function progress(root) { var _progress = {}; var container = document.getElementById(root); var _percent = '0%'; var bar = document.querySelector('#' + root + ' .percent'); _progress.label = function() { return _percent; } /* Updates the progress bar to display a specific percentage. No range checking performed. */ _progress.setPercent = function(percent) { _percent = percent; = _percent; bar.textContent = _progress.label(); } /* Updates the progress bar to display a percentage based on the current proportion of items done. */ _progress.update = function(current, total) { var percentLoaded = Math.min(100, Math.round((current / total) * 100)); _progress.setPercent(percentLoaded + '%'); }; /* Resets the progress bar to display nothing done. */ _progress.reset = function() { _progress.setPercent('0%'); } /* Resets the progress bar to display everything done. */ _progress.complete = function() { _progress.setPercent('100%'); } /* Shows the progress bar. */ = function() { container.className += ' loading'; } /* Hides the progress bar */ _progress.hide = function() { container.className = container.className.replace(/\bloading\b/, ''); } return _progress; }