"use strict"; const regexes = { token: /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{6,128}$/, // UUID }; const get_data = async (req, res, next) => { const token = String(req.get("X-VAULT-SESSION") || ""); if (!token.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{6,128}$/)) { res.status(400).json({ status: "error", error: "missing session key", }); req.app.locals.logger.warn(`Vault.account: blocked an attempt to bypass authentication [${req.ip}]`); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 3e5); return; } const session = req.app.locals.session.get(token); if (session === null || session === undefined) { res.status(410).json({ status: "error", error: "session expired", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 5e3); return; } if (session.authenticated !== true) { res.status(401).json({ status: "error", error: "not authenticated", }); req.app.locals.logger.warn(`Vault.account: blocked an attempt to bypass authentication [${req.ip}]`); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 3e5); return; } res.status(200).json({ status: "success", data: { // TODO: make this a method of Session primaryIdentity: session.primaryIdentity, allowNonPrimary: session.allowNonPrimary, vaultId: session.vault, }, }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 1e3); }; const update_account = async (req, res, next) => { const token = String(req.get("X-VAULT-SESSION") || ""); if (!token.match(regexes.token)) { res.status(400).json({ status: "error", error: "missing session key", }); req.app.locals.logger.warn(`Vault.account: blocked an attempt to bypass authentication [${req.ip}]`); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 3e5); return; } if (!req.body || !Reflect.has(req.body, "primary") || !Reflect.has(req.body, "allow") || !Number.isInteger(req.body.primary)) { res.status(400).json({ status: "error", error: "invalid format", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 5e3); return; } const session = req.app.locals.session.get(token); if (session === null || session === undefined) { res.status(410).json({ status: "error", error: "session expired", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 5e3); return; } if (session.authenticated !== true) { res.status(401).json({ status: "error", error: "not authenticated", }); req.app.locals.logger.warn(`Vault.account: blocked an attempt to bypass authentication [${req.ip}]`); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 3e5); return; } const update_fields = {}; if (session.primaryIdentity !== req.body.primary) { // update primary identity let new_primary = null; for (const ident of session.identities) { if (ident.id === req.body.primary) { new_primary = ident.id; break; } } if (new_primary === null) { res.status(404).json({ status: "error", error: "not owned by you", }); req.app.locals.logger.warn(`Vault.account: blocked an attempt to bypass authentication [${req.ip}]`); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 3e5); } update_fields.primaryIdentity = new_primary; } if (session.allowNonPrimary !== !!req.body.allow) { // update allow non-primary update_fields.allowNonPrimary = !!req.body.allow; } // update SQL if (Object.keys(update_fields).length) { await req.app.locals.vault.login.update(update_fields, { where: { id: session.vault } }); } // now update our cache session.allowNonPrimary = !!req.body.allow; session.primaryIdentity = +req.body.primary; for (const ident of session.identities) { if (ident.id === session.primaryIdentity) { ident.primary = true; } else if (ident.primary === true) { ident.primary = false; } } res.status(200).json({ status: "success", }); req.app.locals.cooldown(req, 1e3); }; module.exports = exports = async (req, res, next) => { switch(req.method) { case "GET": // get account data return await get_data(req, res, next); case "PATCH": // change account data return await update_account(req, res, next); default: next(); // fallthrough to default endpoint (404) } };