################################################################################# # This file is part of Mana Launcher. # Copyright (C) 2021 Jesusalva # # Distributed under the MIT license, except for Steam parts. ################################################################################# screen souldata(): zorder 100 if mySoul is not None: fixed: frame: background Frame("images/default.png", 0, 0) xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 xminimum 0.85 xmaximum 0.85 yminimum 0.8 ymaximum 0.8 hbox: null width 320 null width 40 vbox: null height 20 label "{b}{color=#FFF}%s{/color}{/b}" % mySoul["name"] null height 20 hbox: label "{color=#FFF}0{/color}" null width 20 bar: value mySoul["exp"] range mySoul["next"] xmaximum 0.5 null width 20 label "{color=#FFF}%d{/color}" % mySoul["next"] null height 30 hbox: label "{color=#FFF}%s %d{/color}" % (_("Level"), mySoul["level"]) #button Level up null height 30 ## TODO: Other stuff null height 30 label "{color=#FFF}%s{/color}" % _("Scene Recollection") vpgrid: cols 2 spacing 5 draggable True mousewheel True scrollbars "vertical" side_xalign 0.5 if mySoul["level"] >= 0: textbutton _("Prologue"): background Frame("gui/frame.png", 0, 0) xysize (200, 40) action Return("intro") tooltip _("Replay the prologue.") frame: yalign 0.9 xalign 0.9 xmaximum 240 button: xmaximum 240 ymaximum 40 action Return(None) fixed: #add Frame("gui/button/choice_hover_background.png", 0, 0) text _("Return ยป"): color "#000" xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 ################################################################################# init python: class ManaSparkle(object): def __init__(self, spd=25, multi=True): self.sm = SpriteManager(update=self.update) self.items = [ ] if multi: d = Transform("images/EnBallBlue.png", zoom=.05) for i in range(0, 80): self.add(d, renpy.random.randint(spd, spd*2)) d = Transform("images/EnBallBlue.png", zoom=.10) for i in range(0, 45): self.add(d, renpy.random.randint(spd, spd*2)) d = Transform("images/EnBallBlue.png", zoom=.25) for i in range(0, 10): self.add(d, renpy.random.randint(spd, spd*2)) d = Transform("images/EnBallBlue.png", zoom=.40) for i in range(0, 5): self.add(d, renpy.random.randint(spd, spd*2)) def add(self, d, speed): s = self.sm.create(d) startx = renpy.random.randint(0, 1200) starty = renpy.random.randint(400, 720) vect = renpy.random.randint(0, 4) self.items.append((s, startx, starty, vect, speed)) def update(self, st): for s, startx, starty, vect, speed in self.items: if vect % 2 == 0: s.x = (startx + speed * st) % 1300 else: s.x = (startx - speed * st) % 1300 if vect % 2 == 1: s.y = (starty - speed * st) % 800 else: s.y = (starty + speed * st) % 800 return 0 ################################################################################# label thevoid: $ progress = 0 $ mySoul = None $ renpy.invoke_in_thread(load_souldata) scene DKBG show expression (ManaSparkle().sm) as flare with Dissolve(1.0) # Block the main thread until the socket connection is done show expression Text(_("{color=#FFF}Loading user data...{/color}")) at truecenter as loader with None python: while progress < 100: if responsive: sdelay() else: responsive = True break hide loader with None if mySoul is not None: ## Setup python: if persistent.steam and steam.initialized: mySoul["name"] = steam.get_persona_name() else: mySoul["name"] = _("Wanderer") ## Loop $ loop = True while loop: call screen souldata() if isinstance(_return, str): $ renpy.call_in_new_context(_return) else: $ loop = False $ del loop scene black with Dissolve(1.5) pause 0.15 return ################################################################################# label intro: $ RPCUpdate("The Void", "launcher") scene DKBG show expression (ManaSparkle().sm) as flare show DKSD at left with Dissolve(1.0) evil "{cps=80}Look at this... All this mana... Doesn't it look peaceful?{/cps}" evil "{cps=80}What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{/cps}{nw}" hide flare show expression (ManaSparkle(spd=100).sm) as flare behind DKSD with None evil "What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{fast}{nw}" with vpunch evil "What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{fast}{nw}" with hpunch evil "What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{fast}{nw}" with vpunch evil "What do you think that would happen if I mess with it... like this?!{fast}" with hpunch evil "{cps=80}...What? No, you cannot stop me.{/cps}" evil "{i}*evil grin*{/i} {cps=80}Hey, let's play a game.{/cps}" evil "{cps=80}I'll shatter your Soul and I want see if you can catch me!{/cps}" evil "{cps=80}HAHAHAHAHAHA--{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}" hide flare with dissolve show black behind DKSD with dissolve scene black with None # fade out to black evil "HAHAHAHAHAHA{fast}{cps=80}HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!{/cps}" window hide show MLP at truecenter with Dissolve(1.0) # TODO: Locale pause 2.5 scene black with Dissolve(1.0) show expression (ManaSparkle(spd=10, multi=False).sm) as flare with Dissolve(5.0) centered "{color=#fff}{cps=80}Having your soul shattered to pieces, you drift along the void...{p=1.5}\n\ Your soul was shattered, your memories forfeit, but your willpower remained.{p=1.5}\n\ That's right - You have a task to do, a mission to accomplish.{p=1.5}\n\ \"This is not the end.\" You think to yourself.{p=1.5}\n\ So, you dive in the Mirror Lake, allowing your willpower to become part of the worlds which came to be...{/cps}{/color}" window hide pause 0.5 hide flare with dissolve centered "{color=#fff}{b}Tutorial{/b}\n\n\ In the next screen, you'll be at the Mirror Lake Interface.\nThe worlds are listed to the left, and a description is available at right.\n\ Select any world, and allow your willpower to take form on the world, as one of its inhabitants.\n\ Each world is different from each other, there is no consistency on gameplay rules, art style or history.\n\ \n\ And eventually, your power shall return to you...{/color}{fast}" centered "{color=#f35}{b}DISCLAIMER{/b}{/color}\n\n\ {color=#fff}The worlds may be operated by different staff, and are in an eternal mutation state.\n\ Be sure to read each subworld specific rules and complete the tutorial to spot the differences!\n\ \n\ Attempt to restore your soul as you try to stop the evil which threatens the multiverse.\n\ Soul Level remains constant regardless of the subworld you're at.{/color}{fast}" scene black return