"Default sfx on caster" (PROCEDURE default_effect () (sfx caster (+ (- school MAGIC) 2) 0)) (PROCEDURE sfx_generic (target) (sfx target SFX_DEFAULT 0)) (PROCEDURE sfx_lightning (target) (sfx target SFX_LIGHTNING 0)) (PROCEDURE set_var (name mask shift value) (set_script_variable caster name (| (& (script_int caster name) (neg (<< mask shift))) (<< (& value mask) shift)))) "value is How many HP we healed" "gain is how many life magic experience points we can potentially gain" "heal_xp_value_divisor is 1 for instaheal, 2 for slow heal" "base_exp_factor is the factor for how many base experience points (max) the player should be allowed to gain" (PROCEDURE gain_heal_xp (value gain heal_xp_value_divisor base_exp_factor) (SET last_heal_xp (& (>> (script_int caster SCRIPT_XP) SCRIPT_HEALSPELL_SHIFT) SCRIPT_HEALSPELL_MASK)) (IF (&& (!= target caster) (> (/ value heal_xp_value_divisor) (+ (+ (+ 10 last_heal_xp) (random (+ last_heal_xp 1))) (random (+ last_heal_xp 1))))) (BLOCK (SET heal_xp (+ last_heal_xp gain)) (IF (> heal_xp SCRIPT_HEALSPELL_MASK) (SET heal_xp SCRIPT_HEALSPELL_MASK)) (CALL set_var SCRIPT_XP SCRIPT_HEALSPELL_MASK SCRIPT_HEALSPELL_SHIFT heal_xp))) (IF (!= target caster) (gain_experience caster (* base_exp_factor (extract_healer_experience target value)) 0 1))) (PROCEDURE gain_xp (gain index) "Level 4 and 5 magic users don't gain anything from spell levels 0 resp. 0+1" (IF (> (+ level 3) (skill caster MAGIC)) (BLOCK (SET last_index (& (>> (script_int caster SCRIPT_XP) SCRIPT_LASTSPELL_SHIFT) SCRIPT_LASTSPELL_MASK)) (SET last_xp (& (>> (script_int caster SCRIPT_XP) SCRIPT_XP_SHIFT) SCRIPT_XP_MASK)) (IF (!= index last_index) (BLOCK "Some variation observed" (SET xp (+ last_xp gain)) (IF (> xp SCRIPT_XP_MASK) (SET xp SCRIPT_XP_MASK)) (CALL set_var SCRIPT_XP SCRIPT_XP_MASK SCRIPT_XP_SHIFT xp) (CALL set_var SCRIPT_XP SCRIPT_LASTSPELL_MASK SCRIPT_LASTSPELL_SHIFT index) (IF DEBUG (message caster (+ "Spell xp = " xp)))) (IF DEBUG (message caster (+ "Re-cast same spell, xp remain at " last_xp))))))) (PROCEDURE create_item (good_item count bad_item difficulty) (SET success 1) (SET score (+ experience (random (min spellpower (+ (/ experience 3) 1))))) (IF (>= score difficulty) (create_item caster good_item count) (BLOCK (SET success 0) (SET score (+ (+ score (random (luk caster))) (random (luk caster)))) (IF (< score (/ difficulty 3)) (BLOCK (message caster "Your spell backfires!") (IF (< (random 110) (luk caster)) (itemheal caster (- 0 (* (* (+ level 1) (+ level 2)) (+ 3 (random 28)))) 0) (itemheal caster (- 0 (+ level 1)) 0))) (IF (< score (/ (* difficulty 2) 3)) (BLOCK (IF (== (random 5) 0) (BLOCK (message caster "Your spell solidifies into the shape of a mysterious object!") (create_item caster "Iten" 1)) (message caster "Your spell escapes!"))) (BLOCK (message caster "Your spell takes on a mind of its own!") (IF (== (random 3) 0) (create_item caster bad_item 1)))))))) "Increase spellpower by school and general magic skill" (PROCEDURE adjust_spellpower (school) (SET experience (& (>> (script_int caster SCRIPT_XP) SCRIPT_XP_SHIFT) SCRIPT_XP_MASK)) (SET spellpower (+ spellpower (* (+ (skill caster MAGIC) (skill caster school)) 10))) "Below, we adjust by special items" (IF (&& (not (failed target)) (|| (== school LIFE) (== school NATURE))) (IF target (IF (== (pc target) (partner caster)) (BLOCK (SET spellpower (+ spellpower 200)) (IF (is_equipped caster "WeddingRing") (SET spellpower (+ spellpower 50))) (IF (is_equipped (pc target) "WeddingRing") (SET spellpower (+ spellpower 50)))))))) (PROCEDURE heal (target max_heal) (CALL default_effect) (IF (!= caster target) (sfx target SFX_HEAL 0)) (SET power (+ spellpower (vit caster))) (SET power (min max_heal (/ (* max_heal power) 250))) (itemheal target power 0)) "Goes through instaheal instead of itemheal" (PROCEDURE quickheal (target power) (CALL default_effect) (IF (!= caster target) (sfx target SFX_HEAL 0)) (instaheal target power 0)) "Can attack the target? Imports attack_range from dynamic environment" (PROCEDURE attack_check (target) (IF (not (line_of_sight (location caster) (location target))) (ABORT)) (IF (not (<= (rdistance (location caster) (location target)) attack_range)) (ABORT))) "Cause elemental damage. bonus_elt grants an attack bonus, malus_elt reduces the attack. `effect' is the sfx ID." (PROCEDURE elt_damage (target damage dmgplus bonus_elt malus_elt effect) (SET d (+ damage (random dmgplus))) (IF (== (element target) malus_elt) (SET d (/ d 3))) (IF (== (element target) bonus_elt) (SET d (/ (* d (+ 4 (element_level target))) 4))) (sfx target effect 0) (injure caster target d 0)) (PROCEDURE melee_damage (target damage dmgplus) (CALL attack_check target) (SET d (+ damage (random dmgplus))) (SET evade (+ (level target) (mdef target))) (IF (< (- spellpower (random 100)) evade) (SET d 0)) (injure caster target d 0)) (PROCEDURE install_attack_spell (charges base_delay range attack_animation) (CALL default_effect) (SET attack_range range) (override_attack caster charges (/ (* (- 200 (agi caster)) base_delay) 200) range ATTACK_ICON_GENERIC attack_animation 0)) (PROCEDURE install_melee_spell (charges base_delay attack_animation) (CALL install_attack_spell charges base_delay 1 attack_animation)) (PROCEDURE summon_spell (mob_id count delay lifetime control_level) (CALL default_effect) (sfx location SFX_SUMMON_START 0) (WAIT delay) (sfx location SFX_SUMMON_FIRE 0) (spawn (rbox location 2) caster mob_id (if_then_else (>= (skill caster ASTRAL) control_level) 2 1) count lifetime)) "pets when level is high enough" (PROCEDURE summon_dark_spell (mob_id count delay lifetime control_level) (CALL default_effect) (sfx location SFX_SUMMON_START 0) (WAIT delay) (sfx location SFX_SUMMON_FIRE 0) (spawn (rbox location 2) caster mob_id (if_then_else (>= (skill caster DARK) control_level) 2 1) count lifetime)) "pets when level is high enough" (PROCEDURE abort_on_area_shield (pos) (IF (&& (== (is_exterior pos) 1) (|| (|| (== (map_nr pos) 1) (== (map_nr pos) 9)) (== (map_nr pos) 20))) (BLOCK "1 is Tulimshar, 9 is Hurnscald and 20 is Nivalis" (message caster "A powerful magic drains your spell just as it is beginning to take shape!") (ABORT)))) (PROCEDURE script_split_str (d str v m) (FOR a 0 m (BLOCK (IF (< (strlen str) 1) (BREAK)) (SET arglen (strlen str)) (SET argoffset (if_then_else (contains_string str d) (strstr str d) arglen)) (SET arg (if_then_else (== arglen argoffset) str (substr str 0 argoffset))) (set_script_str caster (+ (+ "@" v) (+ a "$")) arg) (SET str (if_then_else (> arglen (- argoffset 1)) (substr str (+ argoffset 1) arglen) "")))))