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Manavis users

These are the other users currently online on manavis. If you find something interesting to show, create a channel and get people to join to take a look!

Character base level

XP instances
Base level

Stat allocation

The more intense the color, the more XP instances.
Each subchart relates one attribute to another. This is redundant in places, such as with the str-agi chart and the agi-str chart, so the chart is symmetric.
To get an idea of how this works, try filtering a range of low levels above, then slide the filter right, watching how the stats increase as people gain more levels and can get more stats.

Experience type

More charts shown when KILLXP is filtered.



Number of attackers

The number of characters responsible for attacking the mob. One character attacking a mob directly, and another attacking it with a dozen summons, would count as two attackers.

XP instances


XP instances


The larger the bubble, the more XP instances for that map.

Total job XP gain
Total level XP gain


Manavis shows experience gain from combat logs generated by The Mana World's server, tmwAthena.

Online mode

Manavis can operate in two modes, offline and online, depending on the selection of the checkbox below.

While offline, you can still analyse everything yourself as you would normally.

In online mode, active filters are made public, similar to multiplayer notepad or etherpad. This can help others understand manavis and the logs, and could be used to improve manavis and the game.

Select your own dataset(s)

Manavis will need records on your local file system.

Both raw server logs (.log) and scrubbed datasets (.scrubbed) will work fine. If using the latter, make sure it has .scrubbed in the file name!

You can load any number of files at once.

Or use the latest dataset

Latest dataset from server

Please note that this is very js intensive. The tab may briefly lock up as it loads everything.
