{title:No one speaks English good.}

Ahoy Manazins! Todays release brings new music to the boats.
Otherwise the release is primarly for bug fixes. 

{li}Dialogue changes to NPCs{/li}
{li}Luvia prevented from spawning infinite slaves{/li}
{li}Price of Towels to sell is 0GP{/li}
{li}Towel aquistion rate limited{/li}
{li}Added cooldown to multiple towel use{/li}

{li}Luvia Base model fixed{/li}
{li}Sail away added to boats{/li}
{li}Status Icon Adjustments{/li}
{li}Male Robe clean-up{/li}
{li}Skull Potion generic item added{/li}
{li}Map atlases complete{/li}
{li}MapFixes: 022-1, 042-1, 027-4, 043-1, 005-1{/li}

{author:TMW Development Team}