#!/usr/bin/python """ Copyright 2011, Dipesh Amin Copyright 2011, Stefan Beller This file is part of tradey, a trading bot in the mana world see www.themanaworld.org """ import time import os import xml.dom.minidom from subprocess import call from xml.etree.ElementTree import * def clean_xml(parse): data = '' pos_start = 0 while parse.find('<', pos_start) != -1: pos_start = parse.find('<', pos_start) pos_end = parse.find('>', pos_start+1) data += parse[pos_start:pos_end+1] pos_start = pos_end return data class UserTree: def __init__(self): self.tree = ElementTree(file="data/user.xml") self.root = self.tree.getroot() def add_user(self, name, stalls, al): if self.get_user(name) == -10: user = SubElement(self.root, "user") user.set("name", name) user.set("stalls", str(stalls)) user.set("used_stalls", str(0)) user.set("money", str(0)) user.set("id", str(0)) user.set("accesslevel", str(al)) self.save() def get_user(self, name): for elem in self.root: if elem.get("name") == name: return elem return -10 def remove_user(self, name): for elem in self.root: if elem.get("name") == name: self.root.remove(elem) self.save() return 1 return -10 def save(self): # Be sure to call save() after any changes to the tree. f = open('data/user.xml', 'w') dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(clean_xml(tostring(self.root))) f.write(dom.toprettyxml(' ')) f.close() class ItemTree: def __init__(self): self.tree = ElementTree(file="data/sale.xml") self.root = self.tree.getroot() self.u_id = set() for elem in self.root: self.u_id.add(int(elem.get("uid"))) def getId(self): id_itter = 1 while id_itter in self.u_id: id_itter += 1 self.u_id.add(id_itter) return id_itter def remove_id(self, uid): # Free up used id's. self.u_id.remove(uid) def add_item(self, name, item_id, amount, price): user = SubElement(self.root, "item") user.set("name", name) user.set("itemId", str(item_id)) user.set("price", str(price)) user.set("add_time", str(time.time())) user.set("relisted", str(0)) user.set("amount", str(amount)) user.set("uid", str(self.getId())) self.save() def get_uid(self, uid): for elem in self.root: if elem.get("uid") == str(uid): return elem return -10 def remove_item_uid(self, uid): for elem in self.root: if elem.get("uid") == str(uid): self.root.remove(elem) self.remove_id(uid) self.save() return 1 return -10 def save(self): # Be sure to call save() after any changes to the tree. f = open('data/sale.xml', 'w') dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(clean_xml(tostring(self.root))) f.write(dom.toprettyxml(' ')) f.close() def saveData(commitmessage = "commit"): # This assumes the current working directory is the tradey directory. os.chdir("data") call(["git", "commit","-a", '-m "' + commitmessage + '"']) os.chdir("..") if __name__ == '__main__': print "Do not run this file directly. Run main.py"