From 55fd1a9a3f04c94d3d1455559db29acde5f7f5e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frost <>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 10:44:23 -0700
Subject: Removed tabs from 020-2 NPCs

 world/map/npc/020-2/baktar.txt   | 550 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 world/map/npc/020-2/furquest.txt | 526 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 world/map/npc/020-2/shops.txt    |  44 ++--
 3 files changed, 560 insertions(+), 560 deletions(-)

(limited to 'world')

diff --git a/world/map/npc/020-2/baktar.txt b/world/map/npc/020-2/baktar.txt
index 1bcbf152..9c441417 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/020-2/baktar.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/020-2/baktar.txt
@@ -31,234 +31,234 @@
 //# bit 0  knows the name/location of the opponent
 //# bit 1  killed the ugly opponent
-020-2.gat,70,61,0	script	Baktar	191,{
-        set @npcname$, "[Baktar]";
+    set @npcname$, "[Baktar]";
-        set @Q_MASK, BYTE_0_MASK;
-        set @Q_SHIFT, BYTE_0_SHIFT;
-        set @Q_status, ((QUEST_Nivalis_state) & @Q_MASK) >> @Q_SHIFT;
+    set @Q_MASK, BYTE_0_MASK;
+    set @Q_SHIFT, BYTE_0_SHIFT;
+    set @Q_status, ((QUEST_Nivalis_state) & @Q_MASK) >> @Q_SHIFT;
-        set @Q_MASK2, NIBBLE_2_MASK;
-        set @Q_SHIFT2, NIBBLE_2_SHIFT;
-        set @Q_status2, ((QUEST_Nivalis_state) & @Q_MASK2) >> @Q_SHIFT2;
+    set @Q_MASK2, NIBBLE_2_MASK;
+    set @Q_SHIFT2, NIBBLE_2_SHIFT;
+    set @Q_status2, ((QUEST_Nivalis_state) & @Q_MASK2) >> @Q_SHIFT2;
-        set @Q_MASK2_BITS, NIBBLE_3_MASK;
-        set @Q_SHIFT2_BITS, NIBBLE_3_SHIFT;
-        set @Q_status2_bits, ((QUEST_Nivalis_state) & @Q_MASK2_BITS) >> @Q_SHIFT2_BITS;
+    set @Q_MASK2_BITS, NIBBLE_3_MASK;
+    set @Q_status2_bits, ((QUEST_Nivalis_state) & @Q_MASK2_BITS) >> @Q_SHIFT2_BITS;
-        // if all bits are set, you brought him everything! Now we continue in Phase 2 of this npc.
-        // this is not ready yet, so do not enable that stage
-        // if(@Q_status == @Q_MASK) goto L_2_init;
+    // if all bits are set, you brought him everything! Now we continue in Phase 2 of this npc.
+    // this is not ready yet, so do not enable that stage
+    // if(@Q_status == @Q_MASK) goto L_2_init;
-        set @BIT_KNOWHIM, 0;
+    set @BIT_KNOWHIM, 0;
-        set @BIT_DESERTHAT,1;
-        set @MONEY_DESERTHAT, 1500;
-        set @XP_DESERTHAT, 500;
+    set @BIT_DESERTHAT,1;
+    set @MONEY_DESERTHAT, 1500;
+    set @XP_DESERTHAT, 500;
-        set @BIT_DESERTSHIRT,2;
-        set @MONEY_DESERTSHIRT, 1500;
-        set @XP_DESERTSHIRT, 600;
+    set @BIT_DESERTSHIRT,2;
+    set @MONEY_DESERTSHIRT, 1500;
+    set @XP_DESERTSHIRT, 600;
-        set @BIT_SERFHAT,3;
-        set @MONEY_SERFHAT, 800;
-        set @XP_SERFHAT, 350;
+    set @BIT_SERFHAT,3;
+    set @MONEY_SERFHAT, 800;
+    set @XP_SERFHAT, 350;
-        set @BIT_MS_TONGUE,4;
-        set @MONEY_MS_TONGUE, 800;
-        set @XP_MS_TONGUE, 350;
+    set @BIT_MS_TONGUE,4;
+    set @MONEY_MS_TONGUE, 800;
+    set @XP_MS_TONGUE, 350;
-        set @BIT_MS_EGG,5;
-        set @MONEY_MS_EGG, 800;
-        set @XP_MS_EGG, 350;
+    set @BIT_MS_EGG,5;
+    set @MONEY_MS_EGG, 800;
+    set @XP_MS_EGG, 350;
-        set @BIT_SNAKESKIN,6;
-        set @MONEY_SNAKESKIN, 800;
-        set @XP_SNAKESKIN, 350;
+    set @BIT_SNAKESKIN,6;
+    set @MONEY_SNAKESKIN, 800;
+    set @XP_SNAKESKIN, 350;
-        set @BIT_BUGLEG,7;
-        set @MONEY_BUGLEG, 20;
-        set @XP_BUGLEG, 130;
+    set @BIT_BUGLEG,7;
+    set @MONEY_BUGLEG, 20;
+    set @XP_BUGLEG, 130;
-        if(sex)
-                set @type$, "man";
-        if(!sex)
-                set @type$, "woman";
+    if(sex)
+        set @type$, "man";
+    if(!sex)
+        set @type$, "woman";
-        if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_KNOWHIM)) goto L_KnowAlready;
-                mes @npcname$;
-                mes "\"Hello, " +  @type$ + ", did you come from Tulimshar? Because you have a nice tan. \"";
-        menu
-                "Yes, I'm from Tulimshar", L_exotic,
-                "Well, I just like sunbathing", -,
-                "Good bye", -;
-        close;
+    if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_KNOWHIM)) goto L_KnowAlready;
+        mes @npcname$;
+        mes "\"Hello, " +  @type$ + ", did you come from Tulimshar? Because you have a nice tan. \"";
+    menu
+        "Yes, I'm from Tulimshar", L_exotic,
+        "Well, I just like sunbathing", -,
+        "Good bye", -;
+    close;
-                mes @npcname$;
-                mes "\"I love Tulimshar's stuff.  I'm collecting souvenirs from Tulimshar to help remind me of all the great times I had there.  If you give me an interesting item from the area, I'll give you a nice reward.  So, you have a new item?\"";
-        goto L_startitem;
+        mes @npcname$;
+        mes "\"I love Tulimshar's stuff.  I'm collecting souvenirs from Tulimshar to help remind me of all the great times I had there.  If you give me an interesting item from the area, I'll give you a nice reward.  So, you have a new item?\"";
+    goto L_startitem;
-                mes @npcname$;
-                mes "\"I said that because I love Tulimshar's stuff...I'm collecting souvenirs from Tulimshar to help remind me of all the great times I had there.  If you give me an interesting item maybe I can give you a nice reward. But I don't need a lot, I just need one of each item.\"";
-        menu        "I have some items on me maybe you'll like them ", L_startitem,
-                        "Don't touch my stuff!", -,
-                        "I'll get them. Bye.", -;
-        close;
+        mes @npcname$;
+        mes "\"I said that because I love Tulimshar's stuff...I'm collecting souvenirs from Tulimshar to help remind me of all the great times I had there.  If you give me an interesting item maybe I can give you a nice reward. But I don't need a lot, I just need one of each item.\"";
+    menu    "I have some items on me maybe you'll like them ", L_startitem,
+            "Don't touch my stuff!", -,
+            "I'll get them. Bye.", -;
+    close;
-        setarray @exotic_item$, "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
-        set @c, 0;
-        set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_KNOWHIM);
-        callsub S_Update_Var;
-        if (countitem("DesertHat") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_DESERTHAT) ) goto L_DesertShirt;
-        set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Desert Hat ?";
-        set @menuid[@c], 0;
-        set @c, @c + 1;
+    setarray @exotic_item$, "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
+    set @c, 0;
+    set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_KNOWHIM);
+    callsub S_Update_Var;
+    if (countitem("DesertHat") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_DESERTHAT) ) goto L_DesertShirt;
+    set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Desert Hat ?";
+    set @menuid[@c], 0;
+    set @c, @c + 1;
-        if (countitem("DesertShirt") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_DESERTSHIRT) ) goto L_SerfHat;
-        set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Desert Shirt ?";
-        set @menuid[@c], 1;
-        set @c, @c + 1;
+    if (countitem("DesertShirt") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_DESERTSHIRT) ) goto L_SerfHat;
+    set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Desert Shirt ?";
+    set @menuid[@c], 1;
+    set @c, @c + 1;
-        if (countitem("SerfHat") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_SERFHAT) ) goto L_tongue;
-        set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Serf Hat ?";
-        set @menuid[@c], 2;
-        set @c, @c + 1;
+    if (countitem("SerfHat") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_SERFHAT) ) goto L_tongue;
+    set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Serf Hat ?";
+    set @menuid[@c], 2;
+    set @c, @c + 1;
-        if (countitem("MountainSnakeTongue") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_MS_TONGUE)) goto L_egg;
-        set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Mountain Snake Tongue ?";
-        set @menuid[@c], 3;
-        set @c, @c + 1;
+    if (countitem("MountainSnakeTongue") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_MS_TONGUE)) goto L_egg;
+    set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Mountain Snake Tongue ?";
+    set @menuid[@c], 3;
+    set @c, @c + 1;
-        if (countitem("MountainSnakeEgg") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_MS_EGG)) goto L_Skin;
-        set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Mountain Snake Egg?";
-        set @menuid[@c], 4;
-        set @c, @c + 1;
+    if (countitem("MountainSnakeEgg") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_MS_EGG)) goto L_Skin;
+    set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Mountain Snake Egg?";
+    set @menuid[@c], 4;
+    set @c, @c + 1;
-        if (countitem("SnakeSkin") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_SNAKESKIN)) goto L_bugleg;
-        set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Snake Skin?";
-        set @menuid[@c], 5;
-        set @c, @c + 1;
+    if (countitem("SnakeSkin") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_SNAKESKIN)) goto L_bugleg;
+    set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Snake Skin?";
+    set @menuid[@c], 5;
+    set @c, @c + 1;
-        if (countitem("BugLeg") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_BUGLEG)) goto L_NeverMind;
-        set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Bug Leg?";
-        set @menuid[@c], 6;
-        set @c, @c + 1;
+    if (countitem("BugLeg") < 1 || @Q_status & (1<<@BIT_BUGLEG)) goto L_NeverMind;
+    set @exotic_item$[@c], "a Bug Leg?";
+    set @menuid[@c], 6;
+    set @c, @c + 1;
-        set @exotic_item$[@c], "Nevermind";
-        set @menuid[@c], 6;
+    set @exotic_item$[@c], "Nevermind";
+    set @menuid[@c], 6;
 //menu for the item
-        menu
-                @exotic_item$[0], -,
-                @exotic_item$[1], -,
-                @exotic_item$[2], -,
-                @exotic_item$[3], -,
-                @exotic_item$[4], -,
-                @exotic_item$[5], -,
-                @exotic_item$[6], -;
-        set @menu, @menu -1;
-        if (@menuid[@menu] == 0) goto L_DesertHat_Item;
-        if (@menuid[@menu] == 1) goto L_DesertShirt_Item;
-        if (@menuid[@menu] == 2) goto L_SerfHat_Item;
-        if (@menuid[@menu] == 3) goto L_tongue_Item;
-        if (@menuid[@menu] == 4) goto L_egg_Item;
-        if (@menuid[@menu] == 5) goto L_skin_Item;
-        if (@menuid[@menu] == 6) goto L_BugLegItem;
+    menu
+        @exotic_item$[0], -,
+        @exotic_item$[1], -,
+        @exotic_item$[2], -,
+        @exotic_item$[3], -,
+        @exotic_item$[4], -,
+        @exotic_item$[5], -,
+        @exotic_item$[6], -;
+    set @menu, @menu -1;
+    if (@menuid[@menu] == 0) goto L_DesertHat_Item;
+    if (@menuid[@menu] == 1) goto L_DesertShirt_Item;
+    if (@menuid[@menu] == 2) goto L_SerfHat_Item;
+    if (@menuid[@menu] == 3) goto L_tongue_Item;
+    if (@menuid[@menu] == 4) goto L_egg_Item;
+    if (@menuid[@menu] == 5) goto L_skin_Item;
+    if (@menuid[@menu] == 6) goto L_BugLegItem;
 //if Never mind
-                mes @npcname$;
-                mes "\"Ok, goodbye then.\"";
-        close;
+        mes @npcname$;
+        mes "\"Ok, goodbye then.\"";
+    close;
-        if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_DESERTHAT)) goto L_havealready;
-        if (countitem("DesertHat") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
-                delitem "DesertHat", 1;
-                set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_DESERTHAT;
-                getexp @XP_DESERTHAT,0;
-                set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_DESERTHAT);
-                callsub S_Update_Var;
-        close;
+    if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_DESERTHAT)) goto L_havealready;
+    if (countitem("DesertHat") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
+        delitem "DesertHat", 1;
+        set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_DESERTHAT;
+        getexp @XP_DESERTHAT,0;
+        set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_DESERTHAT);
+        callsub S_Update_Var;
+    close;
-        if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_DESERTSHIRT)) goto L_havealready;
-        if (countitem("DesertShirt") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
-                delitem "DesertShirt", 1;
-                set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_DESERTSHIRT;
-                getexp @XP_DESERTSHIRT,0;
-                set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_DESERTSHIRT);
-                callsub S_Update_Var;
-		close;
+    if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_DESERTSHIRT)) goto L_havealready;
+    if (countitem("DesertShirt") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
+        delitem "DesertShirt", 1;
+        set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_DESERTSHIRT;
+        getexp @XP_DESERTSHIRT,0;
+        set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_DESERTSHIRT);
+        callsub S_Update_Var;
+    close;
-        if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_SERFHAT)) goto L_havealready;
-        if (countitem("SerfHat") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
-                delitem "SerfHat", 1;
-                set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_SERFHAT;
-                getexp @XP_SERFHAT,0;
-                set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_SERFHAT);
-                callsub S_Update_Var;
-		close;
+    if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_SERFHAT)) goto L_havealready;
+    if (countitem("SerfHat") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
+        delitem "SerfHat", 1;
+        set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_SERFHAT;
+        getexp @XP_SERFHAT,0;
+        set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_SERFHAT);
+        callsub S_Update_Var;
+    close;
-        if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_MS_TONGUE)) goto L_havealready;
-        if (countitem("MountainSnakeTongue") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
-                delitem "MountainSnakeTongue", 1;
-                set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_MS_TONGUE;
-                getexp @XP_MS_TONGUE,0;
-                set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_MS_TONGUE);
-                callsub S_Update_Var;
+    if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_MS_TONGUE)) goto L_havealready;
+    if (countitem("MountainSnakeTongue") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
+        delitem "MountainSnakeTongue", 1;
+        set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_MS_TONGUE;
+        getexp @XP_MS_TONGUE,0;
+        set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_MS_TONGUE);
+        callsub S_Update_Var;
-        if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_MS_EGG)) goto L_havealready;
-        if (countitem("MountainSnakeEgg") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
-                delitem "MountainSnakeEgg", 1;
-                set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_MS_EGG;
-                getexp @XP_MS_EGG,0;
-                set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_MS_EGG);
-                callsub S_Update_Var;
+    if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_MS_EGG)) goto L_havealready;
+    if (countitem("MountainSnakeEgg") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
+        delitem "MountainSnakeEgg", 1;
+        set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_MS_EGG;
+        getexp @XP_MS_EGG,0;
+        set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_MS_EGG);
+        callsub S_Update_Var;
-        if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_SNAKESKIN)) goto L_havealready;
-        if (countitem("SnakeSkin") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
-                delitem "SnakeSkin", 1;
-                set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_SNAKESKIN;
-                getexp @XP_SNAKESKIN,0;
-                set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_SNAKESKIN);
-                callsub S_Update_Var;
+    if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_SNAKESKIN)) goto L_havealready;
+    if (countitem("SnakeSkin") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
+        delitem "SnakeSkin", 1;
+        set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_SNAKESKIN;
+        getexp @XP_SNAKESKIN,0;
+        set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_SNAKESKIN);
+        callsub S_Update_Var;
-        if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_BUGLEG)) goto L_havealready;
-        if (countitem("BugLeg") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
-                delitem "BugLeg", 1;
-                set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_BUGLEG;
-                getexp @XP_BUGLEG,0;
-                set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_BUGLEG);
-                callsub S_Update_Var;
+    if(@Q_status & (1<<@BIT_BUGLEG)) goto L_havealready;
+    if (countitem("BugLeg") < 1) goto L_Noitem;
+        delitem "BugLeg", 1;
+        set zeny, zeny + @MONEY_BUGLEG;
+        getexp @XP_BUGLEG,0;
+        set @Q_status, @Q_status | (1<<@BIT_BUGLEG);
+        callsub S_Update_Var;
-                mes @npcname$;
-                mes "\"Well, if you happen to get items from Tulimshar, see me first before you sell anything.\"";
-                close;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"Well, if you happen to get items from Tulimshar, see me first before you sell anything.\"";
-                mes @npcname$;
-                mes "\"I already collected what you can offer me.\"";
-                close;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"I already collected what you can offer me.\"";
-        set QUEST_Nivalis_state,
-            (QUEST_Nivalis_state & ~(@Q_MASK)
-                | (@Q_status << @Q_SHIFT));
-        return;
+    set QUEST_Nivalis_state,
+        (QUEST_Nivalis_state & ~(@Q_MASK)
+        | (@Q_status << @Q_SHIFT));
+    return;
@@ -271,118 +271,118 @@ L_2_init:
 //# NIBBLE3     a bitmasking nibble for stage 2 again
 //# bit 0  knows the name of the opponent
 //# bit 1  killed the ugly opponent
-        set @BIT_KNOWS_NAME, 0;
-        set @BIT_KILLED_HIM, 1;
-        if (@Q_status2 == 1) goto L_2_talk1;
-        if (@Q_status2 == 2) goto L_2_talk2;
-        if (@Q_status2 == 3) goto L_2_talk3;
-        if (@Q_status2 == 4) goto L_2_talk4;
-        // fall through @Q_status2==0:
-        // need to thank for bringing all stuff.
-        mes @npcname$;
-        mes "\"Thanks a lot for bringing me all this nice stuff!\"";
-        next;
-        mes "\"That helps me a lot. You see over there is already another set I collected: There are some pieces of the Hurnscald town. That sign there has been stolen from the inn.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"But do not tell anyone, please! I really like collecting things. And that sign is one of the first things I organized.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"So thank you for bringing me that stuff for my desert collection\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"Do you have an idea how to arrange that to make it cool looking for my admirers?\"";
-	next;
-        set @Q_status2, 1;
-        callsub S_Update_Var2;
-        close;
+    set @BIT_KNOWS_NAME, 0;
+    set @BIT_KILLED_HIM, 1;
+    if (@Q_status2 == 1) goto L_2_talk1;
+    if (@Q_status2 == 2) goto L_2_talk2;
+    if (@Q_status2 == 3) goto L_2_talk3;
+    if (@Q_status2 == 4) goto L_2_talk4;
+    // fall through @Q_status2==0:
+    // need to thank for bringing all stuff.
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"Thanks a lot for bringing me all this nice stuff!\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"That helps me a lot. You see over there is already another set I collected: There are some pieces of the Hurnscald town. That sign there has been stolen from the inn.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"But do not tell anyone, please! I really like collecting things. And that sign is one of the first things I organized.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"So thank you for bringing me that stuff for my desert collection\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"Do you have an idea how to arrange that to make it cool looking for my admirers?\"";
+    next;
+    set @Q_status2, 1;
+    callsub S_Update_Var2;
-        mes @npcname$;
-        mes "\"In my childhood I was called a packrat, because I collected old cans.\"";
-        next;
-        mes "\"But everybody does collect things right?\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"So after I had collected way over 1000 cans, I started collecting snail-shells. Nice? Do you like that?\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"Not many people like me. And I don't know why. It is nice to talk about such nice things. What did you collect in your childhood?\"";
-	next;
-	mes "He picks in his nose";
-	next;
-        mes @npcname$;
-	mes "\"Ok erm, talk to you later.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"Ok.\"";
-        set @Q_status2, 2;
-        callsub S_Update_Var2;
-        close;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"In my childhood I was called a packrat, because I collected old cans.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"But everybody does collect things right?\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"So after I had collected way over 1000 cans, I started collecting snail-shells. Nice? Do you like that?\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"Not many people like me. And I don't know why. It is nice to talk about such nice things. What did you collect in your childhood?\"";
+    next;
+    mes "He picks his nose";
+    next;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"Ok erm, talk to you later.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"Ok.\"";
+    set @Q_status2, 2;
+    callsub S_Update_Var2;
-        mes @npcname$;
-        mes "\"Could you do me a favor? This ugly guy, who always attacked me....\"";
-        next;
-        mes "\"*sob*\"";
-        next;
-	mes "\"I was always bullied by him. You know in early childhood we were very nice friends. We played some roleplaying. He was the captain, and I was the soldier.";
-	next;
-	mes "\"Or another day he was the chieftain and I was the redskin.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"But to tell you the truth, HE was ALWAYS the one who directed me.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"I DO NOT LIKE THAT!\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"I WANT TO BE THE LEADER!\"";
-	next;
-	next;
-        mes "\"I WANT YOU TO KILL THAT BASTARD!!\"";
-        set @Q_status2, 3;
-        callsub S_Update_Var2;
-        close;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"Could you do me a favor? This ugly guy, who always attacked me....\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"*sob*\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"I was always bullied by him. You know in early childhood we were very nice friends. We played some roleplaying. He was the captain, and I was the soldier.";
+    next;
+    mes "\"Or another day he was the chieftain and I was the redskin.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"But to tell you the truth, HE was ALWAYS the one who directed me.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"I DO NOT LIKE THAT!\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"I WANT TO BE THE LEADER!\"";
+    next;
+    next;
+    set @Q_status2, 3;
+    callsub S_Update_Var2;
-        menu        "Ok, I am a professional in doing such things", L_2_professional,
-                        "Hey do you really mean it? ", L_2_professional,
-                        "You calmed down again?", -,
-                        "Oh a packrat! By the way, is that trash over there yours?", L_2_name,
-                        "Nevermind", -;
-        mes @npcname$;
-        mes "\"Get out of my way, prank!\"";
-        close;
+    menu        "Ok, I am a professional in doing such things", L_2_professional,
+        "Hey do you really mean it? ", L_2_professional,
+        "You calmed down again?", -,
+        "Oh a packrat! By the way, is that trash over there yours?", L_2_name,
+        "Nevermind", -;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"Get out of my way, prank!\"";
-        mes @npcname$;
-        mes "\"What are you talking about?\"";
-        goto L_2_talk3;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"What are you talking about?\"";
+    goto L_2_talk3;
-        mes @npcname$;
-        mes "\"ONE DAY I WILL GET A HUGE REVENGE!\"";
-        next;
-        mes "\"AND I MEAN IT!\"";
-        next;
-        mes "\"You see I am a dangerous killer. Last week I killed five slimes and a pinkie!\"";
-        next;
-        mes "He takes out a piece of paper... mumbling";
-        mes "\"Ok Scroticular first, and then ...\"";
-        set @Q_status2, 4;
-        set @Q_status2_bits, @Q_status2_bits | (1<<@BIT_KNOWS_NAME);
-        callsub S_Update_Var2;
-        mes @npcname$;
-        mes "\"What is your name again?\"";
-        menu        "I am sorry for the joke... Please forgive me", -,
-                        "They call me Mistakes. I am a professional killer as well. You heard about that business in the terranite cave?", -;
-        mes @npcname$;
-        mes "\"Alright, I see. Ok maybe I really need to calm down. Please leave me alone... I will try to calm down, ok?\"";
-        close;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    next;
+    mes "\"AND I MEAN IT!\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"You see I am a dangerous killer. Last week I killed five slimes and a pinkie!\"";
+    next;
+    mes "He takes out a piece of paper... mumbling";
+    mes "\"Ok Scroticular first, and then ...\"";
+    set @Q_status2, 4;
+    set @Q_status2_bits, @Q_status2_bits | (1<<@BIT_KNOWS_NAME);
+    callsub S_Update_Var2;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"What is your name again?\"";
+    menu    "I am sorry for the joke... Please forgive me", -,
+            "They call me Mistakes. I am a professional killer as well. You heard about that business in the terranite cave?", -;
+    mes @npcname$;
+    mes "\"Alright, I see. Ok maybe I really need to calm down. Please leave me alone... I will try to calm down, ok?\"";
-        set QUEST_Nivalis_state,
-            (QUEST_Nivalis_state & ~(@Q_MASK2)
-                | (@Q_status2 << @Q_SHIFT2));
-        set QUEST_Nivalis_state,
-            (QUEST_Nivalis_state & ~(@Q_MASK2_BITS)
-                | (@Q_status2_bits << @Q_SHIFT2_BITS));
-        return;
+    set QUEST_Nivalis_state,
+        (QUEST_Nivalis_state & ~(@Q_MASK2)
+        | (@Q_status2 << @Q_SHIFT2));
+    set QUEST_Nivalis_state,
+        (QUEST_Nivalis_state & ~(@Q_MASK2_BITS)
+        | (@Q_status2_bits << @Q_SHIFT2_BITS));
diff --git a/world/map/npc/020-2/furquest.txt b/world/map/npc/020-2/furquest.txt
index 98d46660..ef5403e6 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/020-2/furquest.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/020-2/furquest.txt
@@ -3,336 +3,336 @@
 // Tulimshar Crafting Workshop - Agostine, The Legendary Tailor
-020-2.gat,27,26,0	script	Agostine	137,{
-	if (QUEST_WG_state == 1) goto L_State_0_3;
-	if (QUEST_WG_state == 2) goto L_State_1;
-	if (QUEST_WG_state == 3) goto L_State_2;
-	if (QUEST_WG_state == 4) goto L_State_4;
-	if (QUEST_WG_state == 5) goto L_State_4_success;
-	if (QUEST_WG_state == 6) goto L_State_6;
-	if (QUEST_WG_state == 7) goto L_State_11;
-	if (QUEST_WG_state == 8) goto L_State_12;
-	if (QUEST_WG_state >= 9) goto L_State_13;
-	mes "\"This goes up, this goes left...\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"Mmmm...?\"";
-	next;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Oh, a customer! Let me introduce myself! My name is Agostine!";
-	mes "Some people say that I am the best tailor in the world,";
-	mes "but I think I am the best one in the universe!";
-	mes "So, What can I do for you, my friend?\"";
-	next;
-	menu
-		"I want something new for my wardrobe!", L_State_0_1,
-		"Oh, nothing, thanks!", -;
-	close;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state == 1) goto L_State_0_3;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state == 2) goto L_State_1;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state == 3) goto L_State_2;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state == 4) goto L_State_4;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state == 5) goto L_State_4_success;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state == 6) goto L_State_6;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state == 7) goto L_State_11;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state == 8) goto L_State_12;
+    if (QUEST_WG_state >= 9) goto L_State_13;
+    mes "\"This goes up, this goes left...\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"Mmmm...?\"";
+    next;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Oh, a customer! Let me introduce myself! My name is Agostine!";
+    mes "Some people say that I am the best tailor in the world,";
+    mes "but I think I am the best one in the universe!";
+    mes "So, What can I do for you, my friend?\"";
+    next;
+    menu
+        "I want something new for my wardrobe!", L_State_0_1,
+        "Oh, nothing, thanks!", -;
+    close;
 // Quest #0 - Beginning - Needed: Iron Potion
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Well.. you know... working so hard makes me so tired!";
-	mes "Can you bring me something tasty to drink, my friend?\"";
-	next;
-	menu
-		"Sure, what kind of drink you like?", L_State_0_2,
-		"I'm not your waiter!", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Well.. you know... working so hard makes me so tired!";
+    mes "Can you bring me something tasty to drink, my friend?\"";
+    next;
+    menu
+        "Sure, what kind of drink you like?", L_State_0_2,
+        "I'm not your waiter!", -;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Here we do not have a bar. Let me taste different beverages.";
-	mes "I want something new to drink.\"";
-	next;
-	menu
-		"I'll bring you different drinks to try!", L_State_Accept,
-		"Maybe a bar will open soon, wait for it.", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Here we do not have a bar. Let me taste different beverages.";
+    mes "I want something new to drink.\"";
+    next;
+    menu
+        "I'll bring you different drinks to try!", L_State_Accept,
+        "Maybe a bar will open soon, wait for it.", -;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Thanks so much.\"";
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 1;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Thanks so much.\"";
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 1;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Well, what have you brought me?\"";
-	next;
-	menu
-		"A Cactus Drink.", L_State_0_4,
-		"A Cactus Potion.", L_State_0_5,
-		"Some milk.", L_State_0_6,
-		"A pint of beer.", L_State_0_7,
-		"An Iron potion.", L_State_0_9,
-		"A Concentration Potion.", L_State_0_8,
-		"Nothing, at the moment.", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Well, what have you brought me?\"";
+    next;
+    menu
+        "A Cactus Drink.", L_State_0_4,
+        "A Cactus Potion.", L_State_0_5,
+        "Some milk.", L_State_0_6,
+        "A pint of beer.", L_State_0_7,
+        "An Iron potion.", L_State_0_9,
+        "A Concentration Potion.", L_State_0_8,
+        "Nothing, at the moment.", -;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"So, a Cactus Drink?\"";
-	if (countitem("CactusDrink") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
-	delitem "CactusDrink", 1;
-	goto L_State_bad;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"So, a Cactus Drink?\"";
+    if (countitem("CactusDrink") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
+    delitem "CactusDrink", 1;
+    goto L_State_bad;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"So, a Cactus Potion?\"";
-	if (countitem("CactusPotion") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
-	delitem "CactusPotion", 1;
-	goto L_State_bad;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"So, a Cactus Potion?\"";
+    if (countitem("CactusPotion") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
+    delitem "CactusPotion", 1;
+    goto L_State_bad;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"So, some milk for me?\"";
-	if (countitem("Milk") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
-	delitem "Milk", 1;
-	goto L_State_bad;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"So, some milk for me?\"";
+    if (countitem("Milk") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
+    delitem "Milk", 1;
+    goto L_State_bad;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"So, a beer?\"";
-	if (countitem("Beer") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
-	delitem "Beer", 1;
-	goto L_State_bad;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"So, a beer?\"";
+    if (countitem("Beer") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
+    delitem "Beer", 1;
+    goto L_State_bad;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"So, a Concentration Potion?\"";
-	if (countitem("ConcentrationPotion") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
-	delitem "ConcentrationPotion", 1;
-	goto L_State_bad;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"So, a Concentration Potion?\"";
+    if (countitem("ConcentrationPotion") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
+    delitem "ConcentrationPotion", 1;
+    goto L_State_bad;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"So, an Iron Potion?\"";
-	if (countitem("IronPotion") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
-	delitem "IronPotion", 1;
-	next;
-	mes "Agostine looks pleased as he drinks the potion.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Oh! This is damn good! I feel a new man, my friend!\"";
-	next;
-	set zeny, zeny + 500;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"This is a little reward for your help. Take 500 GP, my friend!\"";
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 2;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"So, an Iron Potion?\"";
+    if (countitem("IronPotion") < 1) goto L_State_neg;
+    delitem "IronPotion", 1;
+    next;
+    mes "Agostine looks pleased as he drinks the potion.";
+    next;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Oh! This is damn good! I feel a new man, my friend!\"";
+    next;
+    set zeny, zeny + 500;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"This is a little reward for your help. Take 500 GP, my friend!\"";
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 2;
+    close;
-	next;
-	mes "\"Seems that you lied. You don't have the drink you told me.\"";
-	close;
+    next;
+    mes "\"Seems that you lied. You don't have the drink you told me.\"";
+    close;
-	next;
-	mes "\"Well, I don't like it so much. Bring me something else.\"";
-	close;
+    next;
+    mes "\"Well, I don't like it so much. Bring me something else.\"";
+    close;
 // First Quest: edited version of Forest Bow Quest - Needed: about 30 White Furs and 15.000 GP
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Mmmm... Let me see... This year light colours are fashionable!";
-	mes "Would you like a pair of snow-white Winter Gloves?\"";
-	next;
-	menu
-		"No, thanks. I love dark clothes...", -,
-		"You really can do this for me?", L_State_2;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Mmmm... Let me see... This year light colours are fashionable!";
+    mes "Would you like a pair of snow-white Winter Gloves?\"";
+    next;
+    menu
+        "No, thanks. I love dark clothes...", -,
+        "You really can do this for me?", L_State_2;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Well, Winter Gloves are so fashionable for their lovable fur!";
-	mes "Only the best furs can be used for these gloves!";
-	mes "But, as you see, I am a tailor, not a hunter! So, why don't you bring me the best fluffy's fur you can find?\"";
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 3;
-	next;
-	menu
-		"You are crazy! I won't kill any animal for this!", -,
-		"Sure, I will be back soon!", L_State_3;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Well, Winter Gloves are so fashionable for their lovable fur!";
+    mes "Only the best furs can be used for these gloves!";
+    mes "But, as you see, I am a tailor, not a hunter! So, why don't you bring me the best fluffy's fur you can find?\"";
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 3;
+    next;
+    menu
+        "You are crazy! I won't kill any animal for this!", -,
+        "Sure, I will be back soon!", L_State_3;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Remember, I want the best of fur!\"";
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 4;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Remember, I want the best of fur!\"";
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 4;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Oh, my friend! Have you brought me some good furs?\"";
-	if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) close;
-	next;
-	menu
-		"Here, take a look!", L_State_4_try,
-		"Yes, but I need it for something else.", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Oh, my friend! Have you brought me some good furs?\"";
+    if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) close;
+    next;
+    menu
+        "Here, take a look!", L_State_4_try,
+        "Yes, but I need it for something else.", -;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Let me see, my friend! It needs to be perfect for my gloves!\"";
-	mes "Agostine examines the patch of fur.";
-	next;
-	if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) goto L_No_Fur;
-	delitem "WhiteFur", 1;
-	set @Temp1,rand(30);
-	if (@Temp1 == 0) goto L_State_4_success;
-	mes "Agostine throws away the white fur.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"It was awfully cut! You should pay more attention when you kill fluffies!\"";
-	if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) close;
-	next;
-	menu
-		"Here I have another one!", L_State_4_try,
-		"Sorry, I will be careful...", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Let me see, my friend! It needs to be perfect for my gloves!\"";
+    mes "Agostine examines the patch of fur.";
+    next;
+    if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) goto L_No_Fur;
+    delitem "WhiteFur", 1;
+    set @Temp1,rand(30);
+    if (@Temp1 == 0) goto L_State_4_success;
+    mes "Agostine throws away the white fur.";
+    next;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"It was awfully cut! You should pay more attention when you kill fluffies!\"";
+    if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) close;
+    next;
+    menu
+        "Here I have another one!", L_State_4_try,
+        "Sorry, I will be careful...", -;
+    close;
-	mes "Agostine breaks into a smile";
-	next;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"It's perfect! Perfect! Good job, my friend! I will prepare your gloves right now!\"";
-	next;
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 5;
-	goto L_State_5;
+    mes "Agostine breaks into a smile";
+    next;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"It's perfect! Perfect! Good job, my friend! I will prepare your gloves right now!\"";
+    next;
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 5;
+    goto L_State_5;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Ehm, my friend, my work is not free. I need 15,000 GP for the work.\"";
-	next;
-	menu
-		"You are not a tailor, you are a thief!!", -,
-		"I think it's a reasonable price...", L_State_5_pay;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Ehm, my friend, my work is not free. I need 15,000 GP for the work.\"";
+    next;
+    menu
+        "You are not a tailor, you are a thief!!", -,
+        "I think it's a reasonable price...", L_State_5_pay;
+    close;
-	if (zeny < 15000) goto L_State_5_nocash;
-	getinventorylist;
-	if (@inventorylist_count == 100) goto L_TooMany;
-	set zeny, zeny - 15000;
-	getitem "WinterGloves", 1;
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 6;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Here they are. You will have the most fashionable hands in the world!\"";
-	close;
+    if (zeny < 15000) goto L_State_5_nocash;
+    getinventorylist;
+    if (@inventorylist_count == 100) goto L_TooMany;
+    set zeny, zeny - 15000;
+    getitem "WinterGloves", 1;
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 6;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Here they are. You will have the most fashionable hands in the world!\"";
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Seems like you are out of cash. Come back when you have the money.\"";
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Seems like you are out of cash. Come back when you have the money.\"";
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Oh, I remember you! Your gloves are sooo fashionable, my friend!";
-	mes "Well, I have a good news for you. In this issue of 'TMW Fashion'";
-	mes "I saw a pretty accessory, a pair of Furry Boots, my friend.";
-	mes "I can make your own pair, if you want!\"";
-	next;
-	menu
-		"It's a great idea!", L_State_10,
-		"I'm glamourous enough, thanks", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Oh, I remember you! Your gloves are sooo fashionable, my friend!";
+    mes "Well, I have a good news for you. In this issue of 'TMW Fashion'";
+    mes "I saw a pretty accessory, a pair of Furry Boots, my friend.";
+    mes "I can make your own pair, if you want!\"";
+    next;
+    menu
+        "It's a great idea!", L_State_10,
+        "I'm glamourous enough, thanks", -;
+    close;
 // Start of Second Quest: Furry Boots - Needed: About 30 White Furs, 1 pair of Boots and 15.000 GP
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Perfect! For satisfying your request I need another perfect White Fur";
-	mes "and a pair of Boots, like those you can find in the mines.";
-	mes "They will make you lovely, my friend!\"";
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 7;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Perfect! For satisfying your request I need another perfect White Fur";
+    mes "and a pair of Boots, like those you can find in the mines.";
+    mes "They will make you lovely, my friend!\"";
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 7;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"So, my friend, have you brought me the right Fur?\"";
-	if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) close;
-	next;
-	menu
-		"Sure, I'm a fluffy hunter!", L_State_11_try,
-		"Not yet, sorry.", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"So, my friend, have you brought me the right Fur?\"";
+    if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) close;
+    next;
+    menu
+        "Sure, I'm a fluffy hunter!", L_State_11_try,
+        "Not yet, sorry.", -;
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"I'd rather see the patch of fur, first.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "Agostine examines the patch of fur.";
-	next;
-	if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) goto L_No_Fur;
-	delitem "WhiteFur", 1;
-	set @Temp2,rand(30);
-	if (@Temp2 == 0) goto L_State_11_success;
-	mes "Agostine rips the white fur.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"That fur was terrible. I won't work with it!\"";
-	if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) close;
-	next;
-	menu
-		"Well, maybe this is better!", L_State_11_try,
-		"I will hunt other fluffies...", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"I'd rather see the patch of fur, first.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "Agostine examines the patch of fur.";
+    next;
+    if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) goto L_No_Fur;
+    delitem "WhiteFur", 1;
+    set @Temp2,rand(30);
+    if (@Temp2 == 0) goto L_State_11_success;
+    mes "Agostine rips the white fur.";
+    next;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"That fur was terrible. I won't work with it!\"";
+    if (countitem("WhiteFur") < 1) close;
+    next;
+    menu
+        "Well, maybe this is better!", L_State_11_try,
+        "I will hunt other fluffies...", -;
+    close;
-	mes "Agostine breaks into a smile";
-	next;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"This one is good enough, my friend. Good job.\"";
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 8;
-	goto L_State_12;
+    mes "Agostine breaks into a smile";
+    next;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"This one is good enough, my friend. Good job.\"";
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 8;
+    goto L_State_12;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"I need also a pair of Boots for the work.";
-	mes "And my payment, obviously. 15,000 GP is right.\"";
-	next;
-	menu
-		"Sure, here it all is.", L_State_12_pay,
-		"I missed something, I will be back soon!", -;
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"I need also a pair of Boots for the work.";
+    mes "And my payment, obviously. 15,000 GP is right.\"";
+    next;
+    menu
+        "Sure, here it all is.", L_State_12_pay,
+        "I missed something, I will be back soon!", -;
+    close;
-	if (zeny < 15000) goto L_State_12_missing;
-	if (countitem("Boots") < 1) goto L_State_12_missing;
-	// No inventory check needed, as boots are removed, opening a slot
-	set zeny, zeny - 15000;
-	delitem "Boots", 1;
-	getitem "FurBoots", 1;
-	set QUEST_WG_state, 9;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Enjoy your new boots, my friend!\"";
-	close;
+    if (zeny < 15000) goto L_State_12_missing;
+    if (countitem("Boots") < 1) goto L_State_12_missing;
+    // No inventory check needed, as boots are removed, opening a slot
+    set zeny, zeny - 15000;
+    delitem "Boots", 1;
+    getitem "FurBoots", 1;
+    set QUEST_WG_state, 9;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Enjoy your new boots, my friend!\"";
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"Seems you have forgotten something. Check your inventory";
-	mes "and your pockets!\"";
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"Seems you have forgotten something. Check your inventory";
+    mes "and your pockets!\"";
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"You are so glamourous, my dear friend!";
-	mes "I have done a very good job on your clothes!\"";
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"You are so glamourous, my dear friend!";
+    mes "I have done a very good job on your clothes!\"";
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"You don't have anywhere to put them. Come back when you do.\"";
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"You don't have anywhere to put them. Come back when you do.\"";
+    close;
-	mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
-	mes "\"You don't have any white fur! Stop talking nonsense.\"";
-	close;
+    mes "[Agostine, The Legendary Tailor]";
+    mes "\"You don't have any white fur! Stop talking nonsense.\"";
+    close;
diff --git a/world/map/npc/020-2/shops.txt b/world/map/npc/020-2/shops.txt
index edeaa73c..11676156 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/020-2/shops.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/020-2/shops.txt
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
 // Snow town shops
 // About the Area NPC
-020-2.gat,75,28,0	script	Taylor	137,{
-	mes "[" + @npcname$ + "]";
-	mes "\"While it can be dangerous up here in Kaizei, I take comfort that Nivalis is not surrounded by the Yeti like Thermin is.  What a weird town.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"Around Christmas time, this place gets crazy, but most of the time Nivalis serves as a hub for adventurers and tourists that come to Kaizei.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"There caves around here can prove to be dangerous, be careful around here and bring friends if you should go into them..otherwise, it might spell your end.\"";
-	next;
-	mes "\"Well, pleasant journeys and I hope I haven't been too much of a bother.  Good chatting with you.\"";
-	close;
+    mes "[" + @npcname$ + "]";
+    mes "\"While it can be dangerous up here in Kaizei, I take comfort that Nivalis is not surrounded by the Yeti like Thermin is.  What a weird town.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"Around Christmas time, this place gets crazy, but most of the time Nivalis serves as a hub for adventurers and tourists that come to Kaizei.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"There caves around here can prove to be dangerous, be careful around here and bring friends if you should go into them..otherwise, it might spell your end.\"";
+    next;
+    mes "\"Well, pleasant journeys and I hope I haven't been too much of a bother.  Good chatting with you.\"";
+    close;
 // Weapons shop
-020-2.gat,25,65,0	shop	Bracco	135,IronArrow :-1, Shortbow :-1, Dagger :-1, LeatherShield :-1
+020-2.gat,25,65,0|shop|Bracco|135,IronArrow :-1, Shortbow :-1, Dagger :-1, LeatherShield :-1
 // Potions shop
-020-2.gat,75,24,0	shop	Mede	103,CactusDrink :-1,CactusPotion :-1,Iron Potion :-1,ConcentrationPotion :-1
+020-2.gat,75,24,0|shop|Mede|103,CactusDrink :-1,CactusPotion :-1,Iron Potion :-1,ConcentrationPotion :-1
 // INN
-020-2.gat,111,23,0	script	Kane	120,{
-	set @npcname$, "Kane the Inn Keeper";
-	set @cost, 100;
+    set @npcname$, "Kane the Inn Keeper";
+    set @cost, 100;
-	mes "[" + @npcname$ + "]";
-	mes "\"Welcome stranger!\"";
-	mes "\"What? You've already seen an INN like mine?\"";
-	mes "\"That's impossible!\"";
-	next;
-	callfunc "Inn";
-	close;
+    mes "[" + @npcname$ + "]";
+    mes "\"Welcome stranger!\"";
+    mes "\"What? You've already seen an INN like mine?\"";
+    mes "\"That's impossible!\"";
+    next;
+    callfunc "Inn";
+    close;
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2