black Scorpion,		100,	600,	0,	270,	70,	1,	60,	65,	4,	6,	16,	10,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	1000,	1500,	672,		480,		523,		150,		509,		100,		518,		800,		709,		800,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1010,	Snake,		Snake,			115,	850,	0,	400,	100,	1,	75,	90,	4,	6,	20,	11,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	1000,	1500,	672,		480,		524,		300,		638,		20,		714,		400,		714,		400,		710,		500,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1011,	FireGoblin,	Fire Goblin,		20,	200,	0,	40,	2,	1,	15,	20,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	6,	30,	1,	1,	1,	3,	23,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		505,		800,		501,		150,		518,		800,		502,		150,		521,		70,		522,		10,		701,		500,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1012,	Spider,		Spider,			130,	800,	0,	375,	280,	1,	70,	85,	4,	6,	14,	13,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	25,		175,	1000,	1500,	672,		480,		537,		500,		535,		100,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1013,	EvilMushroom,	Evil Mushroom,		110,	650,	0,	350,	110,	1,	65,	70,	4,	6,	16,	12,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	22,		137,	800,	1800,	672,		480,		535,		500,		540,		10,		534,		100,		566,		500,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1014,	Flower,		Flower,			115,	700,	0,	375,	110,	2,	70,	75,	0,	5,	16,	12,	20,	20,	20,	20,	2,	2,	1,	3,	22,		128,	800,	800,	672,		480,		535,		100,		540,		10,		1199,		100,		526,		400,		565,		500,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1015,	SantaSlime,	Santa Slime,		120,	750,	0,	325,	0,	1,	75,	80,	2,	7,	1,	20,	1,	0,	30,	30,	1,	1,	1,	0,	21,		161,	1500,	1872,	672,		480,		512,		800,		513,		700,		514,		600,		519,		500,		527,		400,		538,		500,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1016,	RudolphSlime,	Rudolph Slime,		50,	350,	0,	120,	16,	1,	30,	35,	2,	7,	1,	20,	1,	0,	30,	30,	1,	1,	1,	0,	21,		131,	1000,	1872,	672,		480,		504,		800,		506,		500,		508,		200,		509,		300,		510,		600,		515,		800,		516,		500,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1017,	Bat,		Bat,			20,	150,	0,	55,	2,	1,	7,	10,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	24,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		505,		800,		501,		150,		518,		400,		533,		150,		521,		70,		522,		1,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1018,	Pinkie,		Pinkie,			30,	500,	0,	75,	3,	2,	7,	10,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	2,	2,	1,	3,	20,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		614,		800,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1019,	SpikyMushroom,	Spiky Mushroom,		30,	300,	0,	65,	4,	1,	10,	13,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	10,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	20,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		567,		800,		501,		150,		518,		50,		613,		150,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1020,	Fluffy,		Fluffy,			30,	500,	0,	75,	3,	1,	10,	12,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	20,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		611,		800,		527,		150,		535,		400,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1021,	CaveSnake,	Cave Snake,		30,	1000,	0,	120,	5,	1,	20,	15,	1,	5,	10,	1,	1,	0,	10,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	20,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		612,		800,		610,		40,		713,		500,		717,		400,		717,		400,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1022,	JackO,		Jack O,			50,	10000,	0,	5000,	5000,	2,	150,	200,	35,	20,	35,	30,	25,	25,	35,	15,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	250,	1500,	672,		480,		617,		300,		622,		400,		624,		400,		620,		400,		615,		300,		1203,		400,		524,		700,		616,		600,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1023,	FireSkull,	Fire Skull,		30,	500,	0,	75,	2,	1,	10,	12,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	15,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	23,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		631,		1000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1024,	PoisonSkull,	Poison Skull,		30,	1000,	0,	85,	5,	1,	20,	20,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	15,	10,	1,	1,	1,	3,	25,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		631,		1000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1025,	LogHead,	Log Head,		30,	500,	0,	75,	30,	1,	7,	10,	50,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	22,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		569,		2000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1026,	MountainSnake,	Mountain Snake,		140,	900,	0,	500,	100,	1,	80,	95,	4,	6,	20,	11,	10,	10,	35,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	1000,	1500,	672,		480,		532,		20,		641,		150,		715,		400,		715,		400,		711,		500,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1027,	EasterFluffy,	Easter Fluffy,		30,	500,	0,	55,	3,	1,	10,	12,	0,	5,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,	25,	1,	1,	1,	3,	20,		129,	800,	1872,	672,		480,		1208,		2000,		1209,		2000,		1210,		2000,		1211,		1000,		1212,		1000,		1213,		200,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1028,	Mouboo,		Mouboo,			85,	1200,	0,	600,	40,	2,	55,	75,	40,	5,	15,	5,	15,	0,	25,	10,	2,	2,	1,	3,	20,		129,	600,	1872,	672,		480,		660,		200,		660,		100,		541,		750,		660,		10,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1029,	MauvePlant,	Mauve Plant,		1,	1,	0,	1,	1,	1,	0,	0,	100,	100,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	1,	1,	1,	3,	22,		0,	800,	800,	672,		480,		680,		3000,		680,		3000,		680,		3000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1030,	CobaltPlant,	Cobalt Plant,		1,	1,	0,	1,	1,	1,	0,	0,	100,	100,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	1,	1,	1,	3,	22,		0,	800,	800,	672,		480,		681,		3000,		681,		3000,		681,		3000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1031,	GambogePlant,	Gamboge Plant,		1,	1,	0,	1,	1,	1,	0,	0,	100,	100,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	1,	1,	1,	3,	22,		0,	800,	800,	672,		480,		682,		3000,		682,		3000,		682,		3000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1032,	AlizarinPlant,	Alizarin Plant,		1,	1,	0,	1,	1,	1,	0,	0,	100,	100,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	1,	1,	1,	3,	22,		0,	800,	800,	672,		480,		683,		3000,		683,		3000,		683,		3000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1033,	SeaSlime,	Sea Slime,		70,	600,	0,	90,	9,	1,	30,	40,	3,	7,	1,	25,	1,	0,	30,	30,	1,	1,	1,	0,	41,		131,	1500,	1872,	672,		480,		535,		800,		657,		800,		518,		500,		510,		1000,		700,		50,		1199,		5000,		568,		100,		541,		50,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1034,	GrassSnake,	Grass Snake,		150,	1000,	0,	700,	100,	1,	80,	120,	2,	10,	20,	40,	10,	10,	40,	50,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		133,	500,	1100,	672,		480,		716,		400,		716,		400,		712,		500,		676,		1000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
+1035,	Silkworm,	Silkworm,		20,	1,	0,	1,	1,	1,	0,	0,	2,	10,	20,	11,	10,	10,	40,	10,	1,	1,	1,	0,	20,		129,	1300,	1100,	672,		480,		718,		5000,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	,	,		,	,		,
diff --git a/db/skill_db.txt b/db/skill_db.txt
index 71b76e61..721fa755 100644
--- a/db/skill_db.txt
+++ b/db/skill_db.txt
@@ -16,3 +16,9 @@
 //NPC Skills
 196,0,0,4,0,1,10,1,no,0,2,0,magic,0	//NPC_SUMMONSLAVE
 197,0,0,4,0,1,10,1,no,0,2,0,none,0	//NPC_EMOTION
+340,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,no,0,0,0,magic,0	//TMW_MAGIC
+341,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,no,0,0,0,magic,0	//TMW_MAGIC_LIFE
+342,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,no,0,0,0,magic,0	//TMW_MAGIC_WAR
+343,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,no,0,0,0,magic,0	//TMW_MAGIC_TRANSMUTE
+344,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,no,0,0,0,magic,0	//TMW_MAGIC_NATURE
+345,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,no,0,0,0,magic,0	//TMW_MAGIC_ASTRAL
diff --git a/db/statpoint.txt b/db/statpoint.txt
index 1b3f3d89..b61780d4 100644
--- a/db/statpoint.txt
+++ b/db/statpoint.txt
@@ -1,255 +1,255 @@
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2