#ifndef MOB_T_HPP #define MOB_T_HPP #include enum class MobSkillTarget { MST_TARGET = 0, MST_SELF, }; /// Used as a condition when trying to apply the chosen mob skill. enum class MobSkillCondition : uint16_t { // used as something that never compares true NEVER_EQUAL = 0xfffe, ANY = 0xffff, MSC_ALWAYS = 0x0000, MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE = 0x0001, MSC_NOTINTOWN = 0x0032, MSC_SLAVELT = 0x0110, MSC_SLAVELE = 0x0111, }; /// Used as a filter when trying to choose a mob skill to use. enum class MobSkillState : uint8_t { ANY = 0xff, MSS_IDLE = 0, MSS_WALK, MSS_ATTACK, MSS_DEAD, MSS_LOOT, MSS_CHASE, }; #endif // MOB_T_HPP