#!/usr/bin/python3 ##################################### ## This is the Tkinter version ## It is mostly a TMW Vault Wrapper ## ## For lore, you need to use the app ##################################### ## (C) The Mana World Team, 2021-2024 ## Published under the MIT License ##################################### import requests, json, traceback, subprocess, hmac, struct, time, os, uuid, getpass import base64 import tkinter as tk from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, showerror, askyesno from functools import partial OBFS = uuid.getnode() % 256 # Get a number which *usually* doesn't change print("Obfuscation key = %d" % OBFS) # <- Just to not leave it in plain text ## Internal wrapper for preferences saveSettings = True def _savePref(): global saveSettings, pref if not saveSettings: return dump = json.dumps(pref) #print(repr(dump)) dump = bytearray(ord(x) ^ int(OBFS) for x in dump) #print(repr(dump)) dump = base64.b64encode(dump) dump = dump.decode('ascii') #print(repr(dump)) with open("settings.b64", 'w') as raw: raw.write(str(dump)) #print("Preferences updated...") return ## Try to load previously saved settings try: with open("settings.b64") as raw: pref = base64.b64decode(raw.read()) #print(repr(pref)) #print(pref[0]) #print(int(pref[0])) # <- XXX: use ord() if fail, and replace accordingly #print(int(pref[0]) ^ int(OBFS)) pref = bytearray(int(x) ^ int(OBFS) for x in pref) #print(repr(pref)) pref = pref.decode('utf8') pref = json.loads(str(pref)) #print(repr(pref)) print("User settings loaded...") #except FileNotFoundError: # <-- TODO except: print("Failed to load user settings!") err = traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2] print("Error: %s" % err) # TODO: Move this to a function of its own, dont ask if FileNotFoundError # Create new dummy prefs pref = {"user": "", "pass": "", "totp": "", "mana": False, "plus": False, "shell": True} ## Do you want us to create a settings file? if ("FileNotFoundError" in err): _savePref() print("New user settings created!") elif (askyesno("Mana Launcher", "Failed to load user settings!\n\nDo you want to create a new one?")): _savePref() print("New user settings created!") else: saveSettings = False ## Prepare some basic stuff execute=subprocess.call serverlist = [] class HoverButton(tk.Button): def enter(self, e): self["background"] = self["activebackground"] def exit(self, e): self["background"] = self.defaultBackground def __init__(self, **kw): tk.Button.__init__(self, **kw) self.defaultBackground = self["background"] self.bind("", self.enter) self.bind("", self.exit) ## TODO: Get from `sys` args parameters like world auto-selection ## TODO: Use Config and Local folders, not sure if relative path works ##################################### #VAULT_HOST = "https://localhost:13370" #SERVERLIST = "http://localhost/launcher" VAULT_HOST = "https://api.themanaworld.org:13370" SERVERLIST = "https://updates.tmw2.org/launcher" # Vault SSL wrapper vault=requests.Session() if "localhost" in VAULT_HOST: vault.verify=False ##################################### def stdout(message, bd=False): if bd: print("\033[1m%s\033[0m" % message) else: print(message) def sdelay(delta=0.02): time.sleep(delta) return # IF Then Else (IFTE) def ifte(ifs, then, elses): if (ifs): return then else: return elses # Sanitize a command (strip some flow control chars) # While it covers all control operators and most metacharacters, # it doesn't covers well the reserved words. # ...Of course, it relies on this client not being compromised. def san(cmd): return cmd.replace(";", "").replace("|", "").replace(">", "").replace("<", "").replace("&", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace("\n", "").replace("[[", "").replace("]]", "") # Returns number of seconds since UNIX EPOCH def now(): return int(time.time()) # Search for array[?][key]==search in an array of dicts # Returns the dictionary, or returns None def dl_search(array, key, search): try: r=(item for item in array if item[key] == search).next() except: r=None if r is None: stdout("dlsearch: r is None") return r # Search for array[?][key]==search in an array of dicts # Returns the index, or returns -1 def dl_search_idx(array, key, search): try: r=next((i for i, item in enumerate(array) if item[key] == search), None) except: traceback.print_exc() r=-1 return ifte(r is None, -1, r) def nullp(arg): return def validate_server(srv): name="Unknown Server"; ok=False try: name=srv["Name"] #stdout("Validating server \"%s\"..." % name) nullp("Host: %s" % srv["Host"]) nullp("Port: %04d" % srv["Port"]) nullp("Desc: %s" % srv["Desc"]) nullp("Link: %s" % srv["Link"]) nullp("News: %s" % srv["News"]) nullp("Back: %s" % srv["Back"]) nullp("UUID: %s" % srv["UUID"]) nullp("Help: %s" % srv["Help"]) nullp("Online List: %s" % srv["Online"]) nullp("Policy: %s" % srv["Policy"]) if not "Type" in srv.keys(): srv["Type"]="evol2" stdout("Server \"%s\" loaded." % name) ok=True except: traceback.print_exc() stdout("Validation for server \"%s\" FAILED!" % name) return ok def update_serverlist(hosti): global serverlist, host try: r=requests.get("%s/server_list.json" % hosti, timeout=10.0) if (r.status_code != 200): raise AssertionError("Mirror %s seems to be down!\nReturned error %03d\n" % (hosti.replace("https://", "").replace("http://", ""), r.status_code)) j=json.loads(r.text) ## If we reached here, then everything is likely fine ## We can now build the persistent data print("Fetching server list and assets...") slist=len(j) for server in j: if (validate_server(server)): serverlist.append(server) ## If we were truly successful, save this host as our mirror host = hosti return True except: traceback.print_exc() return False def launch_game(idx): ## Get/Set basic data HOST=serverlist[idx]["Host"] PORT=serverlist[idx]["Port"] CMD="" OPT="" PWD="" ## Get credentials auth = {"vaultId": vaultId, "token": vaultToken, "world": serverlist[idx]["UUID"]} print(repr(auth)) try: r=vault.post(VAULT_HOST+"/world_pass", json=auth, timeout=15.0) ## We got the access credentials if r.status_code == 200: auth2=r.json() PWD=" -U %s -P %s" % (auth2["user"], auth2["pass"]) ## We were refused by Vault elif r.status_code == 403: stdout("Warning: Connection was refused (Vault logout?)") return -1 ## We are rate-limited, try again elif r.status_code == 429: stdout("Rate limited!") return -1 ## Internal error, maybe? else: stdout("Get World Auth - Returned error code %d" % r.status_code) return -1 except: traceback.print_exc() return -1 ## Handle server type if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): CMD="manaplus" else: CMD="manaplus/Mana/manaplus.exe" # FIXME untested OPT="-s %s -y %s -p %s -S" % (HOST, serverlist[idx]["Type"], PORT) ## Execute the app if pref["shell"]: app=execute(san("%s %s%s" % (CMD, OPT, PWD)), shell=True) # nosec else: app=execute(san("%s %s%s" % (CMD, OPT, PWD)), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) # nosec return app ## Only meaningful on Linux os.environ["APPIMAGELAUNCHER_DISABLE"]="1" ################################################################################# ## Construct session data update_serverlist(SERVERLIST) vaultId = -1 saveMail = None savePass = None ################################################################################# ###### World Selection Screen def world_select(): global canva, serverlist canva = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=600, bg="#0c3251") canva.pack() label1 = tk.Label(root, text='World Selection', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label1.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(200, 20, window=label1) # Not really necessary? Or just TODO? #scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(canva, orient=tk.VERTICAL) #canva.create_window(400, 20, window=scrollbar) ## Create a list of all worlds ypos = 60 for w in serverlist: button = HoverButton(text=w["Name"], command=partial(launch_game, serverlist.index(w)), bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933") canva.create_window(200, ypos, window=button) ypos += 40 return ################################################################################# ## Login function def login(): global canva, vaultId, vaultToken, saveMail, savePass email = entry1.get() passw = entry2.get() totps = entry3.get() ## Save email or delete saved copy if saveMail.get(): pref["user"] = email else: pref["user"] = "" ## Save password or delete saved copy if savePass.get(): pref["pass"] = passw else: pref["pass"] = "" ## Prepare the packet for Vault data = {"mail": email, "pass": passw, "totp": totps[:6] } try: r = vault.post(VAULT_HOST+"/user_auth", json=data) if (r.status_code != 200): add="" if r.status_code == 400: add="\nBad request.\n" elif r.status_code == 401: add="\nIncorrect username/password.\n" elif r.status_code == 429: add="\nYou are being rate-limited.\n" showerror(title="Mana Launcher", message="Vault returned error %d\n%s\nPlease try again later." % (r.status_code, add)) exit(1) except SystemExit: exit(1) except: err = traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2] print("Error: %s" % err) showerror(title="Mana Launcher", message="Python error\n\nPlease try again later.") exit(1) auth2 = r.json() vaultId = auth2["vaultId"] vaultToken = auth2["token"] ## Only save settings if connection worked _savePref() ## Change the display print("Connected to vault!") canva.destroy() world_select() return ################################################################################# ## Build Tkinter interface root=tk.Tk() root.title("Mana Launcher (tk)") canva = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=600, bg="#0c3251") canva.pack() ## Default variables saveMail = tk.BooleanVar() saveMail.set(pref["user"] != "") savePass = tk.BooleanVar() savePass.set(pref["pass"] != "") ## Email label1 = tk.Label(root, text='Email:', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label1.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(200, 40, window=label1) entry1 = tk.Entry(root) entry1.insert(0, pref["user"]) canva.create_window(200, 80, window=entry1) c1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Remember", variable=saveMail, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") canva.create_window(350, 80, window=c1) label2 = tk.Label(root, text='Password:', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label2.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(200, 120, window=label2) entry2 = tk.Entry(root, show="*") entry2.insert(0, pref["pass"]) canva.create_window(200, 160, window=entry2) c1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Remember", variable=savePass, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") canva.create_window(350, 160, window=c1) label3 = tk.Label(root, text='TOTP:', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label3.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(200, 200, window=label3) entry3 = tk.Entry(root) #entry3.insert(0, pref["totp"]) canva.create_window(200, 240, window=entry3) button1 = HoverButton(text='Login', command=login, bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933") canva.create_window(200, 300, window=button1) root.mainloop() # Check if you're now logged in if vaultId < 1: exit(1) print("Thanks for playing!") exit(0) # <- FIXME: Not necessary? Just delete stuff below ################################################################################# try: while True: command=str(input("> ")) # No command inserted? Do nothing if command == "": continue # We have a command, prepare it for processing stdout("CONSOLE: %s" % command) cmd=command.split(' ')[0].lower() com=" ".join(command.split(' ')[1:]) # Parse the command # TODO: grant gems to an user if cmd in ["help", "h"]: print("help - Shows this help text") print("list - List servers") print("exit - Closes the program") print("connect - Connects to ") print("") print("You need ManaPlus installed for Evol2 worlds.") elif cmd in ["list", "servers"]: for w in serverlist: print("\033[1m%s\033[0m" % w["Name"]) print("Type: %s" % w["Type"]) print("Help: %s" % w["Help"]) elif cmd in ["exit", "quit", "close"]: break elif cmd in ["connect", "run", "world"]: target=dl_search_idx(serverlist, "Name", com) print("Target \"%s\" - %s" % (com, str(target))) try: idx=int(target) except: stdout("ERROR: Unknown world.") continue app=launch_game(idx) ## Handle MLP while app == 7: stdout("[CLIENT] Mirror Lake triggered.") r=vault.post(VAULT_HOST+"/getlake", json=auth, timeout=15.0) if r.status_code == 200: goto=r.json()["world"] stdout("MLP Target: %s" % str(goto)) if goto == "" or goto.lower() == "vault": stdout("Mirror Lake False Positive") break try: idx=int(dl_search_idx(serverlist, "UUID", goto)) app=launch_game(idx) except: traceback.print_exc() break else: stdout("ERROR: Unknown command. Try \"help\".") except: stdout("Abrupt error: Terminating!") traceback.print_exc()