import six from six import text_type import time from mwclient.util import parse_timestamp import mwclient.listing import mwclient.errors class Page(object): def __init__(self, site, name, info=None, extra_properties=None): if type(name) is type(self): self.__dict__.update(name.__dict__) return = site = name self._textcache = {} if not info: if extra_properties: prop = 'info|' + '|'.join(six.iterkeys(extra_properties)) extra_props = [] for extra_prop in six.itervalues(extra_properties): extra_props.extend(extra_prop) else: prop = 'info' extra_props = () if type(name) is int: info ='query', prop=prop, pageids=name, inprop='protection', *extra_props) else: info ='query', prop=prop, titles=name, inprop='protection', *extra_props) info =['query']['pages'])) self._info = info if 'invalid' in info: raise mwclient.errors.InvalidPageTitle(info.get('invalidreason')) self.namespace = info.get('ns', 0) = info.get('title', u'') if self.namespace: self.page_title = self.strip_namespace( else: self.page_title = self.base_title = self.page_title.split('/')[0] self.base_name ='/')[0] self.touched = parse_timestamp(info.get('touched')) self.revision = info.get('lastrevid', 0) self.exists = 'missing' not in info self.length = info.get('length') = { i['type']: (i['level'], i['expiry']) for i in info.get('protection', ()) if i } self.redirect = 'redirect' in info self.pageid = info.get('pageid', None) self.contentmodel = info.get('contentmodel', None) self.pagelanguage = info.get('pagelanguage', None) self.restrictiontypes = info.get('restrictiontypes', None) self.last_rev_time = None self.edit_time = None def redirects_to(self): """ Get the redirect target page, or None if the page is not a redirect.""" info ='query', prop='pageprops',, redirects='') if 'redirects' in info['query']: for page in info['query']['redirects']: if page['from'] == return Page(, page['to']) return None else: return None def resolve_redirect(self): """ Get the redirect target page, or the current page if its not a redirect.""" target_page = self.redirects_to() if target_page is None: return self else: return target_page def __repr__(self): return "" % ('utf-8'), def __unicode__(self): return @staticmethod def strip_namespace(title): if title[0] == ':': title = title[1:] return title[title.find(':') + 1:] @staticmethod def normalize_title(title): # TODO: Make site dependent title = title.strip() if title[0] == ':': title = title[1:] title = title[0].upper() + title[1:] title = title.replace(' ', '_') return title def can(self, action): """Check if the current user has the right to carry out some action with the current page. Example: >>> page.can('edit') True """ level =, (action,))[0] if level == 'sysop': level = 'editprotected' return level in def get_token(self, type, force=False): return, force, def text(self, section=None, expandtemplates=False, cache=True, slot='main'): """Get the current wikitext of the page, or of a specific section. If the page does not exist, an empty string is returned. By default, results will be cached and if you call text() again with the same section and expandtemplates the result will come from the cache. The cache is stored on the instance, so it lives as long as the instance does. Args: section (int): Section number, to only get text from a single section. expandtemplates (bool): Expand templates (default: `False`) cache (bool): Use in-memory caching (default: `True`) """ if not self.can('read'): raise mwclient.errors.InsufficientPermission(self) if not self.exists: return u'' if section is not None: section = text_type(section) key = hash((section, expandtemplates)) if cache and key in self._textcache: return self._textcache[key] revs = self.revisions(prop='content|timestamp', limit=1, section=section, slots=slot) try: rev = next(revs) if 'slots' in rev: text = rev['slots'][slot]['*'] else: text = rev['*'] self.last_rev_time = rev['timestamp'] except StopIteration: text = u'' self.last_rev_time = None if not expandtemplates: self.edit_time = time.gmtime() else: # The 'rvexpandtemplates' option was removed in MediaWiki 1.32, so we have to # make an extra API call, see text = if cache: self._textcache[key] = text return text def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for edit, for maintaining backwards compatibility.""" return self.edit(*args, **kwargs) def edit(self, text, summary=u'', minor=False, bot=True, section=None, **kwargs): """Update the text of a section or the whole page by performing an edit operation. """ return self._edit(summary, minor, bot, section, text=text, **kwargs) def append(self, text, summary=u'', minor=False, bot=True, section=None, **kwargs): """Append text to a section or the whole page by performing an edit operation. """ return self._edit(summary, minor, bot, section, appendtext=text, **kwargs) def prepend(self, text, summary=u'', minor=False, bot=True, section=None, **kwargs): """Prepend text to a section or the whole page by performing an edit operation. """ return self._edit(summary, minor, bot, section, prependtext=text, **kwargs) def _edit(self, summary, minor, bot, section, **kwargs): if not and raise mwclient.errors.AssertUserFailedError() if raise mwclient.errors.UserBlocked( if not self.can('edit'): raise mwclient.errors.ProtectedPageError(self) if not raise mwclient.errors.NoWriteApi(self) data = {} if minor: data['minor'] = '1' if not minor: data['notminor'] = '1' if self.last_rev_time: data['basetimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', self.last_rev_time) if self.edit_time: data['starttimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', self.edit_time) if bot: data['bot'] = '1' if section is not None: data['section'] = section data.update(kwargs) if data['assert'] = 'user' def do_edit(): result ='edit',, summary=summary, token=self.get_token('edit'), **data) if result['edit'].get('result').lower() == 'failure': raise mwclient.errors.EditError(self, result['edit']) return result try: result = do_edit() except mwclient.errors.APIError as e: if e.code == 'badtoken': # Retry, but only once to avoid an infinite loop self.get_token('edit', force=True) try: result = do_edit() except mwclient.errors.APIError as e: self.handle_edit_error(e, summary) else: self.handle_edit_error(e, summary) # 'newtimestamp' is not included if no change was made if 'newtimestamp' in result['edit'].keys(): self.last_rev_time = parse_timestamp(result['edit'].get('newtimestamp')) # Workaround for for cookie in if 'PostEditRevision' in, cookie.path, # clear the page text cache self._textcache = {} return result['edit'] def handle_edit_error(self, e, summary): if e.code == 'editconflict': raise mwclient.errors.EditError(self, summary, elif e.code in {'protectedtitle', 'cantcreate', 'cantcreate-anon', 'noimageredirect-anon', 'noimageredirect', 'noedit-anon', 'noedit', 'protectedpage', 'cascadeprotected', 'customcssjsprotected', 'protectednamespace-interface', 'protectednamespace'}: raise mwclient.errors.ProtectedPageError(self, e.code, elif e.code == 'assertuserfailed': raise mwclient.errors.AssertUserFailedError() else: raise e def touch(self): """Perform a "null edit" on the page to update the wiki's cached data of it. This is useful in contrast to purge when needing to update stored data on a wiki, for example Semantic MediaWiki properties or Cargo table values, since purge only forces update of a page's displayed values and not its store. """ if not self.exists: return self.append('') def move(self, new_title, reason='', move_talk=True, no_redirect=False): """Move (rename) page to new_title. If user account is an administrator, specify no_redirect as True to not leave a redirect. If user does not have permission to move page, an InsufficientPermission exception is raised. """ if not self.can('move'): raise mwclient.errors.InsufficientPermission(self) if not raise mwclient.errors.NoWriteApi(self) data = {} if move_talk: data['movetalk'] = '1' if no_redirect: data['noredirect'] = '1' result ='move', ('from',, to=new_title, token=self.get_token('move'), reason=reason, **data) return result['move'] def delete(self, reason='', watch=False, unwatch=False, oldimage=False): """Delete page. If user does not have permission to delete page, an InsufficientPermission exception is raised. """ if not self.can('delete'): raise mwclient.errors.InsufficientPermission(self) if not raise mwclient.errors.NoWriteApi(self) data = {} if watch: data['watch'] = '1' if unwatch: data['unwatch'] = '1' if oldimage: data['oldimage'] = oldimage result ='delete',, token=self.get_token('delete'), reason=reason, **data) return result['delete'] def purge(self): """Purge server-side cache of page. This will re-render templates and other dynamic content. """'purge', # def watch: requires 1.14 # Properties def backlinks(self, namespace=None, filterredir='all', redirect=False, limit=None, generator=True): """List pages that link to the current page, similar to Special:Whatlinkshere. API doc: """ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('bl', generator) kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs( prefix, namespace=namespace, filterredir=filterredir, )) if redirect: kwargs['%sredirect' % prefix] = '1' kwargs[prefix + 'title'] = return mwclient.listing.List.get_list(generator)(, 'backlinks', 'bl', limit=limit, return_values='title', **kwargs ) def categories(self, generator=True, show=None): """List categories used on the current page. API doc: Args: generator (bool): Return generator (Default: True) show (str): Set to 'hidden' to only return hidden categories or '!hidden' to only return non-hidden ones. Returns: mwclient.listings.PagePropertyGenerator """ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('cl', generator) kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs( prefix, show=show )) if generator: return mwclient.listing.PagePropertyGenerator( self, 'categories', 'cl', **kwargs ) else: # TODO: return sortkey if wanted return mwclient.listing.PageProperty( self, 'categories', 'cl', return_values='title', **kwargs ) def embeddedin(self, namespace=None, filterredir='all', limit=None, generator=True): """List pages that transclude the current page. API doc: Args: namespace (int): Restricts search to a given namespace (Default: None) filterredir (str): How to filter redirects, either 'all' (default), 'redirects' or 'nonredirects'. limit (int): Maximum amount of pages to return per request generator (bool): Return generator (Default: True) Returns: mwclient.listings.List: Page iterator """ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('ei', generator) kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(prefix, namespace=namespace, filterredir=filterredir)) kwargs[prefix + 'title'] = return mwclient.listing.List.get_list(generator)(, 'embeddedin', 'ei', limit=limit, return_values='title', **kwargs ) def extlinks(self): """List external links from the current page. API doc: """ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'extlinks', 'el', return_values='*') def images(self, generator=True): """List files/images embedded in the current page. API doc: """ if generator: return mwclient.listing.PagePropertyGenerator(self, 'images', '') else: return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'images', '', return_values='title') def iwlinks(self): """List interwiki links from the current page. API doc: """ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'iwlinks', 'iw', return_values=('prefix', '*')) def langlinks(self, **kwargs): """List interlanguage links from the current page. API doc: """ return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'langlinks', 'll', return_values=('lang', '*'), **kwargs) def links(self, namespace=None, generator=True, redirects=False): """List links to other pages from the current page. API doc: """ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('pl', generator) kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(prefix, namespace=namespace)) if redirects: kwargs['redirects'] = '1' if generator: return mwclient.listing.PagePropertyGenerator(self, 'links', 'pl', **kwargs) else: return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'links', 'pl', return_values='title', **kwargs) def revisions(self, startid=None, endid=None, start=None, end=None, dir='older', user=None, excludeuser=None, limit=50, prop='ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user', expandtemplates=False, section=None, diffto=None, slots=None, uselang=None): """List revisions of the current page. API doc: Args: startid (int): Revision ID to start listing from. endid (int): Revision ID to stop listing at. start (str): Timestamp to start listing from. end (str): Timestamp to end listing at. dir (str): Direction to list in: 'older' (default) or 'newer'. user (str): Only list revisions made by this user. excludeuser (str): Exclude revisions made by this user. limit (int): The maximum number of revisions to return per request. prop (str): Which properties to get for each revision, default: 'ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user' expandtemplates (bool): Expand templates in rvprop=content output section (int): Section number. If rvprop=content is set, only the contents of this section will be retrieved. diffto (str): Revision ID to diff each revision to. Use "prev", "next" and "cur" for the previous, next and current revision respectively. slots (str): The content slot (Mediawiki >= 1.32) to retrieve content from. uselang (str): Language to use for parsed edit comments and other localized messages. Returns: mwclient.listings.List: Revision iterator """ kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs( 'rv', startid=startid, endid=endid, start=start, end=end, user=user, excludeuser=excludeuser, diffto=diffto, slots=slots )) if[:2] < (1, 32) and 'rvslots' in kwargs: # del kwargs['rvslots'] kwargs['rvdir'] = dir kwargs['rvprop'] = prop kwargs['uselang'] = uselang if expandtemplates: kwargs['rvexpandtemplates'] = '1' if section is not None: kwargs['rvsection'] = section return mwclient.listing.RevisionsIterator(self, 'revisions', 'rv', limit=limit, **kwargs) def templates(self, namespace=None, generator=True): """List templates used on the current page. API doc: """ prefix = mwclient.listing.List.get_prefix('tl', generator) kwargs = dict(mwclient.listing.List.generate_kwargs(prefix, namespace=namespace)) if generator: return mwclient.listing.PagePropertyGenerator(self, 'templates', prefix, **kwargs) else: return mwclient.listing.PageProperty(self, 'templates', prefix, return_values='title', **kwargs)