Manavis users

    Character base level

    Stat allocation

    Experience type



    Number of attackers


    Map [?]


    Manavis shows experience gain from combat logs generated by The Mana World's server, tmwAthena.

    Manavis can operate in two modes, offline and online, depending on the selection of the checkbox below.

    While offline, you can still analyse everything yourself as you would normally.

    In online mode, active filters are made public, similar to multiplayer notepad or etherpad. This can help others understand manavis and the logs, and could be used to improve manavis and the game.

    Currently, all changes are applied from everyone in online mode.
    This can be inconvenient, and should be changed in the near future.

    Select records to load and display

    You can load any number of files at once.
