-|script|#MobKillHandlerInit|32767 { end; OnInit: setarray $@QuestMobs, Maggot, Scorpion, RedScorpion, BlackScorpion, Pinkie, Fluffy, EasterFluffy, Mouboo, Squirrel, TameScorpion, HouseMaggot, AngryScorpion, Terranite, Yeti, Reinboo, DemonicMouboo, ViciousSquirrel, WickedMushroom, Bluepar, Santaboo, Pollett; setarray $@NatureKarmaGood, Scorpion, RedScorpion, BlackScorpion, AngryScorpion, DemonicMouboo, ViciousSquirrel, WickedMushroom, Bluepar; setarray $@NatureKarmaBad, Pinkie, Fluffy, EasterFluffy, Mouboo, Squirrel, Reinboo, Santaboo, Pollett; setarray $@NatureKarmaBadVal, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 3; end; } function|script|MobKillHandler { if (@mobID < 1002) goto L_Return; set .@find, array_search(@mobID, $@QuestMobs); if (.@find < 0) goto L_Return; callfunc "ValonCount"; if (((QL_VALON >= 2) && (QL_VALON < 6)) && (@mobID == $@ValonMob[@valon_mob])) goto L_ValonMobKill; goto L_NatureKarma; L_ValonMobKill: callfunc "AddValonCntMask"; goto L_NatureKarma; L_NatureKarma: set .@find, array_search(@mobID, $@NatureKarmaGood); if (.@find >= 0) goto L_Good; set .@find, array_search(@mobID, $@NatureKarmaBad); if (.@find >= 0) goto L_Bad; goto L_Celestia; // Attitude adjustment for the witch (can we refactor this to another function? Not sure about max. recursion depth) L_Bad: set @value, $@NatureKarmaBadVal[.@find]; callfunc "QuestSagathaAnnoy"; goto L_Celestia; L_Good: set @value, 1; callfunc "QuestSagathaHappy"; goto L_Celestia; L_Celestia: if (QL_CELESTIA < 5 || QL_CELESTIA >= 205 || @mobID != Yeti) goto L_Terranite; set QL_CELESTIA, QL_CELESTIA + 1; if (QL_CELESTIA == 205) message strcharinfo(0), "Yeti : ##3This should be enough yetis killed to please Celestia."; goto L_Terranite; L_Terranite: if (TERRAC < 1 || TERRAC > 1500 || @mobID != Terranite) goto L_Return; if (TERRAC % 100 == 0) message strcharinfo(0), "Terranite : ##3Total Terranites Slain: "+TERRAC; set TERRAC, TERRAC + 1; goto L_Return; L_Return: return; }