// Author: accoring to git history probably Jaxad // and extended by wushin to be included in the annual // quest made seasonal and adapted to new scripting standards by Jenalya 019-1,74,75,0|script|Santa's Helper|105 { callfunc "XmasStates"; if (($@xmas_time) && (@xmas_sh_done)) goto L_Done; if ($@xmas_time) goto L_Quest; mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"Ah, isn't it peaceful here? Around Christmas time we always have problems with some slimy monsters."; mes "They steal the presents boxes. I think they feel attracted by the spiritual power of the Christmas presents.\""; next; mes "He smiles happily."; mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"But at this time of the year everything's calm and relaxing.\""; goto L_Close; L_Quest: mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"Hello my young friend."; mes "Would you like to help me?\""; next; mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"Those monsters stole Santa's presents."; mes "If you help me, I'll give you something very nice\""; next; goto L_Menu; L_Menu: menu "I have some present boxes", L_Yes, "Hmm, see you later", L_No, "What you need exactly?", L_Help; L_Yes: mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"Hmm, let me check what you have.\""; next; if (countitem("PurplePresentBox") < $@xmas_sh_purple_amount) goto L_NoItem; if (countitem("BluePresentBox") < $@xmas_sh_blue_amount) goto L_NoItem; if (countitem("GreenPresentBox") < $@xmas_sh_green_amount) goto L_NoItem; getinventorylist; set @SantasHelper_Reward$, $@SantasHelper_Annual_Reward$[ rand(getarraysize($@SantasHelper_Annual_Reward$)) ]; if (@inventorylist_count > 99) // Needs no weight check since all the presents weigh more than any of the rewards goto L_TooMany; mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"Great! Here is something for you\""; delitem "PurplePresentBox", $@xmas_sh_purple_amount; delitem "BluePresentBox", $@xmas_sh_blue_amount; delitem "GreenPresentBox", $@xmas_sh_green_amount; getitem @SantasHelper_Reward$, 1; set @SantasHelper_Reward$, ""; set XMASTIME, XMASTIME | $@xmas_sh_bit; set @karma_bonus, $@xmas_karma_bonus; callfunc "XmasNice"; goto L_Close; L_Help: mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"I need:"; mes $@xmas_sh_purple_amount + " Purple Present Boxes"; mes $@xmas_sh_blue_amount + " Blue Present Boxes"; mes $@xmas_sh_green_amount + " Green Present Boxes\""; next; goto L_Menu; L_No: mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"Enjoy your holidays and I wish you a happy Christmas!\""; goto L_Close; L_NoItem: mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"You dont seem to have enough presents.\""; goto L_Close; L_Done: mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"All the children got their Christmas presents."; mes "Thank you for your help.\""; goto L_Close; L_TooMany: mes "[Santa's Helper]"; mes "\"It doesn't look like you have room for this. Come back later.\""; goto L_Close; L_Close: close; }