Welcome Walk to the carpet Quest giver: Sorfina. Coordinates: Candor Island Indoor (27,27) Welcome Retrieve items from the Chest Quest giver: Sorfina. Coordinates: Candor Island Indoor (27,27) Welcome Open inventory and equip clothes (###keyWindowEquipment;) Quest giver: Sorfina. Coordinates: Candor Island Indoor (27,27) Welcome Find Tanisha Quest giver: Sorfina. Coordinates: Candor Island Indoor (27,27) Welcome Help Tanisha kill maggots Quest giver: Tanisha. Coordinates: Candor Island Indoor (100,88) Welcome Help Tanisha kill maggots Quest giver: Tanisha. Coordinates: Candor Island Indoor (100,88) Welcome Get reward from Tanisha Quest giver: Tanisha. Coordinates: Candor Island Indoor (100,88) Welcome Complete. Quest giver: Tanisha. Coordinates: Candor Island Indoor (100,88) Hasan Some guy named Hasan is picking on people Trick Hasan needs to be taught a lesson Talk to sorfina. Trick known Hasan is afraid of scorpions Scorpion Goto Hasan and have Kaan summon a scorpion Saved Hasan Killed the scorpion Talk to Hasan Hasan changed his ways By order of the Council Wild life needs to be culled Maggots Kill 10 Maggots House Maggots Kill 5 House Maggots Tame Scropion Kill 3 Tame Scoprions Scorpion Kill 1 Scropion Complete Complete Complete Complete MIT Admissions Met Morgan Learn #confringo Learn the spell to use the wand Talk to Morgan Cast the spell and ready to talk to Morgan. Confringo Learned You learned a new spell #confringo Met Zegas Needs help. Find the bomb Find the bug bomb in one of the barrels Found it Found the bug bomb in the barrel Complete. Complete. Bug Legs Vincent needs bug legs Complete Complete. Hide n Seek Find my Friends Hide n Seek Found Everyone Hide n Seek Complete