#!/usr/bin/python3 ##################################### ## This is the Tkinter version ## It is mostly a TMW Vault Wrapper ##################################### ## (C) The Mana World Team, 2021-2024 ## Published under the MIT License ## Except cog.png - under GPLv2 ##################################### import requests, json, traceback, subprocess, sys, time, os, uuid, base64 import zipfile, shutil, webbrowser #import threading #hmac, struct # < - TODO: Necessary for TOTP-remember support import tkinter as tk from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, showerror, askyesno from functools import partial OBFS = uuid.getnode() % 256 # Get a number which *usually* doesn't change OBFS = (len(os.getcwd()) + 131) % 256 # <- FIXME above didn't held up in practice # TODO: Maybe we can do len() for the absolute path to this script # Then % 256 it so we always have a valid unchanging obfuscation? >_> # TODO: Make a .ico for this, and pyinstaller -i? (--onefile) # pyinstaller --icon=favicon.ico print("Obfuscation key = %d" % OBFS) # <- Just to not leave it in plain text ## Internal wrapper for preferences saveSettings = True; newUser = False def _savePref(): global saveSettings, pref if not saveSettings: return dump = json.dumps(pref) dump = bytearray(ord(x) ^ int(OBFS) for x in dump) dump = base64.b64encode(dump) dump = dump.decode('ascii') with open("settings.b64", 'w') as raw: raw.write(str(dump)) #print("Preferences updated...") return ## Try to load previously saved settings try: with open("settings.b64") as raw: pref = base64.b64decode(raw.read()) ## XXX: use ord() if int(x) fails pref = bytearray(int(x) ^ int(OBFS) for x in pref) pref = pref.decode('utf8') #print(repr(pref)) pref = json.loads(str(pref)) print("User settings loaded...") except: print("Failed to load user settings!") err = traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2] print("Error: %s" % err) ## Create new dummy prefs so it doesn't crash pref = {"user": "", # <- User Email "pass": "", # <- User Password "totp": "", # <- NYI "mana": False, # <- Prefer Mana over ManaVerse "plus": False, # <- Prefer ManaPlus over ManaVerse "local": True, # <- system-wide vs manaplus/ folder "shell": True, # <- output to console "discord": None} # <- Whenever to use Discord RPC or not ## If it is an error, give an option to not destroy the old settings if ("FileNotFoundError" in err): _savePref() print("New user settings created!") newUser = True elif (askyesno("Mana Launcher", "Failed to load user settings!\n\nDo you want to create a new one?")): _savePref() print("New user settings created!") else: saveSettings = False ## Load the introduction screens if they exist try: from _info import worldGreet except ImportError: worldGreet={} ## Auto-detect if Discord should be used ## Don't crash only if a new FLOSS purist will immediately deleted discordrpc if pref["discord"] in [True, None]: try: import discordrpc except ImportError: if pref["discord"] == None: pref["discord"] = False else: raise ## Value may have changed if pref["discord"]: try: _rpc = discordrpc.RPC.set_id(app_id=840427221193195541) _rpc.set_activity( state="The Mana World - Lite", details="Main Menu", large_image="launcher", large_text="Mana Launcher", timestamp=_rpc.timestamp ) except discordrpc.exceptions.DiscordNotOpened: err = traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2] _rpc = None print("Failed to load Discord RPC!\n%s" % err) except (FileNotFoundError, discordrpc.exceptions.Error): err = traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2] _rpc = None print("Failed to load Discord RPC!\n%s" % err) except: traceback.print_exc() err = traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2] _rpc = None print("Failed to load Discord RPC!\n%s" % err) ## Value may have changed if not pref["discord"]: _rpc = None ## This is how we'll actually update Discord stuff def RPCUpdate(status, image): global _rpc, pref if not pref["discord"] or _rpc is None: return _rpc.set_activity( state="Playing The Mana World", details=status, large_image=image, large_text="Mana Launcher", timestamp=_rpc.timestamp ) return ## Prepare some basic stuff execute=subprocess.call serverlist = [] class HoverButton(tk.Button): def enter(self, e): self["background"] = self["activebackground"] def exit(self, e): self["background"] = self.defaultBackground def __init__(self, **kw): tk.Button.__init__(self, **kw) self.defaultBackground = self["background"] self.bind("", self.enter) self.bind("", self.exit) ## TODO: Get from `sys` args parameters like world auto-selection ## or not using ./manaplus/ as path (but something else) (replace os.getcwd) ##################################### #VAULT_HOST = "https://localhost:13370" #SERVERLIST = "http://localhost/launcher" VAULT_HOST = "https://api.themanaworld.org:13370" SERVERLIST = "https://updates.tmw2.org/launcher" # Vault SSL wrapper vault=requests.Session() if "localhost" in VAULT_HOST: vault.verify=False ##################################### ## Just print stuff to console, bold or not def stdout(message, bd=False): if bd: print("\033[1m%s\033[0m" % message) else: print(message) ## Smart Delay def sdelay(delta=0.02): time.sleep(delta) return ## IF Then Else (IFTE) def ifte(ifs, then, elses): if (ifs): return then else: return elses # Sanitize a command (strip some flow control chars) # While it covers all control operators and most metacharacters, # it doesn't covers well the reserved words. # ...Of course, it relies on this client not being compromised. def san(cmd): return cmd.replace(";", "").replace("|", "").replace(">", "").replace("<", "").replace("&", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace("\n", "").replace("[[", "").replace("]]", "") ## Returns number of seconds since UNIX EPOCH def now(): return int(time.time()) ## Update preferences (only after release) #if not "local" in list(pref.keys()): # pref["local"] = True ## Does nothing, validation purposes only def nullp(arg): return # Search for array[?][key]==search in an array of dicts # Returns the index, or returns -1 def dl_search_idx(array, key, search): try: r=next((i for i, item in enumerate(array) if item[key] == search), None) except: traceback.print_exc() r=-1 return ifte(r is None, -1, r) ## Validates a server entry def validate_server(srv): name="Unknown Server"; ok=False try: name=srv["Name"] #stdout("Validating server \"%s\"..." % name) nullp("Host: %s" % srv["Host"]) nullp("Port: %04d" % srv["Port"]) nullp("Desc: %s" % srv["Desc"]) nullp("Link: %s" % srv["Link"]) nullp("News: %s" % srv["News"]) nullp("Back: %s" % srv["Back"]) nullp("UUID: %s" % srv["UUID"]) nullp("Help: %s" % srv["Help"]) nullp("Online List: %s" % srv["Online"]) nullp("Policy: %s" % srv["Policy"]) if not "Type" in srv.keys(): srv["Type"]="evol2" stdout("Server \"%s\" loaded." % name) ok=True except: traceback.print_exc() stdout("Validation for server \"%s\" FAILED!" % name) return ok ## Update server list def update_serverlist(hosti): global serverlist, host try: r=requests.get("%s/server_list.json" % hosti, timeout=10.0) if (r.status_code != 200): raise AssertionError("Mirror %s seems to be down!\nReturned error %03d\n" % (hosti.replace("https://", "").replace("http://", ""), r.status_code)) j=json.loads(r.text) ## If we reached here, then everything is likely fine ## We can now build the persistent data print("Fetching server list and assets... %d servers" % len(j)) for server in j: if (validate_server(server)): serverlist.append(server) ## If we were truly successful, save this host as our mirror host = hosti return True except: traceback.print_exc() return False ## Updates your soul data def update_soul(): global vaultId, vaultToken, mySoul ## Fetch soul data auth = {"vaultId": vaultId, "token": vaultToken} r=vault.post(VAULT_HOST+"/souldata", json=auth, timeout=15.0) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Request error: %d" % r.status_code) dat=r.json() mySoul["level"]=dat["soulv"] mySoul["exp"]=dat["soulx"] mySoul["next"]=dat["varlv"] mySoul["up"]=dat["lvlup"] mySoul["home"]=dat["homew"] for s in serverlist: if mySoul["home"] == s["UUID"]: mySoul["home"] = s["Name"] break if mySoul["home"] == "VAULT": mySoul["home"]="Not Set" return ## Show a game info def info_game(idx): showinfo(title=serverlist[idx]["Name"], message=serverlist[idx]["Desc"]) return ## Open a game website def open_url(link, *etc): webbrowser.open_new(link) return ## Launch a specific world with its appropriate client def launch_game(idx): PWD="" ## Get credentials auth = {"vaultId": vaultId, "token": vaultToken, "world": serverlist[idx]["UUID"]} try: r=vault.post(VAULT_HOST+"/world_pass", json=auth, timeout=15.0) ## We got the access credentials if r.status_code == 200: auth2=r.json() PWD=" -U %s -P %s" % (auth2["user"], auth2["pass"]) ## We were refused by Vault elif r.status_code == 403: stdout("Warning: Connection was refused (Vault logout?)") return -1 ## We are rate-limited, try again elif r.status_code == 429: stdout("Rate limited!") return -1 ## Internal error, maybe? else: stdout("Get World Auth - Returned error code %d" % r.status_code) return -1 except: traceback.print_exc() return -1 ## First login special greeting ## This is full of hacks, though if auth2["new"]: return (idx, PWD) return do_real_launch(idx, PWD) def do_real_launch(idx, PWD): global pref ## Get/Set basic data HOST=serverlist[idx]["Host"] PORT=serverlist[idx]["Port"] CMD="" OPT="" ## Using system-wide versus local path if pref["local"]: CMD=os.getcwd()+"/manaplus/" CMD=CMD.replace(" ", "\\ ") CWD=CMD[:-1] ## Handle server type and client (WIP) if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): if pref["plus"]: CMD+="manaplus" elif pref["mana"] and "tmwa" in serverlist[idx]["Type"]: CMD+="mana" else: CMD+="ManaVerse" if pref["local"]: CMD+=".AppImage" else: ## Mana and M+ are not available on Windows yet (TODO) if pref["local"]: CMD+="Mana/manaplus.exe" # FIXME untested else: CMD+="manaplus.exe" # FIXME untested ## Build the server options OPT="-s %s -y %s -p %s -S" % (HOST, serverlist[idx]["Type"], PORT) ## Mana "fix" if pref["mana"]: OPT=OPT[:-2] print("%s %s" % (CMD, OPT)) ## Local or System-Wide Config folders if pref["local"]: if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): OPT+=" -C %s/Config -L %s/Local" % (CWD, CWD) else: OPT+=" -C %s\\Config -L %s\\Local" % (CWD.replace('/','\\'), CWD.replace('/','\\')) ## Mana "fix" (TODO Untested / also, Config may fail) if pref["mana"]: OPT=OPT.replace(" -L ", " --localdata-dir ") ## Update Discord if relevant RPCUpdate(serverlist[idx]["Name"], serverlist[idx]["Back"]) ## Execute the app ## TODO: Threading? if pref["shell"]: app=execute(san("%s %s%s" % (CMD, OPT, PWD)), shell=True) # nosec else: app=execute(san("%s %s%s" % (CMD, OPT, PWD)), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) # nosec ## TODO: If the program doesn't launch e.g. missing client, show an error D: #err = traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2] #showerror(title="Mana Launcher", message="Sorry, we were unable to launch this world.\n%s" % err) return app ## Lame hack def greetHack(idx, PWD): launch_game_master(idx, PWD) world_select() return ## Run a game from world selection screen, and handles MLP def launch_game_master(idx, PWD=None): if PWD is None: app=launch_game(idx) else: app=do_real_launch(idx, PWD) if type(app) != int: try: # worldGreet dl_ greeting=worldGreet[serverlist[idx]["UUID"]] greeter(greeting, _dest=partial(greetHack, app[0], app[1])) return except: app=do_real_launch(idx, PWD) while app == 7: stdout("[CLIENT] Mirror Lake triggered.") ## Set credentials auth = {"vaultId": vaultId, "token": vaultToken} r=vault.post(VAULT_HOST+"/getlake", json=auth, timeout=15.0) if r.status_code == 200: goto=r.json()["world"] stdout("MLP Target: %s" % str(goto)) if goto == "" or goto.lower() == "vault": stdout("Mirror Lake False Positive") break try: idx=int(dl_search_idx(serverlist, "UUID", goto)) app=launch_game(idx) except: traceback.print_exc() break return ## Only meaningful on Linux os.environ["APPIMAGELAUNCHER_DISABLE"]="1" ################################################################################# ## Construct session data update_serverlist(SERVERLIST) vaultId = -1 mySoul={} saveMail = None savePass = None ################################################################################# ###### Some generic text speed def greeter(text, _dest=None): global canva, serverlist canva.destroy() canva = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=600, bg="#0c3251") canva.pack() label1 = tk.Label(root, text=text, anchor="s", wraplength=350, justify="center", bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label1.config(font=('helvetica', 12)) canva.create_window(200, 300, window=label1) button = HoverButton(text="Continue...", command=_dest, width=40, bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933") canva.create_window(200, 575, window=button) return ################################################################################# ## Settings screen ## It likely calls world_select() on return so only accessible from there ## Settings Screen should allow for world linking/unlinking ## Settings Screen should allow to modify anything in prefs[] prefNotLocal=None; prefDiscord=None; prefMana=None; prefPlus=None; prefLogs=None def settings(): global canva, serverlist global prefNotLocal, prefDiscord, prefMana, prefPlus, prefLogs canva.destroy() canva = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=600, bg="#0c3251") canva.pack() label1 = tk.Label(root, text='Settings', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label1.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(200, 30, window=label1) ## Prepare the fake prefs prefNotLocal = tk.BooleanVar() prefNotLocal.set(pref["local"] != True) prefDiscord = tk.BooleanVar() prefDiscord.set(pref["discord"] == True) prefMana = tk.BooleanVar() prefMana.set(pref["mana"] == True) prefPlus = tk.BooleanVar() prefPlus.set(pref["plus"] == True) prefLogs = tk.BooleanVar() prefLogs.set(pref["shell"] == True) c1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Use system-wide client", variable=prefNotLocal, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") canva.create_window(200, 60, window=c1) c2 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Use Discord integration", variable=prefDiscord, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") canva.create_window(200, 80, window=c2) ## Less important/system specific options (TODO) if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): c3 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Use original Mana client", variable=prefMana, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") canva.create_window(200, 110, window=c3) #TODO: Download link for M+ is broken #c4 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Use ManaPlus client", variable=prefPlus, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") #canva.create_window(200, 135, window=c4) c5 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Verbose logging", variable=prefLogs, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") canva.create_window(200, 160, window=c5) # "Download/Update GPL clients" button if pref["local"]: button = HoverButton(text="Download GPL clients", command=_downloadClient, bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933", font="helvetica 12", height=-10) canva.create_window(200, 200, window=button) ## Set or display your homeworld, but doesn't explain it if mySoul["home"] in ["Not Set", "VAULT"]: label2 = tk.Label(root, text='Home World:', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label2.config(font=('helvetica', 12)) canva.create_window(50, 250, window=label2) _home = tk.StringVar() _home.set("-- Set a new home --") lista = [] for s in serverlist: if "crossroad" in s["Name"].lower(): continue lista.append(s["Name"]) drop = tk.OptionMenu(canva, _home, *lista) drop.config(bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff") # 0c3251 drop["menu"].config(bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff") # 0c3251 canva.create_window(220, 250, window=drop) hosav = HoverButton(text="→", command=partial(_setHome, _home), bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933") canva.create_window(375, 250, window=hosav) else: label2 = tk.Label(root, text='Home World: %s' % mySoul["home"], bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label2.config(font=('helvetica', 12)) canva.create_window(200, 250, window=label2) # TODO: Account Linking and Unlinking # For that, use a dropdown menu (select world), login, password, ... # Then a button "LINK" and "UNLINK". Encapsulate the form in a box # TODO: Change password or 2FA settings # ...Or maybe all that should be on a web interface? # TODO Then we can put some permanent multi-world bosses on CR? (Giving V-EXP) ## Save all your settings and return to World Selection screen button = HoverButton(text="Save Settings", command=_settingSave, width=40, bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933") canva.create_window(200, 575, window=button) def _settingSave(): pref["local"] = not prefNotLocal.get() pref["discord"] = prefDiscord.get() pref["shell"] = prefLogs.get() pref["mana"] = prefMana.get() pref["plus"] = prefPlus.get() _savePref() update_soul() # <- Update soul data before canvas is destroyed world_select() return ## Change your homeworld def _setHome(_home): global serverlist, vault, vaultId, vaultToken, mySoul world=None for _world in serverlist: if _world["Name"] == _home.get(): world=_world["UUID"] break if world is not None: if askyesno("Mana Launcher", "ARE YOU SURE you want to set your home world?\n\nThis action cannot be undone!\n\nSelected: %s" % _home.get()): vault.post(VAULT_HOST+"/sethome", json={"vaultId": vaultId, "token": vaultToken, "home": world}, timeout=15.0) #update_soul() # <- Update soul data again (FIXME error 429) mySoul["home"] = str(_home.get()) # <- Fake hack else: print("Error, %s has no UUID, cannot be set as homeworld." % _home.get()) return def _downloadClient(): ## TODO: Show progress bars if askyesno("Mana Launcher", "Do you want to download or update the game clients?\n\nThey are licensed under GPLv2 or later. Up to 150 MB of disk space will be required."): ## Manaverse for Linux if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): with open("manaplus/ManaVerse.AppImage", 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get("https://updates.tmw2.org/mana/linux/ManaPlus-x86_64.AppImage", allow_redirects=True).content) execute("chmod +x \"%s\"" % "manaplus/ManaVerse.AppImage", shell=True) ## Manaverse for Windows else: with open("manaplus/manaverse.zip", 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get("https://updates.tmw2.org/mana/windows/manaverse.zip", allow_redirects=True).content) try: shutil.rmtree("manaplus/Mana") except: pass with zipfile.ZipFile("manaplus/manaverse.zip", 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall("manaplus/") os.remove("manaplus/manaverse.zip") ## Mana for Linux if not sys.platform.startswith('win') and pref["mana"]: with open("manaplus/Mana.AppImage", 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get("https://updates.tmw2.org/mana/linux/Mana-x86_64.AppImage", allow_redirects=True).content) execute("chmod +x \"%s\"" % "manaplus/Mana.AppImage", shell=True) return ################################################################################# ###### World Selection Screen def world_select(): global canva, serverlist, mySoul canva.destroy() canva = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=600, bg="#0c3251") canva.pack() label1 = tk.Label(root, text='World Selection', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label1.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(200, 30, window=label1) ## Not really necessary? Or just TODO? ## Without these, max is 10 worlds #scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(canva, orient=tk.VERTICAL) #canva.create_window(400, 20, window=scrollbar) ## Create a list of all worlds ypos = 60 for w in serverlist: ## TODO: Do not block main thread, launch this in a threading? ## TODO: Image button if an icon can be found button = HoverButton(text=w["Name"], command=partial(launch_game_master, serverlist.index(w)), width=40, anchor="w", bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933") button.bind("", partial(open_url, w["Link"])) canva.create_window(200, ypos, window=button) ## World Info Button button = HoverButton(text="?", command=partial(info_game, serverlist.index(w)), bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933") button.bind("", partial(open_url, w["Link"])) canva.create_window(370, ypos, window=button) ypos += 40 ## Footer with Mirror Lake information labf = "Lv %d, %d/%d EXP" % (mySoul["level"], mySoul["exp"], mySoul["next"]) labelf = tk.Label(root, text=labf, bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") labelf.config(font=('helvetica', 13)) canva.create_window(200, 550, window=labelf) labelf = tk.Label(root, text="Home: %s" % mySoul["home"], bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") labelf.config(font=('helvetica', 13)) canva.create_window(200, 570, window=labelf) ## Settings button setbutton = HoverButton(text="Prefs", command=settings, bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933", image=_cog_png) #setbutton = tk.Button(text="Prefs", command=settings, bg="#cc6600", activebackground="#ee9933", image=_cog_png) canva.create_window(30, 550, window=setbutton) return ################################################################################# ## Login function def login(): global canva, vaultId, vaultToken, saveMail, savePass, newUser email = entry1.get() passw = entry2.get() totps = entry3.get() ## Save email or delete saved copy if saveMail.get(): pref["user"] = email else: pref["user"] = "" ## Save password or delete saved copy if savePass.get(): pref["pass"] = passw else: pref["pass"] = "" ## Prepare the packet for Vault data = {"mail": email, "pass": passw, "totp": totps[:6] } try: r = vault.post(VAULT_HOST+"/user_auth", json=data) if (r.status_code != 200): add="" if r.status_code == 400: add="\nBad request.\n" elif r.status_code == 401: add="\nIncorrect username/password.\n" elif r.status_code == 429: add="\nYou are being rate-limited.\n" showerror(title="Mana Launcher", message="Vault returned error %d\n%s\nPlease try again later." % (r.status_code, add)) exit(1) except SystemExit: exit(1) except: err = traceback.format_exc().split("\n")[-2] print("Error: %s" % err) showerror(title="Mana Launcher", message="Python error\n\nPlease try again later.") exit(1) auth2 = r.json() vaultId = auth2["vaultId"] vaultToken = auth2["token"] ## Only save settings if connection worked _savePref() ## Change the display print("Connected to vault! vaultId = %d" % vaultId) update_soul() # <- Update soul data before canvas is destroyed ## Do not jump to world selection if it is a new account - show the app intro if newUser: greeting=""" Welcome to the Mana Launcher\n \n With your soul shattered in pieces, you drift along the void.\n Faint memories of a figure clad in black emerge, what could they be?\n \n You might not remember much... But your willpower is not gone.\n "This is not the end". And with it, the determination to continue and see through the end.\n \n Which world will you visit first? For once you finish all of the worlds, your true power shall return to you... """ greeter(greeting, _dest=world_select) else: world_select() return ################################################################################# ## Build Tkinter interface root=tk.Tk() root.title("Mana Launcher (tk)") ## Initialize the images try: _cog_png = tk.PhotoImage(file = "cog.png") _favicon = tk.PhotoImage(file = "favicon.png") except: from _img import __cog, __favicon _cog_png = tk.PhotoImage(data = __cog) _favicon = tk.PhotoImage(data = __favicon) root.iconphoto(True, _favicon) canva = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=600, bg="#0c3251") canva.pack() ## Default variables saveMail = tk.BooleanVar() saveMail.set(pref["user"] != "") savePass = tk.BooleanVar() savePass.set(pref["pass"] != "") ## Email label1 = tk.Label(root, text='Email:', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label1.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(180, 40, window=label1) entry1 = tk.Entry(root) entry1.insert(0, pref["user"]) canva.create_window(180, 80, window=entry1) c1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Remember", variable=saveMail, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") canva.create_window(320, 80, window=c1) label2 = tk.Label(root, text='Password:', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label2.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(180, 120, window=label2) entry2 = tk.Entry(root, show="*") entry2.insert(0, pref["pass"]) canva.create_window(180, 160, window=entry2) c1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="Remember", variable=savePass, bg="#0c3251", fg="#f70") canva.create_window(320, 160, window=c1) label3 = tk.Label(root, text='TOTP*:', bg="#0c3251", fg="#fff") label3.config(font=('helvetica', 14)) canva.create_window(180, 210, window=label3) entry3 = tk.Entry(root) #entry3.insert(0, pref["totp"]) canva.create_window(180, 240, window=entry3) ## Explanation for noobs label4 = tk.Label(root, text="* If you don't know what \"TOTP\" is, leave the field blank.", bg="#0c3251", fg="#ffc", anchor="w", wraplength=350, justify="left") label4.config(font=('helvetica', 10)) canva.create_window(200, 280, window=label4) button1 = HoverButton(text='Login/Register', command=login, bg="#cc6600", fg="#fff", activebackground="#ee9933") canva.create_window(200, 320, window=button1) root.mainloop() # Check if you were logged in if vaultId < 1: exit(1) print("Thanks for playing!") ## TODO: Also, we want {b}bold{/b} support >.< https://itecnote.com/tecnote/tkinter-python-tkinter-single-label-with-bold-and-normal-text/