var mv = function(mv) { mv.parser = function() { var parser = {}; var pcstat = {}; var fullyDefinedCutoff = 0; parser.records = []; parser.fullyDefinedCutoff = function() { return fullyDefinedCutoff; }; parser.parseRecords = function(data) { var spl = data.split(/\r?\n/); spl.forEach(function(e, i) { var d; d = e.match(/^(\d+\.\d+) PC(\d+) (\d+):(\d+),(\d+) GAINXP (\d+) (\d+) (\w+)/); if (d) { var mapSID = parseInt(d[3]); var ts = new Date(0); ts.setUTCSeconds(d[1]); var rec = { date: ts, pc: parseInt(d[2]), map: map.nameByServerID(parseInt(d[3]), ts), x: parseInt(d[4]), y: parseInt(d[5]), e: parseInt(d[6]), j: parseInt(d[7]), type: d[8], pcstat: pcstat[d[2]], target: 0, dmg: 0, wpn: 0 }; if (pcstat[d[2]] == undefined && (!fullyDefinedCutoff || ts > fullyDefinedCutoff)) { fullyDefinedCutoff = ts; } /* XXX: Fragile horrible and unstructured, this whole thing needs a rewrite really */ if (i >= 2 && rec.type == "KILLXP") { d = spl[i - 1].match(/^(\d+\.\d+) MOB(\d+) DEAD/); if (d) { var mID = parseInt(d[2]); /* There's a massive wealth of data that can be collected from this. Number of assailants, weapons used, the relationships with the assailants... this can't be done with a simple lookbehind. For now, just extract what mob it was, and what the killing weapon used was. */ d = spl[i - 2].match(/^(\d+\.\d+) PC(\d+) (\d+):(\d+),(\d+) WPNDMG MOB(\d+) (\d+) FOR (\d+) WPN (\d+)/); if (d) { softAssert(mID == parseInt(d[6]), "Integrity error: MOB ID mismatch!"); // softAssert(rec.pc == parseInt(d[2]), "Integrity error: PC ID mismatch!"); = parseInt(d[7]); rec.dmg = parseInt(d[8]); rec.wpn = parseInt(d[9]); } } else { d = spl[i - 1].match(/^(\d+\.\d+) PC(\d+) (\d+):(\d+),(\d+) GAINXP (\d+) (\d+) (\w+)/); if (d) { var clone = parser.records[parser.records.length - 1]; softAssert( ==, "Integrity error: MAP ID mismatch!"); =; rec.dmg = clone.dmg; /* FIXME: Take into account actual assist damage */ rec.wpn = clone.wpn; } } } parser.records.push(rec); return; } d = e.match(/^(?:\d+\.\d+) PC(\d+) (?:\d+):(?:\d+),(?:\d+) STAT (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) /); if (d) { var s = { str: parseInt(d[2]), agi: parseInt(d[3]), vit: parseInt(d[4]), int: parseInt(d[5]), dex: parseInt(d[6]), luk: parseInt(d[7]) }; s.blvl = stat.minLevelForStats(s.str, s.agi, s.vit,, s.dex, s.luk); pcstat[d[1]] = s; return; } }); }; function softAssert(expr, msg) { if (!expr) { console.error("SOFTASSERT FAILURE: " + msg); } } return parser; }(); return mv; }(mv || {});