010-1.gat,29,48,0 script Gak 187, { if (hween10 == 1) goto L_Knows_Gak; if (hween10 == 2) goto L_Gak_Has_Tongue; if (hween10 == 3) goto L_Bones_Check; if (hween10 == 4) goto L_Request_Sweets; if (hween10 == 5) goto L_Collecting_Sweets; mes "[Broken Skeleton]"; set hween10, 1; mes ""; mes "\"Gak... gak, gak! Gak gak gak gak!\""; close; L_Knows_Gak: if (countitem("Tongue") > 0) goto L_Has_Tongue; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Gak gak! Gak gak, gak gak gak!\""; close; L_Has_Tongue: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "The skeleton notices a slimy, dead tongue you have with you, and eyes it eagerly."; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "At least, you assume he is eager. \"Gak gak gak! Gak gak gak gak GAK GAK!\""; next; menu "Give the tongue to him", L_Give_Tongue, "Taunt him by showing him the tongue, but not giving it", L_Give_Tongue_Die, "Walk away", -; close; L_Give_Tongue: if (countitem("Tongue") < 1) goto L_Tongue_Gone_Die; delitem "Tongue", 1; set hween10, 2; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "The skeleton grabs the tongue from you and shoves it into his mouth. After stretching his jaw for some moments, he grins at you unpleasantly."; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Ssso! What bringsss you here, mortal?\""; next; menu "I just chanced upon you here, and figured you could use a tongue.", L_Thanks, "The Hallowe'en event is FINALLY here, of course I'm going to play it.", L_Whut, "Nothing.", -; close; L_Tongue_Gone_Die: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "He reaches out for the tongue, but then realises you don't have it. With an angry a look on his face as a skeleton can have, he slashes at you with his remaining arm."; goto L_Die; L_Give_Tongue_Die: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "Angrily, the skeleton reaches out and claws you with his remaining arm."; if (countitem("Tongue") < 1) goto L_Die; next; delitem "Tongue", 1; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "As you fall, he takes the tongue from you anyway."; set hween10, 2; goto L_Die; L_Die: close2; itemheal -Hp -1, 0; end; L_Thanks: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Well, that wasss mighty thoughtful of you, friend... I wonder if perhapsss you could do me another favour?\""; next; menu "Sure! Anything you want.", L_Sure, "I'll be right, thanks.", -; close; L_Whut: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"What?\""; close; L_Gak_Has_Tongue: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Hello again, little friend. Could you posssibly do me another favour?\""; next; menu "I sure can, what is it?", L_Sure, "Uh, no thanks.", -; close; L_Sure: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"It wasss nice if you to bring me thisss tongue, but asss you can sssee I still have a few things missing.\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Maybe you could bring me a few bonesss so I could patch myssself up?\""; next; menu "I'm on it!", L_Bones, "Nah, that sounds a bit boring.", -; close; L_Bones: set hween10, 3; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Wonderful! I can't wait until I can properly walk around attacking thingsss again.\""; close; L_Bones_Check: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Hallo again. Have you brought me any bonesss?\""; next; setarray @menuitems$, "", "", "", "", ""; set @c, 0; if (countitem("Bone") < 5) goto L_bones_four; set @menuitems$[@c], "Take five bones."; set @menuid[@c], 0; set @c, @c + 1; L_bones_four: if (countitem("Bone") < 4) goto L_bones_three; set @menuitems$[@c], "Take four bones."; set @menuid[@c], 1; set @c, @c + 1; L_bones_three: if (countitem("Bone") < 3) goto L_bones_two; set @menuitems$[@c], "Take three bones."; set @menuid[@c], 2; set @c, @c + 1; L_bones_two: if (countitem("Bone") < 2) goto L_bones_one; set @menuitems$[@c], "Take two bones."; set @menuid[@c], 3; set @c, @c + 1; L_bones_one: if (countitem("Bone") < 1) goto L_bones_menu; set @menuitems$[@c], "Take one bone."; set @menuid[@c], 4; set @c, @c + 1; L_bones_menu: set @menuitems$[@c], "I don't have any bones."; set @menuid[@c], 5; set @c, @c + 1; menu @menuitems$[0], -, @menuitems$[1], -, @menuitems$[2], -, @menuitems$[3], -, @menuitems$[4], -, @menuitems$[5], -, @menuitems$[6], -; set @menu, @menu -1; if (@menu >= @c) close; if (@menuid[@menu] == 5) goto L_offer_no_items; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "Ssso many? Jussst what I needed. Let me sssee if they are sssuitable..."; next; if (@menuid[@menu] == 0) set @bonecount, 5; if (@menuid[@menu] == 1) set @bonecount, 4; if (@menuid[@menu] == 2) set @bonecount, 3; if (@menuid[@menu] == 3) set @bonecount, 2; if (@menuid[@menu] == 4) set @bonecount, 1; if (countitem("Bone") < @bonecount) goto L_Not_Enough_Bones; delitem "Bone", @bonecount; set @bonecount, @bonecount + 1; set @hween10_givebones, 0; // in a rush, raising and then lowering is the best thing I can think of to make the loop work properly. L_Bone_Loop: set @bonecount, @bonecount - 1; if @bonecount < 1 goto L_Bones_Feedback; set @temp1, rand(@bonecount + 5); if @temp1 > @bonecount goto L_Bone_Loop; set @hween10_givebones, @hween10_givebones + 1; goto L_Bone_Loop; L_Not_Enough_Bones: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Hey... you don't have that many bonesss!\""; close; L_offer_no_items: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Sssucch a pity...\""; close; L_Bones_Feedback: if (@hween10_givebones == 0) goto L_Bones_Feedback_None; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Hmm... I think I can ussse " + @hween10_givebones + " of thessse bonesss.\""; next; set hween10_bonecount, hween10_bonecount + @hween10_givebones; if (hween10_bonecount > 7) goto L_Enough_Bones; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"But I ssstill need more! Pleassse bring them to me.\""; close; L_Bones_Feedback_None: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"I can't ussse any of theesse boness. I need more!\""; close; L_Enough_Bones: set hween10, 4; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"And that should be enough for my dark purposssesss.\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Now... I wonder...\" He flicks his tongue around his dry and ancient teeth. \"I wonder if you could get me sssomething to eat?\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"All thisss hard work gathering bonesss hasss made me...\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"HUNGRY!\""; next; menu "Uh, what would you like to eat?", L_Request_Sweets, "This is a burial site, I'm sure there are plenty of worms around.", L_Worms, "Me too, actually. I gotta eat. Bye!", -; close; L_Worms: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"True... but they are sssmall, and not asss sssweet asss what I'd like!\""; next; L_Request_Sweets: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Asss I'm sssure you know, it wasss Hallowe'en recently. I'll bet you had great time collecting sssweetsss with your friendsss, hm?\""; next; menu "The guy organising that was too lazy - it never happened.", L_Time_Management, "Well, what's it to you?", L_Leftover_Sweets, "You're creeping me out.", -; close; L_Time_Management: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"That'sss jussst too bad. People with poor time management shouldn't be put in charge of important thingsss like that.\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"But never mind. Even if you didn't get to go trick-or-treating, there will ssstill be plenty of dropped sssweets lying around.\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"People are ssso carelesss! To my benefit, of courssse. Ssso what do you sssay? Can you bring me asss many sssweetsss as you can find?\""; menu "I guess so.", L_Confirm_Sweethunting, "No, I'd rather eat 'em myself.", -; close; L_Leftover_Sweets: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Each year at Hallowe'en, all you little girlsss and boysss run about begging for candy. And each year, ssso much of it is dropped, and wasssted!\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"But I don't mind eating sssweetsss just becaussse they're a couple of weeksss old! Bring me lotsss, and you shall have a reward.\""; next; menu "Well, okay then.", L_Confirm_Sweethunting, "Wait, free sweets!? Why did no one tell me?", -; close; L_Confirm_Sweethunting: set hween10, 5; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"My ssstomach groansss with anticipa - uh, well, my bonesss creak with anticipation. Tell all your little friendsss to bring my any sssweetsss they find, too: I really am VERY hungry!\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Remember, though, and thisss isss important: the more sssweetsss YOU PERSSSONALLY bring me, the better YOUR reward will be!\""; close; L_Collecting_Sweets: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Ssso, do you have any sssweetsss for me?\""; next; setarray @menuitems$, "", "", "", "", ""; set @c, 0; if (countitem("tondel") < 1) goto L_Sweets_Marshmallow; set @menuitems$[@c], "Tonori Delight."; set @menuid[@c], 0; set @c, @c + 1; L_Sweets_Marshmallow: if (countitem("Marshmallow") < 1) goto L_Sweets_JellySkull; set @menuitems$[@c], "Marshmallow."; set @menuid[@c], 1; set @c, @c + 1; L_Sweets_JellySkull: if (countitem("JellySkull") < 1) goto L_Sweets_CandyPumpkin; set @menuitems$[@c], "Jelly Skull."; set @menuid[@c], 2; set @c, @c + 1; L_Sweets_CandyPumpkin: if (countitem("CandyPumpkin") < 1) goto L_Sweets_Menu; set @menuitems$[@c], "Candy Pumpkin."; set @menuid[@c], 3; set @c, @c + 1; L_Sweets_Menu: set @menuitems$[@c], "I don't have any sweets."; set @menuid[@c], 4; set @c, @c + 1; menu @menuitems$[0], -, @menuitems$[1], -, @menuitems$[2], -, @menuitems$[3], -, @menuitems$[4], -, @menuitems$[5], -; set @menu, @menu -1; if (@menu >= @c) close; if (@menuid[@menu] == 0) set @giveitem$, "TonoriDelight"; if (@menuid[@menu] == 1) set @giveitem$, "Marshmallow"; if (@menuid[@menu] == 2) set @giveitem$, "JellySkull"; if (@menuid[@menu] == 3) set @giveitem$, "CandyPumpkin"; // We need something to handle what happens when we select that the character does not have any sweets if (@menuid[@menu] == 4) goto L_offer_no_items; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"How many of those do you have for me?\""; next; menu "Take all of them.", -, "One hundred of them.", -, "Fifty of them.", -, "Ten of them.", -, "Five of them.", -, "One of them.", -, "This many...", -; set @menu, @menu - 1; if (@menu == 0) set @givecounter, countitem(@giveitem$); if (@menu == 1) set @givecounter, 100; if (@menu == 2) set @givecounter, 50; if (@menu == 3) set @givecounter, 10; if (@menu == 4) set @givecounter, 5; if (@menu == 5) set @givecounter, 1; if (@menu == 6) input @givecounter; if (@menu > 6) close; if (countitem(@giveitem$) < @givecounter) goto L_Not_Enough_Sweeties; delitem @giveitem$, @givecounter; if (@giveitem$ == "TonoriDelight") set $hween10_tondel, $hween10_tondel + @givecounter; if (@giveitem$ == "Marshmallow") set $hween10_mmallow, $hween10_mmallow + @givecounter; if (@giveitem$ == "JellySkull") set $hween10_jelskul, $hween10_jelskul + @givecounter; if (@giveitem$ == "CandyPumpkin") set $hween10_canpump, $hween10_canpump + @givecounter; if (@giveitem$ == "TonoriDelight") set hween10_collect_tondel, hween10_collect_tondel + @givecounter; if (@giveitem$ == "Marshmallow") set hween10_collect_mmallow, hween10_collect_mmallow + @givecounter; if (@giveitem$ == "JellySkull") set hween10_collect_jelskul, hween10_collect_jelskul + @givecounter; if (@giveitem$ == "CandyPumpkin") set hween10_collect_canpump, hween10_collect_canpump + @givecounter; set hween10_collect, hween10_collect + @givecounter; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Thank you for your generousss donation to my caussse. Ssso far, you and your friendsss have brought me " + $hween10_tondel + " Tonori Delightsss, " + $hween10_mmallow + " Marshmallowsss, " + $hween10_jelskul + " Jelly Ssskullsss, and " + $hween10_canpump + " Candy Pumpkinsss.\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"You persssonally have brought me " + hween10_collect + " sssweetsss.\""; next; mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"But I ssstill need more! I'm ssstill HUNGRY!\""; close; L_Not_Enough_Sweeties: mes "[Gak]"; mes ""; mes "\"Hey! Don't teassse me; you know very well that you don't have that many sssweetsss.\""; close; }