# TODO: Translation updated at 2021-05-18 14:36 # game/soul.rpy:155 translate es intro_1d65fd1f: # evil "{cps=80}Look at this... All this mana... Doesn't it look peaceful?{/cps}" evil "{cps=80}Mira esto... Todo este maná... ¿No parece pacífico?{/cps}" # game/soul.rpy:156 translate es intro_fc641e8d: # evil "{cps=80}What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{/cps}{nw}" evil "{cps=80}¿Qué crees que pasaría si me meto con eso... ¡¿así?!{/cps}{nw}" # game/soul.rpy:160 translate es intro_774f5206: # evil "What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{fast}{nw}" with vpunch evil "O que você acha que aconteceria se eu bagunçasse com ela... desse jeito?!{fast}{nw}" with vpunch # game/soul.rpy:161 translate es intro_873ea3a8: # evil "What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{fast}{nw}" with hpunch evil "O que você acha que aconteceria se eu bagunçasse com ela... desse jeito?!{fast}{nw}" with hpunch # game/soul.rpy:162 translate es intro_774f5206_1: # evil "What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{fast}{nw}" with vpunch evil "O que você acha que aconteceria se eu bagunçasse com ela... desse jeito?!{fast}{nw}" with vpunch # game/soul.rpy:163 translate es intro_67488d5e: # evil "What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{fast}" with hpunch evil "O que você acha que aconteceria se eu bagunçasse com ela... desse jeito?!{fast}" with hpunch # game/soul.rpy:164 translate es intro_aa2c08ed: # evil "{cps=80}...What? No, you cannot stop me.{/cps}" evil "{cps=80}...O queê? Não, você não pode me deter.{/cps}" # game/soul.rpy:165 translate es intro_96ce8641: # evil "{i}*evil grin*{/i} {cps=80}Hey, let's play a game.{/cps}" evil "{i}*evil grin*{/i} {cps=80}Hey, let's play a game.{/cps}" # game/soul.rpy:166 translate es intro_da56d90b: # evil "{cps=80}I'll shatter your Soul and I want see if you can catch me!{/cps}" evil "{cps=80}I'll shatter your Soul and I want see if you can catch me!{/cps}" # game/soul.rpy:167 translate es intro_6fae2a3d: # evil "{cps=80}HAHAHAHAHAHA--{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}" evil "{cps=80}HAHAHAHAHAHA--{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}" # game/soul.rpy:171 translate es intro_88ebea11: # evil "HAHAHAHAHAHA{fast}{cps=80}HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!{/cps}" evil "HAHAHAHAHAHA{fast}{cps=80}HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!{/cps}" # game/soul.rpy:178 translate es intro_19c5c775: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}Having your soul shattered to pieces, you drift along the void...{p=1.5}\n Your soul was shattered, your memories forfeit, but your willpower remained.{p=1.5}\n That's right - You have a task to do, a mission to accomplish.{p=1.5}\n \"This is not the end.\" You think to yourself.{p=1.5}\n So, you dive in the Mirror Lake, allowing your willpower to become part of the worlds which came to be...{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}Having your soul shattered to pieces, you drift along the void...{p=1.5}\n Your soul was shattered, your memories forfeit, but your willpower remained.{p=1.5}\n That's right - You have a task to do, a mission to accomplish.{p=1.5}\n \"This is not the end.\" You think to yourself.{p=1.5}\n So, you dive in the Mirror Lake, allowing your willpower to become part of the worlds which came to be...{/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:186 translate es intro_82ae0cb5: # centered "{color=#fff}{b}Tutorial{/b}\n\n In the next screen, you'll be at the Mirror Lake Interface.\nThe worlds are listed to the left, and a description is available at right.\n Select any world, and allow your willpower to take form on the world, as one of its inhabitants.\n Each world is different from each other, there is no consistency on gameplay rules, art style or history.\n \n And eventually, your power shall return to you...{/color}{fast}" centered "{color=#fff}{b}Tutorial{/b}\n\n In the next screen, you'll be at the Mirror Lake Interface.\nThe worlds are listed to the left, and a description is available at right.\n Select any world, and allow your willpower to take form on the world, as one of its inhabitants.\n Each world is different from each other, there is no consistency on gameplay rules, art style or history.\n \n And eventually, your power shall return to you...{/color}{fast}" # game/soul.rpy:192 # OBSOLETE translate es intro_32b6ce88: # centered "{color=#f35}{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}\n\n {color=#fff}The worlds may be operated by different staff, and are in an eternal mutation state.\n Be sure to read each subworld specific rules and complete the tutorial to spot the differences!\n \n Attempt to restore your soul as you try to stop the evil which threatens the multiverse.\n Soul Level remains constant regardless of the subworld you're at.{/color}{fast}" centered "{color=#f35}{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}\n\n {color=#fff}The worlds may be operated by different staff, and are in an eternal mutation state.\n Be sure to read each subworld specific rules and complete the tutorial to spot the differences!\n \n Attempt to restore your soul as you try to stop the evil which threatens the multiverse.\n Soul Level remains constant regardless of the subworld you're at.{/color}{fast}" translate es strings: # game/soul.rpy:37 old "Level" new "Nivel" # game/soul.rpy:42 old "Scene Recollection" new "Recuerdo de escena" # game/soul.rpy:51 old "Prologue" new "Prólogo" # game/soul.rpy:55 old "Replay the prologue." new "Vuelve a reproducir el prólogo." # game/soul.rpy:66 old "Return »" new "Volver »" # game/soul.rpy:119 old "{color=#FFF}Loading user data...{/color}" new "{color=#FFF}Cargando datos de usuario...{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:134 old "Wanderer" new "Vagabunda" # TODO: Translation updated at 2021-05-19 03:14 # game/soul.rpy:193 translate es intro_d61d3dff: # centered "{color=#f35}{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}{/color}\n\n {color=#fff}The worlds may be operated by different staff, and are in an eternal mutation state.\n Be sure to read each subworld specific rules and complete the tutorial to spot the differences!\n \n Attempt to restore your soul as you try to stop the evil which threatens the multiverse.\n Soul Level remains constant regardless of the subworld you're at.{/color}{fast}" centered "{color=#f35}{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}{/color}\n\n {color=#fff}The worlds may be operated by different staff, and are in an eternal mutation state.\n Be sure to read each subworld specific rules and complete the tutorial to spot the differences!\n \n Attempt to restore your soul as you try to stop the evil which threatens the multiverse.\n Soul Level remains constant regardless of the subworld you're at.{/color}{fast}" # TODO: Translation updated at 2023-07-08 18:33 # game/soul.rpy:376 translate es sethome_50d30e56: # centered "{color=#fff}{b}{size=+25}WARNING!{/size}{/b}\n\nSetting a home world is {u}irreversible{/u}. Please make sure you understand the consequences before proceeding.{/color}{fast}" centered "{color=#fff}{b}{size=+25}WARNING!{/size}{/b}\n\nSetting a home world is {u}irreversible{/u}. Please make sure you understand the consequences before proceeding.{/color}{fast}" # game/soul.rpy:377 translate es sethome_2f4b98c8: # centered "{color=#fff}{b}{size=+25}HOME WORLD{/size}{/b}\n\nEveryone yarns for a place to call home.\nWhen you finally find such place, you may set it as your home world.\n\nSetting a home world is {u}irreversible{/u} so choose wisely.\n\nOnce you have a homeworld, every other world in the Mirror Lake will sync their game progress based on your home world progress. This allows you to play through all the universes.{/color}{fast}" centered "{color=#fff}{b}{size=+25}HOME WORLD{/size}{/b}\n\nEveryone yarns for a place to call home.\nWhen you finally find such place, you may set it as your home world.\n\nSetting a home world is {u}irreversible{/u} so choose wisely.\n\nOnce you have a homeworld, every other world in the Mirror Lake will sync their game progress based on your home world progress. This allows you to play through all the universes.{/color}{fast}" # game/soul.rpy:378 translate es sethome_21af0f3d: # centered "{color=#fff}{b}{size=+25}WARNING!{/size}{/b}\n\nSetting a home world is {u}irreversible{/u}.\n\nThis greatly boosts you on all other worlds, but only if your progress on the home world is advanced enough.{/color}{fast}" centered "{color=#fff}{b}{size=+25}WARNING!{/size}{/b}\n\nSetting a home world is {u}irreversible{/u}.\n\nThis greatly boosts you on all other worlds, but only if your progress on the home world is advanced enough.{/color}{fast}" # game/soul.rpy:593 translate es ch1lake_27c60be9: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}As you move through the worlds, you can't help but notice the precarious state it is in.{p=1.5}\n Maybe, from within, everything seemed alright. Or just manageable. But...{p=1.5}\n No, the situation is much more dire than you thought.{p=1.5}\n Because from the Mirror Lake, you can see.{p=1.5}\n The foundation of the world is rotting, without anyone noticing.{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}As you move through the worlds, you can't help but notice the precarious state it is in.{p=1.5}\n Maybe, from within, everything seemed alright. Or just manageable. But...{p=1.5}\n No, the situation is much more dire than you thought.{p=1.5}\n Because from the Mirror Lake, you can see.{p=1.5}\n The foundation of the world is rotting, without anyone noticing.{/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:605 translate es ch1lake_d833c2a6: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}A slow death, where the colors from the world slowly vanish.{p=1.5}\n The wind grows silent, the restlessness of the living slowly drifts in the peaceful calm of the dead...{p=1.5}\n ...Is this how everything will end?{p=1.5}\n ...Isn't there anything you can do?{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}A slow death, where the colors from the world slowly vanish.{p=1.5}\n The wind grows silent, the restlessness of the living slowly drifts in the peaceful calm of the dead...{p=1.5}\n ...Is this how everything will end?{p=1.5}\n ...Isn't there anything you can do?{/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:613 translate es ch1lake_32895cc6: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\"It's useless. He'll do as he pleases, even if half of the multiverse dies from it.\"{p=1.5}\n No. That will not happen.{p=1.5}\n And it won't happen, because {i}you{/i} noticed it.{p=1.5}\n As long as you know, as long as you breathe, something can be done.{p=1.5}\n Even without knowing from where to start...{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\"It's useless. He'll do as he pleases, even if half of the multiverse dies from it.\"{p=1.5}\n No. That will not happen.{p=1.5}\n And it won't happen, because {i}you{/i} noticed it.{p=1.5}\n As long as you know, as long as you breathe, something can be done.{p=1.5}\n Even without knowing from where to start...{/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:619 translate es ch1lake_2a65fcd4: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}You may be the only one left who can at least try.{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}You may be the only one left who can at least try.{/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:634 translate es ch2intro_09c7ba2f: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80} ...Where am I?{p=1.5}\n ...Oh, that's right.{p=1.5}\n We're at the void. The space between the universes. {/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80} ...Where am I?{p=1.5}\n ...Oh, that's right.{p=1.5}\n We're at the void. The space between the universes. {/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:639 translate es ch2intro_41db04a1: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80} ...How many universes are out there?{p=1.5}\n Now, isn't that a silly question? There are as many as there could be.{p=1.5}\n That's the not the real question. The real question would be...{p=1.5}\n ...From which one do I come from...?{p=1.5}\n {/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80} ...How many universes are out there?{p=1.5}\n Now, isn't that a silly question? There are as many as there could be.{p=1.5}\n That's the not the real question. The real question would be...{p=1.5}\n ...From which one do I come from...?{p=1.5}\n {/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:647 translate es ch2intro_0e93af1a: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80} The multiverse seems inquiet.{p=1.5}\n Has it always been this way?{p=1.5}\n Who is this shadow I keep remembering during my dreams?{p=1.5}\n {/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80} The multiverse seems inquiet.{p=1.5}\n Has it always been this way?{p=1.5}\n Who is this shadow I keep remembering during my dreams?{p=1.5}\n {/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:652 translate es ch2intro_cb7cf7af: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80} Many questions, but few answers.{p=1.5}\n With what should we worry most, the past or the present?{p=1.5}\n However... These universes must hold a clue.{p=1.5}\n Coincidences are mere opportunities waiting to be explored; To reveal a new perspective to you.{p=1.5}\n We should investigate these Mirror Lakes, the location where we move between worlds.{p=1.5}\n If I want a clue... Yes, that'll be the first place to search.{p=1.5}\n {/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80} Many questions, but few answers.{p=1.5}\n With what should we worry most, the past or the present?{p=1.5}\n However... These universes must hold a clue.{p=1.5}\n Coincidences are mere opportunities waiting to be explored; To reveal a new perspective to you.{p=1.5}\n We should investigate these Mirror Lakes, the location where we move between worlds.{p=1.5}\n If I want a clue... Yes, that'll be the first place to search.{p=1.5}\n {/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:666 translate es ch2intro_0393a524: # centered "{color=#fff}CHAPTER 2\nSHADOWS OF THE PAST{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}CHAPTER 2\nSHADOWS OF THE PAST{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:678 translate es ch2lake_3d74a274: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}We made many acquaintances and friends lately.{p=1.5}\n \"Your friends shall be your strength\".{p=1.5}\n Where have I heard that before?{p=1.5}\n And on the meanwhile, the world slowly rots, willing to take all my acquaintances into a silent death...{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}We made many acquaintances and friends lately.{p=1.5}\n \"Your friends shall be your strength\".{p=1.5}\n Where have I heard that before?{p=1.5}\n And on the meanwhile, the world slowly rots, willing to take all my acquaintances into a silent death...{/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:686 translate es ch2lake_084d1973: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}But something changed.{p=1.5}\n This lake is less rotten than the first time.{p=1.5}\n ...Is this my own doing?{p=1.5}\n ...Am I truly capable to breath new life in this world?{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}But something changed.{p=1.5}\n This lake is less rotten than the first time.{p=1.5}\n ...Is this my own doing?{p=1.5}\n ...Am I truly capable to breath new life in this world?{/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:694 translate es ch2lake_ccb3e819: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\"Either try or give up, there's no middle term between both\".{p=1.5}\n I can feel despair, the imminent chaos approaching...{p=1.5}\n But I don't have to be alone.{p=1.5}\n Protecting the worlds... My native acquaintances likely could help.{p=1.5}\n I should find those whom can help, and prepare an army.{p=1.5}\n Because... Whatever is coming, is coming soon.{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}\"Either try or give up, there's no middle term between both\".{p=1.5}\n I can feel despair, the imminent chaos approaching...{p=1.5}\n But I don't have to be alone.{p=1.5}\n Protecting the worlds... My native acquaintances likely could help.{p=1.5}\n I should find those whom can help, and prepare an army.{p=1.5}\n Because... Whatever is coming, is coming soon.{/cps}{/color}" # game/soul.rpy:701 translate es ch2lake_18143ac4: # centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}A ray of hope.\n\nThis is not what you asked to be, but you will fulfill the role given to you.\n\n\nAnd thus, you dive again, in the depths of the Mirror Lake...{/cps}{/color}" centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}A ray of hope.\n\nThis is not what you asked to be, but you will fulfill the role given to you.\n\n\nAnd thus, you dive again, in the depths of the Mirror Lake...{/cps}{/color}" translate es strings: # game/soul.rpy:32 old "OK »" new "OK »" # game/soul.rpy:59 old "Email: " new "Email: " # game/soul.rpy:71 old "Username: " new "Username: " # game/soul.rpy:134 old "Home world: " new "Home world: " # game/soul.rpy:135 old "Not Set" new "Not Set" # game/soul.rpy:137 old "Set »" new "Set »" # game/soul.rpy:141 old "Sets a homeworld" new "Sets a homeworld" # game/soul.rpy:145 old "Manage Account" new "Manage Account" # game/soul.rpy:149 old "Changes your account settings" new "Changes your account settings" # game/soul.rpy:172 old "First Lake" new "First Lake" # game/soul.rpy:176 old "Replay the first lake." new "Replay the first lake." # game/soul.rpy:178 old "Chapt. 2" new "Chapt. 2" # game/soul.rpy:182 old "Replay the 2nd Intro." new "Replay the 2nd Intro." # game/soul.rpy:184 old "Second Lake" new "Second Lake" # game/soul.rpy:188 old "Replay the 2nd lake." new "Replay the 2nd lake." # game/soul.rpy:222 old "Account Management" new "Account Management" # game/soul.rpy:227 old "Reset password" new "Reset password" # game/soul.rpy:231 old "Changes your password" new "Changes your password" # game/soul.rpy:232 old "Reset Two Factor" new "Reset Two Factor" # game/soul.rpy:236 old "Enables or disables 2FA" new "Enables or disables 2FA" # game/soul.rpy:238 old "Steam Account" new "Steam Account" # game/soul.rpy:241 old "World Management" new "World Management" # game/soul.rpy:259 old "Link Account" new "Link Account" # game/soul.rpy:263 old "Links an external account to Vault" new "Links an external account to Vault" # game/soul.rpy:264 old "Unlink" new "Unlink" # game/soul.rpy:272 old "Removes a Vault account for manual login" new "Removes a Vault account for manual login" # game/soul.rpy:405 old "{b}Two Factor Authentication{/b}\n\nIf you have two factor authentication enabled, it'll be disabled.\nIf it is disabled, it'll be enabled, and you'll receive an {b}email{/b} with instructions to generate TOTP tokens.\n\nIf enabled, you will not be able to login without the authentication token." new "{b}Two Factor Authentication{/b}\n\nIf you have two factor authentication enabled, it'll be disabled.\nIf it is disabled, it'll be enabled, and you'll receive an {b}email{/b} with instructions to generate TOTP tokens.\n\nIf enabled, you will not be able to login without the authentication token." # game/soul.rpy:406 old "{b}Two Factor Authentication{/b}\n\nAre you sure you want to change this setting?" new "{b}Two Factor Authentication{/b}\n\nAre you sure you want to change this setting?" # game/soul.rpy:420 old "Your 2FA settings were updated.\n\nPlease check your email." new "Your 2FA settings were updated.\n\nPlease check your email." # game/soul.rpy:422 old "An error on the client happened and the request was rejected. Are you logged in, and using the latest version?" new "An error on the client happened and the request was rejected. Are you logged in, and using the latest version?" # game/soul.rpy:424 old "You are being rate-limited, and the change was not possible. Please wait a minute before trying again." new "You are being rate-limited, and the change was not possible. Please wait a minute before trying again." # game/soul.rpy:434 old "{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}\n\nTmwAthena does not support username changes. If the vault already created an account for you, it'll always take precedence and {b}will never be truly unlinked{/b}.\nIf the Vault already created an account for you, linking will not work adequately." new "{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}\n\nTmwAthena does not support username changes. If the vault already created an account for you, it'll always take precedence and {b}will never be truly unlinked{/b}.\nIf the Vault already created an account for you, linking will not work adequately." # game/soul.rpy:435 old "{b}External Account Linking{/b}\n\n{size=-3}Use this if you used an account with ManaVerse or ManaPlus previously, and want to use it with the Mana Launcher. Keep in mind that if you already have an account with the Launcher, nothing will happen. Both the launcher and the game account must have valid email addresses, but they don't need to be the same. Once linked, you'll no longer be able to login using ManaPlus or ManaVerse directly. The home world account cannot be (un)linked from the Vault. Once done, you'll receive an email with further instructions. To cancel, empty any of the fields.{/size}" new "{b}External Account Linking{/b}\n\n{size=-3}Use this if you used an account with ManaVerse or ManaPlus previously, and want to use it with the Mana Launcher. Keep in mind that if you already have an account with the Launcher, nothing will happen. Both the launcher and the game account must have valid email addresses, but they don't need to be the same. Once linked, you'll no longer be able to login using ManaPlus or ManaVerse directly. The home world account cannot be (un)linked from the Vault. Once done, you'll receive an email with further instructions. To cancel, empty any of the fields.{/size}" # game/soul.rpy:459 old "A link was sent to your email.\n\nPlease follow it before trying to access the world in the Launcher.\nIf you don't, THEN LINKING WILL BE RENDERED IMPOSSIBLE.\n\nAfter a successful linking, an Error Response 200 OK will be shown on your browser." new "A link was sent to your email.\n\nPlease follow it before trying to access the world in the Launcher.\nIf you don't, THEN LINKING WILL BE RENDERED IMPOSSIBLE.\n\nAfter a successful linking, an Error Response 200 OK will be shown on your browser." # game/soul.rpy:463 old "You are not authorized to perform this operation. Please try again later, in three minutes." new "You are not authorized to perform this operation. Please try again later, in three minutes." # game/soul.rpy:465 old "To prevent cheating, you cannot link nor unlink your home world. Please contact staff." new "To prevent cheating, you cannot link nor unlink your home world. Please contact staff." # game/soul.rpy:480 old "{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}\n\nTmwAthena does not support username changes. If the vault already created an account for you, it'll always take precedence and {b}will never be truly unlinked{/b}.\nUnlinking a TmwAthena account will disable some Mirror Lake features, but will NOT prevent the Launcher from logging in!" new "{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}\n\nTmwAthena does not support username changes. If the vault already created an account for you, it'll always take precedence and {b}will never be truly unlinked{/b}.\nUnlinking a TmwAthena account will disable some Mirror Lake features, but will NOT prevent the Launcher from logging in!" # game/soul.rpy:505 old "Account was unlinked successfully!\n\nYou should go to your servers' password reset page and use the email you just informed to login using M+ again.\n\nIt is no longer possible to access the unlinked account with the Mana Launcher." new "Account was unlinked successfully!\n\nYou should go to your servers' password reset page and use the email you just informed to login using M+ again.\n\nIt is no longer possible to access the unlinked account with the Mana Launcher." # game/soul.rpy:579 old "{b}Account Linking{/b}\n\nIf you have already played The Mana World before, you might want to import your existing account instead of creating a new one.\n\nDo you want to link existing accounts?" new "{b}Account Linking{/b}\n\nIf you have already played The Mana World before, you might want to import your existing account instead of creating a new one.\n\nDo you want to link existing accounts?" # game/soul.rpy:662 old "{color=#fff}{cps=80}Your memories still aren't back; But you're not going to be defeated so easily.{w=0.5}\n\nYou'll get to the bottom of this. Nothing can stop you now.{/cps}{/color}" new "{color=#fff}{cps=80}Your memories still aren't back; But you're not going to be defeated so easily.{w=0.5}\n\nYou'll get to the bottom of this. Nothing can stop you now.{/cps}{/color}"