#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import os import sys def color(i): if 0 <= i < 8: return '\x1b[%dm' % (30 + i) if 8 <= i < 16: return '\x1b[%dm' % (90 + (i - 8)) def main(argv): colors = {} while argv: arg0 = argv[0] del argv[0] if arg0 == ':': break if ':' not in arg0: continue c, w = arg0.split(':', 1) colors[w] = color(int(c)) if 1: arg = argv[0] c = colors.get('', '') e = c and '\x1b[m' print(c, arg, e, sep='', end=''), for arg in argv[1:]: c = colors.get(arg, '') e = c and '\x1b[m' print(' ', c, arg, e, sep='', end=''), print() sys.stdout.flush() os.execvp(argv[0], argv) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[:])