// Constants usable in scripts. // This constant is used to define whether unreleased items are equippable. This defaults to on, but should be disabled on the official server. debug 1 mf_nomemo 0 mf_noteleport 1 mf_nosave 2 mf_nobranch 3 mf_nopenalty 4 mf_pvp 5 mf_pvp_noparty 6 mf_pvp_noguild 7 mf_gvg 8 mf_gvg_noparty 9 mf_nozenypenalty 10 StatusPoint 9 1 BaseLevel 11 1 SkillPoint 12 1 Class 19 1 Upper 56 1 Zeny 20 1 Sex 21 1 Weight 24 1 MaxWeight 25 1 JobLevel 55 1 BaseExp 1 1 JobExp 2 1 NextBaseExp 22 1 NextJobExp 23 1 Hp 5 1 MaxHp 6 1 Sp 7 1 MaxSp 8 1 bMaxHP 6 bMaxSP 8 bStr 13 bAgi 14 bVit 15 bInt 16 bDex 17 bLuk 18 bAtk 41 bAtk2 42 bMatk1 43 bMatk2 44 bDef 45 bMdef 47 bMdef2 48 bHit 49 bFlee 50 bFlee2 51 bCritical 52 bAspd 53 bDeaf 70 // Elements: // 0 = Neutral // 1 = Water // 2 = Earth // 3 = Fire // 4 = Wind // 5 = Poison // 6 = Holy // 7 = Dark // 8 = Spirit // 9 = Undead // Races: // 0 = Formless // 1 = Undead // 2 = Brute // 3 = Plant // 4 = Insect // 5 = Fish // 6 = Demon // 7 = Demi-Human // 8 = Angel // 9 = Dragon // 10 = Boss // 11 = Other // Effects: // Eff_Blind // Eff_Sleep // Eff_Poison // Eff_Freeze // Eff_Silence // Eff_Stun // Eff_Curse // Eff_Confusion // Eff_Stone // Eff_Bleeding // Splash radius: // n = 1 -> 3x3 cell // n = 2 -> 5x5 cell // ... // Those which can be used with the arrow are only bCritical, bAtkEle, bHit, bAddEle, bAddRace, bAddSize and bAddEff. The other bonuses are ignored. // For more information, have a look here: http://code.google.com/p/eathena/source/browse/trunk/doc/item_bonus.txt bAtkRange 1000 // A range bonus of n (bAtkRange,n;). bAtkEle 1001 // Gives the player's attacks a n element (bAtkEle,n;). bDefEle 1002 // Gives the player's defense a n element (bDefEle,n;). bCastrate 1003 // Adjusts casting time of skill n by x% (bCastrate,n,x;). bMaxHPrate 1004 // A max HP bonus of n (bMaxHPrate,n;). bMaxSPrate 1005 // A max SP bonus of n (bMaxSPrate,n;). bUseSPrate 1006 // Increases the consumption of SP by n% (bUseSPrate,n;). bAddEle 1007 // +x% physical damage against a n element (bAddEle,n,x;). bAddRace 1008 // +x% physical damage against a n race (bAddRace,n,x;). bAddSize 1009 // +x% physical damage against a n size (bAddSize,n,x;). bSubEle 1010 // +x% damage reduction against a n element (bSubEle,n,x;). bSubRace 1011 // +x% damage reduction against race n (bSubRace,n,x;). bAddEff 1012 // Adds a 1/100x% chance to cause effect e to the target when attacking (bAddEff,e,x;). bResEff 1013 // Adds a 1/100x% tolerance to an effect (bResEff,e,x;). bBaseAtk 1014 // A n bonus to the basic attack power (bBaseAtk,n;). bAspdRate 1015 // +n% attack speed (bAspdRate,n;). bHPrecovRate 1016 // Natural HP recovery ratio increased of n% (bHPrecovRate,n;). bSPrecovRate 1017 // Natural SP recovery ratio increased of n% (bSPrecovRate,n;). bSpeedRate 1018 // Moving speed increased of n% and only the highest among all is applied (bSpeedRate,n;). bCriticalDef 1019 // Decreases the chance of being hit by critical hits of n% (bCriticalDef,n;). bNearAtkDef 1020 // Adds n% damage reduction against melee physical attacks (bNearAtkDef,n;). bLongAtkDef 1021 // Adds n% damage reduction against ranged physical attacks (bLongAtkDef,n;). bDoubleRate 1022 // Adds a n% probability of doing a double attack (bDoubleRate,n;). bDoubleAddRate 1023 // Adds another +n% probability of doing a double attack (bDoubleAddRate,n;). bMatk 1024 // Adds a magical attack bonus of n (bMatk,n;). bMatkRate 1025 // Adds a magical attack bonus percentage n% (bMatkRate,n;). bIgnoreDefEle 1026 // Disregards defense against enemies of a n element (bIgnoreDefEle,n;). bIgnoreDefRace 1027 // Disregards defense against enemies of a n race (bIgnoreDefRace,n;). bAtkRate 1028 // Adds an attack bonus of n% (bAtkRate,n;). bSpeedAddRate 1029 // Adds a n% of walking speed (bSpeedAddRate,n;). bAspdAddRate 1030 // Adds a n% of attack speed (bAspdAddRate,n;). bMagicAtkDef 1031 // Adds a n% damage reduction against magical attacks (bMagicAtkDef,n;). bMiscAtkDef 1032 // Adds a n% damage reduction against miscellaneous attacks (traps, falcon, ...) (bMiscAtkDef,n;). bIgnoreMdefEle 1033 // Disregards magical defense against enemies of a n element (bIgnoreMdefEle,n;). bIgnoreMdefRace 1034 // Disregards magical defense against enemies of a n race (bIgnoreMdefRace,n;). bMagicAddEle 1035 // Adds x% of magical damage against a n element (bMagicAddEle,n,x;). bMagicAddRace 1036 // Adds x% of magical damage against a n race (bMagicAddRace,n,x;). bMagicSubRace 1037 // Removes a x% of magical damage against a n race (bMagicSubRace,n,x;). bPerfectHitRate 1038 // On-target impact attack probability n% and only the highest among all is applied (bPerfectHitRate,n;). bPerfectHitAddRate 1039 // A n% bonus of an on-target impact (bPerfectHitAddRate,n;). bCriticalRate 1040 // Add a n% to the critical hits percentage (bCriticalRate,n;). bGetZenyNum 1041 // When killing a monster, there is a x% chance of gaining about n zeny (bGetZenyNum,n;). bAddGetZenyNum 1042 // Same as bGetZenyNum, but the rates and zeny to gain stack (bAddGetZenyNum,n,x;). bAddDamageClass 1043 // +x% of extra physical damage against monsters of class n, against players n is their job id (bAddDamageClass,n,x;). bAddMagicDamageClass 1044 // +x% of extra magical damage against monsters of class n, against players n is their job id (bAddDamageClass,n,x;). bAddDefClass 1045 // +x% physical damage reduction against monsters of class n, against players n is their job id (bAddDefClass,n,x;) bAddMdefClass 1046 // +x% magical damage reduction against monsters of class n, against players n is their job id (bAddDefClass,n,x;) bAddMonsterDropItem 1047 // Adds a x/100% chance for a n item to be dropped, when killing any monster (bAddMonsterDropItem,n,x;) bDefRatioAtkEle 1048 // Does more damage depending on the monster's defense against a n element (bDefRatioAtkEle,n;). bDefRatioAtkRace 1049 // Does more damage depending on the monster's defense against a n race (bDefRatioAtkRace,n;). bAddSpeed 1050 // Adds a n speed to the player (bAddSpeed,n;). bHitRate 1051 // Adds a n% rate to hit (bHitRate,n;). bFleeRate 1052 // Adds a n% to flee a monster's attack (bFleeRate,n;). bFlee2Rate 1053 // Adds a n% to dodge a monster's attack (bFleeRate,n;). bDefRate 1054 // Adds a n% of defense to the equipment (bDefRate,n;). bDef2Rate 1055 // Adds a n% of defense based on the vitality to the equipment (bDef2Rate,n;). bMdefRate 1056 // Adds a n% of magical defense to the equipment (bMdefRate,n;). bMdef2Rate 1057 // Adds a n% of magical defense based on the vitality to the equipment (bMdef2Rate,n;). bSplashRange 1058 // Adds n to the splash attack radius and only the highest among all is applied (bSplashRange,n;). bSplashAddRange 1059 // Adds n to the splash attack radius (bSplashRange,n;). bAutoSpell 1060 // Auto Spell casting on attack of spell n at level x with a y/10% chance (bAutoSpell,n,x,y;). bHPDrainRate 1061 // Adds a n/10% chance to receive x% of dealed damage as HP from a monster of race r with normal attack (bHPDrainRateRace,r,n,x;). bSPDrainRate 1062 // Adds a n/10% chance to receive x% of dealed damage as SP from a monster of race r with normal attack (bSPDrainRateRace,r,n,x;). bShortWeaponDamageReturn 1063 // Reflects n% of received melee damage back to the enemy that caused it (bShortWeaponDamageReturn,n;). bLongWeaponDamageReturn 1064 // Reflects n% of received ranged damage back to the enemy that caused it (bShortWeaponDamageReturn,n;). bWeaponComaEle 1065 // Adds a n/100% chance to cause coma when attacking a monster of a x element with a normal attack (bWeaponComaEle,x,n;). bWeaponComaRace 1066 // Adds a n/100% chance to cause coma when attacking a monster of a x race with a normal attack (bWeaponComaEle,x,n;). bAddEff2 1067 // Adds a n/100% chance to cause status change x on self when attacking (bAddEff2,x,n;). bMagicDamageReturn 1068 // Adds a n% chance to reflect targetted magic spells back to the enemy that caused it (bMagicDamageReturn,n;). bRandomAttackIncrease 1069 // Adds a n% chance to inflict x% additional damage to the enemy with normal attack (bRandomAttackIncrease,x,n;). bAllStats 1070 // Adds a n number in Strengh, Agility, Vitality, Intelligence, Dexterity and Luck (bAllStats,n;). bAgiVit 1071 // Adds a n number in Agility and Vitality (bAgiVit,n;). bAgiDexStr 1072 // Adds a n number in Agility, Dexterity and Strengh (bAgiDexStr,n;). bPerfectHide 1073 // A hidden character is no longer detected by monsters with 'detector' mode (bPerfectHide,1;). equip_head 1 equip_shield 2 equip_hand2 3 equip_hand1 4 equip_gloves 5 equip_shoes 6 equip_misc1 7 equip_misc2 8 equip_torso 9 equip_legs 10 // Appearance Slots // Using this for anything but hair is probably a mistake. LOOK_BASE 0 LOOK_HAIR_STYLE 1 LOOK_WEAPON 2 LOOK_LEGS 3 LOOK_HELMET 4 LOOK_CHEST 5 LOOK_HAIR_COLOR 6 LOOK_SHIELD 8 LOOK_SHOES 9 LOOK_GLOVES 10 LOOK_CAPE 11 LOOK_MISC1 12 LOOK_MISC2 13 // Hairstyles HS_Bald 0 HS_FlatPonytail 1 HS_BowlCut 2 HS_CombedBack 3 HS_Emo 4 HS_Mohawk 5 HS_Pompadour 6 HS_CenterParting 7 HS_LongAndSlick 8 HS_ShortAndCurly 9 HS_Pigtails 10 HS_LongAndCurly 11 HS_Parted 12 HS_PerkyPonytail 13 HS_Wave 14 HS_Mane 15 HS_Bun 16 HS_ShoulderLengthFlick 17 HS_Fizzy 18 HS_LongAndClipped 19 // Hair Colors HC_LIGHT_BROWN 0 HC_GREEN 1 HC_RED 2 HC_PURPLE 3 HC_GRAY 4 HC_YELLOW 5 HC_BLUE 6 HC_BROWN 7 HC_LIGHT_BLUE 8 HC_DARK_PURPLE 9 HC_BLACK 10 HC_PINK 11 HC_BROWN 12 HC_WHITE 127 // Colors for dyed items. // See npc/functions/process_equip.txt. cNone 11 cWhite 10 cRed 0 cGreen 1 cDarkBlue 2 cYellow 3 cLightBlue 4 cPink 5 cBlack 6 cOrange 7 cPurple 8 cDarkGreen 9 sc_poison 132 sc_slowpoison 14 sc_raiseattackspeed0 37 sc_raiseattackstrength 185 // Emotions // Note: client-data/emotes.xml uses the wrong numbers. EMOTE_DISGUST 1 EMOTE_SURPRISE 2 EMOTE_HAPPY 3 EMOTE_SAD 4 EMOTE_EVIL 5 EMOTE_WINK 6 EMOTE_ANGEL 7 EMOTE_BLUSH 8 EMOTE_TONGUE 9 EMOTE_GRIN 10 EMOTE_UPSET 11 EMOTE_PERTURBED 12 EMOTE_SPEECH 13 EMOTE_BLAH 14 EMOTE_SWEAR 15 EMOTE_MEOW 16 EMOTE_LAUGH 17 EMOTE_CHEERFUL 18 EMOTE_LOVE 19 EMOTE_MONEY 20 EMOTE_SLEEP 21 EMOTE_REST 22 EMOTE_BOTHERED 23 EMOTE_AFRAID 24 EMOTE_DEAD 25 EMOTE_SUSPICIOUS 26 EMOTE_MELANCHOLY 27 EMOTE_FACEPALM 28 EMOTE_ANGRY 29 EMOTE_HEADACHE 30 EMOTE_BORED 31 EMOTE_HEART 32 EMOTE_EMPTY 33 EMOTE_HALLOWEEN 34 EMOTE_VICIOUS 35 EMOTE_JOYFUL 36 EMOTE_CLEVER 37 EMOTE_SHY 38 EMOTE_ALIEN 39 EMOTE_CURIOUS 40 EMOTE_PAIN 41 EMOTE_TEARS 42 // Wedding Variables WEDDING_FEE 100 DIVORCE_FEE_PER_LEVEL 500 WEDDING_MIN_LEVEL 32 sfx_skillup 1 sfx_magic_generic 2 sfx_magic_life 3 sfx_magic_war 4 sfx_magic_transmute 5 sfx_magic_nature 6 sfx_magic_astral 7 // Special effects, interactive objects and emotion effects from client-data/effects.xml. FX_LEVELUP 0 FX_SKILLUP 1 FX_MAGIC_GENERIC 2 FX_MAGIC_WHITE 3 FX_MAGIC_BLACK 4 FX_MAGIC_RED 5 FX_MAGIC_GREEN 6 FX_MAGIC_BLUE 7 FX_MAGIC_DEFAULT 10 FX_MAGIC_SHIELD 11 FX_MAGIC_HIT 13 FX_MAGIC_HIT_EVIL 14 FX_FIRE_BURST 15 FX_FIRE_EXPLOSION 16 FX_LIGHTNING1 17 FX_LIGHTNING2 18 FX_LIGHTNING3 19 FX_MAGIC_TELEPORT 20 FX_PENTAGRAM_BUILDUP 21 FX_PENTAGRAM_BURST 22 FX_MAGIC_TELEPORT2 24 FX_RAIN 25 FX_HIT 26 FX_ARROW_HAIL 27 FX_CRITICAL 28 FX_LARGE_EXPLOSION 30 FX_MEDIUM_EXPLOSION 31 FX_MEDIUM_SMOKE 32 FX_PUMPKIN_EXPLOSION 43 FX_MAGIC_SHIELD_ENDS 111 FX_ELECTRICITY_RED 114 FX_ELECTRICITY_BLUE 115 FX_GATE_OPENING 300 FX_CASKET_LID 301 FX_CASKET_MONSTER 302 FX_EMOTE_DISGUST 10000 FX_EMOTE_SURPRISE 10001 FX_EMOTE_HAPPY 10002 FX_EMOTE_SAD 10003 FX_EMOTE_EVIL 10004 FX_EMOTE_WINK 10005 FX_EMOTE_ANGEL 10006 FX_EMOTE_BLUSH 10007 FX_EMOTE_TONGUE 10008 FX_EMOTE_GRIN 10009 FX_EMOTE_UPSET 10010 FX_EMOTE_PERTURBED 10011 FX_EMOTE_SPEECH 10012 FX_EMOTE_BLAH 10013 FX_EMOTE_SWEAR 10014 FX_EMOTE_MEOW 10015 FX_EMOTE_LAUGH 10016 FX_EMOTE_CHEERFUL 10017 FX_EMOTE_LOVE 10018 FX_EMOTE_MONEY 10019 FX_EMOTE_SLEEP 10020 FX_EMOTE_REST 10021 FX_EMOTE_BOTHERED 10022 FX_EMOTE_AFRAID 10023 FX_EMOTE_DEAD 10024 FX_EMOTE_SUSPICIOUS 10025 FX_EMOTE_MELANCHOLY 10026 FX_EMOTE_FACEPALM 10027 FX_EMOTE_ANGRY 10028 FX_EMOTE_HEADACHE 10029 FX_EMOTE_BORED 10030 FX_EMOTE_HEART 10031 FX_EMOTE_EMPTY 10032 FX_EMOTE_HALLOWEEN 10033 FX_EMOTE_VICIOUS 10034 FX_EMOTE_JOYFUL 10035 FX_EMOTE_CLEVER 10036 FX_EMOTE_SHY 10037 FX_EMOTE_ALIEN 10038 FX_EMOTE_CURIOUS 10039 FX_EMOTE_PAIN 10040 FX_EMOTE_TEARS 10041 NIBBLE_0_SHIFT 0 NIBBLE_0_MASK 15 NIBBLE_1_SHIFT 4 NIBBLE_1_MASK 240 NIBBLE_2_SHIFT 8 NIBBLE_2_MASK 3840 NIBBLE_3_SHIFT 12 NIBBLE_3_MASK 61440 NIBBLE_4_SHIFT 16 NIBBLE_4_MASK 983040 NIBBLE_5_SHIFT 20 NIBBLE_5_MASK 15728640 NIBBLE_6_SHIFT 24 NIBBLE_6_MASK 251658240 NIBBLE_7_SHIFT 28 // Only three bits available in this one NIBBLE_7_MASK 1879048192 // should be 4026531840 BYTE_0_MASK 255 BYTE_0_SHIFT 0 BYTE_1_MASK 65280 BYTE_1_SHIFT 8 BYTE_2_MASK 16711680 BYTE_2_SHIFT 16 BYTE_3_MASK 4278190080 BYTE_3_SHIFT 24 // Basic Skills SKILL_EMOTE 1 SKILL_TRADE 2 SKILL_PARTY 3 // Focus Skills SKILL_POOL 339 SKILL_MALLARDS_EYE 45 SKILL_BRAWLING 350 SKILL_LUCKY_COUNTER 351 SKILL_SPEED 352 SKILL_RESIST_POISON 353 SKILL_ASTRAL_SOUL 354 SKILL_RAGING 355 // Magic Skills SKILL_MAGIC 340 SKILL_MAGIC_LIFE 341 SKILL_MAGIC_WAR 342 SKILL_MAGIC_TRANSMUTE 343 SKILL_MAGIC_NATURE 344 SKILL_MAGIC_ASTRAL 345 // Flags for the magic quests. MFLAG_DRANK_POTION 1 // Character drank at least one magic potion as prerequisite for the Mana Seed quest. MFLAG_KNOWS_MANASEED 2 // Character has found the Mana Seed. MFLAG_TOUCHED_MANASEED 4 // Character has touched the Mana Seed. MFLAG_MANASEED_MAXEDOUT 8 // Character has touched the Mana Seed while maxed out on magic. MFLAG_KNOWS_AULDSBEL 16 // Character has met Auldsbel. MFLAG_KNOWS_WYARA 32 // Character has met Wyara. MFLAG_KNOWS_SAGATHA 64 // Character has met Sagatha. MFLAG_KNOWS_MANAPOTION 128 // Has heard about the Mana Potion. MFLAG_MANASEED_RUMOUR 256 // Has heard rumour about Mana Seed. MFLAG_KNOWS_CUTTREE 512 // Knows about the 'cut the tree' quest. MFLAG_DID_CUTTREE 1024 // Did cut off a branch from the druid tree. MFLAG_KNOWS_DRUIDTREE 2048 // Knows about the druid tree quest. MFLAG_KNOWS_IMP 4096 // Knows about the imprisoned forest spirit. MFLAG_KNOWS_OLD_WIZARD 8192 // Knows Bjorn's old wizard. MFLAG_MADE_CONC_POTION 16384 // Made a concentration potion with T15 and/or T16. MFLAG_ELANORE_OMAR 32768 // Told Omar about Elanore's involvement. MFLAG_KNOWS_UNFOCUS_RECIPE 65536 // Has been told about unfocus by Luca. // Flags set in the FLAGS variable: FLAG_HAS_BOWLER_BURNSDAY 1 // every year's poem at burns day, shannon gives you a bowler hat FLAG_OPENED_UNDERGROUND 2 // this flag is a replacement for variable Open_Underground_Palace_Barrier, which was used only as bool FLAG_GOT_NAEM_GLOVES 4 // this replaces Naem_Quest_Done, which was used as a bool variable FLAG_GOT_GRADUATIONCAP 8 // this is a bit which was to be found in Tut_var second bit FLAG_TOWEL_HELPED 16 // gave the towel npc the stuff he wants FLAG_TOWEL_COMPLETED 32 // got the towel from the towel npc FLAG_ANDRA_HELPED 64 // Knows Andra and agreed to help her FLAG_ROSSI_COMPLETED 128 // Completed the Rossi Quest FLAG_TUTORIAL_DONE 256 // player completed tutorial (or entered the tutorial area from outside after it was added) FLAG_SNOWMAN 512 // player gave candy to the snowman FLAG_SANTAS_HELPER 1024 // player gave presents to Santa's helper DOCK_tulimshar 1 DOCK_hurnscald 2 DOCK_candor 3 // ----------------- // -- Easter 2010 -- // ----------------- // Dealing with the Old Woman's token quest. E10_STATE_EGG_MASK 3 E10_STATE_EGGS_COLLECTED_MASK 31 E10_STATE_EGGS_COLLECTED_SHIFT 2 E10_STATE_EGG_COLLECTING 1 E10_STATE_EGG_COLLECTED 2 E10_STATE_EGG_REWARDED 3 E10_STATE_ROSE_MASK 3 E10_STATE_ROSE_SHIFT 7 E10_STATE_ROSE_ROSE_USED 1 E10_STATE_ROSE_ROSE_COMPLETE 2 E10_STATE_ROSE_RETURNED 3 // Dealing with $Easter_2010_Npc_State1. E10_TIMER_STATE_EGGS_MASK 31 E10_TIMER_STATE_TREES_MASK 31 E10_TIMER_STATE_TREES_SHIFT 5 E10_TIMER_STATE_DOCTOR_MASK 31 E10_TIMER_STATE_DOCTOR_SHIFT 10 E10_EGGS_TIMER_OVERTICK_MASK 31 E10_EGGS_TIMER_OVERTICK_SHIFT 15 E10_TREES_OVERTICK_MASK 31 E10_TREES_OVERTICK_SHIFT 20 E10_DOCTOR_TIMER_OVERTICK_MASK 31 E10_DOCTOR_TIMER_OVERTICK_SHIFT 25 // Dealing with $Easter_2010_Npc_State2. E10_DOCTOR_POSITION_MASK 7 E10_DOCTOR_POSITION_SHIFT 0 E10_DOCTOR_POSITION_NULL 0 E10_DOCTOR_POSITION_BIGTREE 1 E10_DOCTOR_POSITION_ISLAND 2 E10_DOCTOR_POSITION_STONES 3 E10_DOCTOR_POSITION_FRUIT 4 E10_DOCTOR_POSITION_CAVE 5 E10_BARRIER_MASK 1 E10_BARRIER_SHIFT 4 E10_BARRIER_OPEN 0 E10_BARRIER_ACTIVE 1 E10_PRE_WARP_SHIFT 5 E10_NEEDLE_SHIFT 6 E10_NEEDLE_MASK 31 // Dealing with the doctor. E10_DOCTOR_HELP_STATES_MASK 15 E10_DOCTOR_HELP_STATES_SHIFT 11 E10_FLAG_KNOWS_DOCTOR_MASK 1 E10_FLAG_KNOWS_DOCTOR_SHIFT 10 E10_FLAG_KNOWS_DOCTOR 1 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_TREE_MASK 1 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_TREE_SHIFT 11 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_TREE 1 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_ISLAND_MASK 1 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_ISLAND_SHIFT 12 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_ISLAND 1 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_STONES_MASK 1 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_STONES_SHIFT 13 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_STONES 1 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_FRUIT_MASK 1 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_FRUIT_SHIFT 14 E10_FLAG_HELPED_DOCTOR_FRUIT 1 E10_HELPED_DOCTOR_SHIFT 11 E10_HELPED_DOCTOR_MASK 15 E10_FLAG_MID_REWARD 1 E10_FLAG_MID_REWARD_SHIFT 15 E10_FLAG_MID_REWARD_MASK 1 E10_FLAG_RETURN_READY 1 E10_FLAG_RETURN_READY_SHIFT 16 E10_FLAG_RETURN_READY_MASK 1 E10_FLAG_USED_FREE_WARP_SHIFT 17 E10_STATE_REWARDS_SHIFT 18 E10_STATE_REWARDS_MASK 3 E10_STATE_REWARD_RABBIT_EARS 1 E10_STATE_REWARD_EGGSHELL 2 E10_LOC_NEEDLE_SHIFT 20 E10_LOC_NEEDLE_MASK 31 // Menus E10_STONES_WISP 0 E10_STONES_SPECTRE 1 E10_STONES_POLTERGEIST 2 E10_STONES_SOUL 3 E10_STONES_HEART 4 E10_STONES_EAR 5 E10_STONES_EYE 6 E10_STONES_BONE 7 E10_STONES_SKULL 8 E10_STONES_CRYSTAL 9 E10_STONES_RAGS 10 E10_STONES_PETAL 11 E10_STONES_NEVERMIND 12 E10_ISLAND_MENU_DEATH_AWE 12 E10_ISLAND_MENU_SCARED 13 E10_ISLAND_MENU_WISPS 14 E10_ISLAND_MENU_OFFER_LIFESTONE 15 // Flags for the battle caves. BATTLE_CAVE1, 1 BATTLE_CAVE2, 2 BATTLE_CAVE3, 4 BATTLE_CAVE4, 8 BATTLE_CAVE5, 16 BATTLE_CAVE6, 32 BATTLE_CAVE7, 64 BATTLE_CAVE8, 128 BATTLE_CAVE9, 256 // Miscellaneous E10_COLLECT_EGGS_ID 1246 E10_TOKEN_ID 666 E10_MIDREWARD_ID 1247 // Valentine's Glasses (as described) // Storage Options OPT_STORAGE_CLOSE 1 OPT_BANK_CLOSE 2 // Currently used by the fluffy hunt (033-1). MAX_HIGH_SCORES 10