"use strict"; const uuidv4 = require("uuid/v4"); const nodemailer = require("nodemailer"); const Claim = require("../utils/claim.js"); const validate = require("../utils/validate.js"); const Identity = require("../types/Identity.js"); let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ sendmail: true, newline: 'unix', path: '/usr/sbin/sendmail' }); const get_identities = async (req, res, next) => { let session; try { [, session] = validate.get_session(req, res); } catch { return } // already handled if (session.identities.length === 0) { console.info(`Vault.identity: fetching identities <${session.vault}@vault> [${req.ip}]`); /** @type {Identity[]} */ const rows = await req.app.locals.vault.identity.findAll({ where: {userId: session.vault} }); for (const ident of rows) { ident.isPrimary = session.primaryIdentity.id === ident.id; session.identities.push(ident); } } res.status(200).json({ status: "success", identities: session.identities, // cached in the session }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 1e3); }; const add_identity = async (req, res, next) => { const token = String(req.get("X-VAULT-SESSION") || ""); const secret = String(req.get("X-VAULT-TOKEN") || ""); if (token === "" && secret !== "") { if (!secret.match(validate.regexes.uuid)) { res.status(400).json({ status: "error", error: "missing secret", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 5e3); return; } // TODO: make an IdentityStore type similar to SessionStore and get rid of Ephemeral const ident = req.app.locals.identity_pending.get(secret); let email; try { email = validate.get_email(req, res); } catch { return } // already handled if (ident === null || ident === undefined || ident.email !== email) { res.status(410).json({ status: "error", error: "token has expired", }); // max 3 attempts per 15 minutes if (req.app.locals.brute.consume(req, 3, 9e5)) { req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 15e3); } else { req.app.locals.logger.warn(`Vault.identity: validation request flood [${req.ip}]`); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 3.6e6); } return; } /** @type {Identity} */ const newIdent = await req.app.locals.vault.identity.create({ userId: ident.vault, email: ident.email, }); req.app.locals.vault.identity_log.create({ userId: ident.vault, identityId: newIdent.id, action: "ADD", ip: req.ip, }); await Claim.claim_accounts(req, ident.email, ident.vault); /** @type {Session} */ let session = null; for (const [, sess] of req.app.locals.session) { if (sess.vault === ident.vault && sess.authenticated) { sess.identities.push(newIdent); session = sess; break; } } req.app.locals.identity_pending.delete(secret); if (session !== null) { console.info(`Vault.identity: added a new identity <${session.vault}@vault> [${req.ip}]`); } else { console.info(`Vault.identity: added a new identity [${req.ip}]`); } res.status(201).json({ status: "success", identity: newIdent, }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 6e4); return; } // request to add let session, email; try { [, session] = validate.get_session(req, res); email = validate.get_email(req, res); } catch { return } // already handled for (const [, pending] of req.app.locals.identity_pending) { if (pending.vault === session.vault && pending.email === email) { res.status(425).json({ status: "error", error: "already pending", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 60e4); return; } } if (session.identities.length === 0) { // we did not have enough time to fetch, so cowardly refuse res.status(409).json({ status: "error", error: "already assigned", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 5e3); return; } else if (session.identities.length >= 20) { res.status(416).json({ status: "error", error: "too many identities", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 3e4); return; } /** @type {Identity} */ let find = null; for (const ident of session.identities) { if (ident.email === email) { find = ident; break; } } if (find === null) { find = await req.app.locals.vault.identity.findOne({ where: {email} }); } if (find !== null) { res.status(409).json({ status: "error", error: "already assigned", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 5e3); return; } let uuid; do { // avoid collisions uuid = uuidv4(); } while (req.app.locals.session.get(uuid)); req.app.locals.identity_pending.set(uuid, { ip: req.ip, vault: session.vault, email: email, }); console.log(`Vault.session: starting identity validation <${session.vault}@vault> [${req.ip}]`); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") { console.log(`uuid: ${uuid}`); } else { // TODO: limit total number of emails that can be dispatched by a single ip in an hour transporter.sendMail({ from: process.env.VAULT__MAILER__FROM, to: email, subject: "The Mana World identity validation", text: "You are receiving this email because someone (you?) has requested to link your email address "+ "to a TMW Vault account.\nIf you did not initiate this process, please ignore this email.\n\n"+ "To confirm, use this link:\n" + `${process.env.VAULT__URL__IDENTITY}${uuid}` }, (err, info) => {}); } res.status(200).json({ status: "success" }); // TODO: split request and validation so that request has a cooldown of 6e4 req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 5e3); }; module.exports = exports = async (req, res, next) => { switch(req.method) { case "GET": // list identities return await get_identities(req, res, next); case "POST": // add identity return await add_identity(req, res, next); case "DELETE": // TODO: remove an identity //return await drop_identity(req, res, next); default: next(); // fallthrough to default endpoint (404) } };