const express = require("express"); // from npm registry const fs = require("fs"); // built-in const middlewares = { account: require("./middlewares/account.js"), server: require("./middlewares/server.js"), }; module.exports = exports = class TMWA { constructor(config, api, challenge, rate_limit) { // XXX: having to pass a reference to `api` is weird, we should instead // store config in this.config and make the middlewares (somehow) // access this.config. the problem is that we can't pass arguments // to middlewares, so we might have to curry them this.api = api; this.api.locals.tmwa = config; this.api.locals.tmwa.status = "OfflineTemporarily"; // XXX: storing these in the class feels wrong, I don't think it should be exported... maybe we could use some more curry? this.api.locals.tmwa.num_online = 0; this.timeout = null; this.router = express.Router(["caseSensitive", "strict"]); this.router.get("/server", middlewares.server); this.router.all("/account", rate_limit, challenge); // flood limit + captcha this.router.all("/account", express.json(), middlewares.account); tmwa_poll(this); // first heartbeat"Loaded TMWA router"); return this.router; } }; const tmwa_poll = (_this) => { fs.readFile("./online.txt", "utf8", (err, data) => { const lines = data.split("\n"); if (err || lines.length < 2) { console.error("TMWA: encountered an error while retrieving online.txt", err); _this.timeout = setTimeout(() => tmwa_poll(_this), 30000); // <= it failed, so check again later return; } const last_online = Date.parse(lines[0].match(/\((.+)\)/)[1] + ` ${_this.api.locals.tmwa.timezone}`); if ( - last_online < 30000) { const num = lines[lines.length - 2].match(/([0-9]+) users are online./); _this.api.locals.tmwa.status = "Online"; _this.api.locals.tmwa.num_online = num ? num[1] : 0; } else { _this.api.locals.tmwa.status = "OfflineTemporarily"; _this.api.locals.tmwa.num_online = 0; } _this.timeout = setTimeout(() => tmwa_poll(_this), 2000); }); };