stages: - sync - deploy image: ubuntu:18.04 before_script: - uname -a legacy: stage: sync tags: - glados script: - apt-get -qq update - apt-get install -qq -y make zip zlib1g-dev zlibc python ssh rsync python3 git - git config --global credential.helper store - echo "https://numa:$" > ~/.git-credentials - git checkout master - git submodule update --init - pwd - cd tools - ./ - cd .. - git status - git config "" - git config "Numa" - git commit -a -m "Regenerate databases" --author="Numa " - git push # may cause a CI loop >.< only: - master allow_failure: true evolved: stage: deploy tags: - glados script: - apt-get -qq update - apt-get install -qq -y make zip zlib1g-dev zlibc python ssh rsync python3 git - git config --global credential.helper store - echo "https://numa:$" > ~/.git-credentials - git clone evolved - cd evolved - git checkout master - cp -v ../world/map/db/mob_db.conf db/pre-re/ - cp -v ../world/map/db/item_db.conf db/pre-re/ - git status - git config "" - git config "Numa" - git commit -a -m "Sync with Legacy repo" --author="Numa " - git push only: - master allow_failure: true pages: stage: deploy variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive GIT_DEPTH: "1" UPDATE_DIR: "../../../public" UPDATE_HTTP: "none" CC: "clang" tags: - glados script: - apt-get -qq update - apt-get install -qq -y make clang zip zlib1g-dev zlibc python ssh rsync python3 - mkdir public - make updates - make news - cp -v world/map/news.txt public/ - cp -v world/map/news.html public/ - cp -v world/map/news.rss public/ - cp -v world/map/news.json public/ - echo 'static update
resources.xml' > public/index.html # path for legacy compatibility - mkdir -p public/updates - cp -v public/*.* public/updates/ - echo "Now deploying..." - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" | base64 -d | tr -d '\r' > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh - rsync -e 'ssh -p 65001 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -aHv --delete public/updates $MYHOST:$FILE_LOCATION artifacts: paths: - public only: - stable clientdata: stage: deploy tags: - glados script: - apt-get -qq update - apt-get install -qq -y make zip zlib1g-dev zlibc python ssh rsync python3 git - git submodule update --init - git config --global credential.helper store - echo "https://numa:$" > ~/.git-credentials - git clone evolved - cd evolved - git checkout master - cp -v ../client-data/monsters.xml . - cp -v --recursive ../client-data/graphics/sprites/monsters/* graphics/sprites/monsters/ - git status - git config "" - git config "Numa" - git commit -a -m "Sync with Legacy repo" --author="Numa " - git push only: - stable allow_failure: true