From c518db72504fd305fae5ea9c107884b862cda875 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mekolat <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 18:22:36 -0400
Subject: add @mute command

 world/map/conf/permissions.txt     |  1 +
 world/map/db/params.txt            |  4 +++
 world/map/npc/commands/_import.txt |  1 +
 world/map/npc/commands/mute.txt    | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 66 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 world/map/npc/commands/mute.txt

diff --git a/world/map/conf/permissions.txt b/world/map/conf/permissions.txt
index 7215942c..812c3848 100644
--- a/world/map/conf/permissions.txt
+++ b/world/map/conf/permissions.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ CMD_DESTROYNPC          99
 CMD_REMOTECMD           40
 CMD_WARP                40
 CMD_CHARWARP            60
+CMD_MUTE                60
 // special permissions below
 MAP_LOUNGE              20  // level to enter the GM Lounge & talk to Numa
diff --git a/world/map/db/params.txt b/world/map/db/params.txt
index 66a5f1bb..cc0ac377 100644
--- a/world/map/db/params.txt
+++ b/world/map/db/params.txt
@@ -54,3 +54,7 @@ BL_TYPE                         1078 1
 CHAR_ID                         1079 1
 INVISIBLE                       1080 1
 HIDDEN                          1081 1
+MUTE_GLOBAL                     1082 1
+MUTE_WHISPER                    1083 1
+MUTE_PARTY                      1084 1
+//MUTE_GUILD                    1085 1
diff --git a/world/map/npc/commands/_import.txt b/world/map/npc/commands/_import.txt
index 1362d66d..4585c052 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/commands/_import.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/commands/_import.txt
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ npc: npc/commands/destroynpc.txt
 npc: npc/commands/remotecmd.txt
 npc: npc/commands/hug.txt
 npc: npc/commands/warp.txt
+npc: npc/commands/mute.txt
diff --git a/world/map/npc/commands/mute.txt b/world/map/npc/commands/mute.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b6ea4d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/world/map/npc/commands/mute.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+    callfunc "argv_splitter";
+    if (GM < CMD_MUTE && GM < G_SYSOP) goto L_GM;
+    if (@argv$[1] == "") goto L_Failed;
+    set .@target_id, getcharid(3, @argv$[1]);
+    if (.@target_id < 1 || !(isloggedin(.@target_id))) goto L_Failed;
+    if (@argv[0] > 120)
+        set @argv[0], 120; // max 2 hours
+    gmlog "@mute " + @args$;
+    if (@argv[0] == 0) goto L_UnMute;
+    message strcharinfo(0, .@target_id), "Server : ##BYou have been muted by a GM for "+@argv[0]+" minutes.";
+    set MUTE_GLOBAL, 1, .@target_id;
+    set #MUTE_UNTIL, (gettimetick(2) + (@argv[0] * 60)), .@target_id;
+    addtimer (@argv[0] * 60000) + 100, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnCheckMute", .@target_id;
+    message strcharinfo(0), "mute : Player `"+strcharinfo(0, .@target_id)+"` has been muted for "+@argv[0]+" minutes.";
+    end;
+    if (#MUTE_UNTIL < 1) end;
+    set .@s, (#MUTE_UNTIL - gettimetick(2));
+    set .@m, .@s / 60;
+    message strcharinfo(0), "Server : ##BYou have been muted for "+ max(1, .@m) +" minutes.";
+    set MUTE_GLOBAL, 1;
+    addtimer (.@s * 1000) + 100, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnCheckMute";
+    end;
+    if (#MUTE_UNTIL < 1) end;
+    if (gettimetick(2) - #MUTE_UNTIL < 0) end;
+    message strcharinfo(0), "Server : ##BYou have been automatically unmuted.";
+    wgm "=> Player `"+ strcharinfo(0) +"` has been automatically unmuted.";
+    set MUTE_GLOBAL, 0;
+    set #MUTE_UNTIL, 0;
+    end;
+    if (get(MUTE_GLOBAL, .@target_id))
+        message strcharinfo(0, .@target_id), "Server : ##BYou have been unmuted by a GM.";
+    set MUTE_GLOBAL, 0, .@target_id;
+    set #MUTE_UNTIL, 0, .@target_id;
+    message strcharinfo(0), "mute : Player `"+strcharinfo(0, .@target_id)+"` has been unmuted.";
+    end;
+    message strcharinfo(0), "mute : Impossible to attach to the target player. Did you try putting the name in \"quotation marks\"?";
+    end;
+    message strcharinfo(0), "mute : GM command is level "+ CMD_MUTE +", but you are level " + GM;
+    end;
+    registercmd chr(ATCMD_SYMBOL) + "mute", strnpcinfo(0);
+    end;
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2