# Simple Library Example - Author: jak1 ## Build - `make shared` (required for all targets, also mentioned when you just do `make`) (shared object) - `make client` builds the client_example (elf) - `make server` builds the server_example (elf) - `make install` (not implemented, i dont want to install any librarys that are just examples) ## Test it the client needs a running server, so start with it first.\ - `./server_example` then execute the client - `./client_example` ## Troubleshooting in case you get an error like: `error while loading shared libraries: libsom_net.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`\ there are 2 options: - updated your ldconfig or - start the binarys like this: - ```LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` ./server_example``` - ```LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` ./client_example``` ## Copyright CC BY-SA 4.0 so feel free to edit publish or make money with it, as long as u keep my name in it :)\ you could even print it on toilet paper if you dislike it that hard...