// This class returns Data over the gameservers until we find a better solution import GameServer from "./server"; import GameServerProfile from "./profile"; import { NewsType } from "./news"; import { OnlineListParser } from "./onlineCount"; import { socialLink } from "./socialLink"; const TMW2 = new GameServer( new GameServerProfile("server.tmw2.org", 6901, "evol2", "TMW2"), "TMW2", "TMW2: Moubootaur Legends", "What happens if you mix TMW with Evol and add many new ideas? ...Ready to become a Moubootaur Legend now?", "https://tmw2.org/news", { url: "http://updates.tmw2.org/news.txt", type: NewsType.ManaPlus }, [{ isVideo: false, file: "tmw2/background1.png" }], "tmw2/icon.png", [ new socialLink("fas fa-home", "Website", "https://moubootaurlegends.org"), new socialLink("fab fa-discord", "Discord", "https://discord.gg/J4gcaqM"), new socialLink( "fab fa-patreon", "Patreon", "https://www.patreon.com/TMW2/" ), new socialLink( "fas fa-comments", "IRC Chat", "http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#tmw2" ), new socialLink( "fab fa-youtube", "Youtube", "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwW5dTmi2xMV_vJfj5Mq5Q" ), new socialLink( "fab fa-steam", "Steam Group", "http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheManaWorld2" ), new socialLink( "fab fa-twitter", "Twitter", "https://twitter.com/TheManaWorld2" ), new socialLink("fab fa-gitlab", "Gitlab", "https://gitlab.com/TMW2"), ], "https://tmw2.org/legal", { parser: OnlineListParser.JSON_ARRAY, url: "https://tmw2.org/online.json" } ); const Evol = new GameServer( new GameServerProfile("revolt.themanaworld.org", 6969, "evol2"), "TMW rEvolt", "The Mana World: rEvolt", "Join epic adventures with people from all over the world.", "https://themanaworld.org/", { url: "http://evol.gitlab.io/clientdata/news.txt", type: NewsType.ManaPlus }, [{ isVideo: false, file: "evol/background1.png" }], "evol/icon.png", [ new socialLink("fas fa-home", "Website", "https://themanaworld.org/"), new socialLink("fas fa-users", "Forum", "https://forums.themanaworld.org/"), new socialLink("fab fa-discord", "Discord", "https://discord.gg/UnY77dR"), new socialLink( "fas fa-comments", "IRC Chat", "http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#themanaworld" ), new socialLink( "fab fa-youtube", "Youtube", "https://www.youtube.com/user/themanaworldofficial" ), new socialLink( "fab fa-steam", "Steam Group", "http://steamcommunity.com/groups/themanaworld" ), new socialLink( "fab fa-gitlab", "Gitlab", "https://gitlab.com/themanaworld" ), ], "http://policies.themanaworld.org/rules", null ); const TMW = new GameServer( new GameServerProfile("server.themanaworld.org", 6901, "tmwAthena"), "The Mana World", "The Mana World: Legacy", "The clasic TMW experience. Join adventures with people from all over the world.", "https://www.themanaworld.org/news", { url: "http://themanaworld.github.io/tmwa-server-data/news.txt", type: NewsType.ManaPlus, }, [{ isVideo: false, file: "tmw/background1.png" }], "tmw/icon.png", [ new socialLink("fas fa-home", "Website", "https://www.themanaworld.org/"), new socialLink("fas fa-users", "Forum", "https://forums.themanaworld.org/"), ], "https://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/The_Mana_World:Terms_and_Conditions", { parser: OnlineListParser.TMW, url: "https://server.themanaworld.org/" } ); // https://policies.themanaworld.org/tos is still offline const noServer = new GameServer( new GameServerProfile("noServer", 6901, "tmwAthena"), "Mana Plus", "Open Mana Plus", "Opens the ManaPlus client", "http://manaplus.org/changelog", undefined, [{ isVideo: false, file: "noServer/background1.png" }], "noServer/icon.svg", [ new socialLink("fas fa-home", "Website", "http://manaplus.org/"), new socialLink( "fab fa-gitlab", "Gitlab", "https://gitlab.com/themanaworld/manaplus/manaplus/" ), ], undefined, null ); export const GameServers = [TMW2, Evol, TMW, noServer];