#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Evol Online # Copyright (C) 2018 TMW-2 # Author: Andrei Karas (4144) # Author: Jesusalva # # The use of the data import datetime import sys stgen=False aeros=False bifs=False skipCI=False wikib=open("EleMonsters.html", "w") wikib.write('EleGen File') def printSeparator(): print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------") def showHeader(): global stgen, aeros, bifs, skipCI print("TMW2 Ele Generator") print("Run at: " + datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()) print("Usage: ./redesign.py [default|aeros|none|update|all] []") if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if sys.argv[1] == "default": stgen=True aeros=False bifs=False skipCI=False elif sys.argv[1] == "aeros": stgen=False aeros=True bifs=False skipCI=False elif sys.argv[1] == "none": stgen=False aeros=False bifs=False skipCI=False elif sys.argv[1] == "update": stgen=True aeros=False bifs=False skipCI=True elif sys.argv[1] == "all": stgen=True aeros=True bifs=True skipCI=False else: exit(1) print("This stuff analyzes and sorts monsters and then create base stats for Moubootaur Legends.") print("Drops aren't calculated or taken in account, TWEAK AS NEEDED") printSeparator() print("Output is: EleMonsters.html") def showFooter(): #pass #printSeparator() print("Done.") Mobs1=[] Mobs2=[] Mobs3=[] Mobs4=[] Mobs5=[] Mobs6=[] MobsA=[] # [N, W, E, F, W, -, H, H, G, -] Ele=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # This is for Aeros Plants=[] Level50=[] Level100=[] Aggressive=[] Assistant=[] Looter=[] Boss=[] SysDrops=[] def fwalk(wmask): if wmask == 'WATER': return '%s' % (wmask) elif wmask == 'AIR': return '%s' % (wmask) elif wmask == 'WALL': return '%s' % (wmask) elif wmask == 'NORMAL' or wmask == 'DEFAULT': return '%s' % (wmask) else: print("Invalid walk mask: "+wmask) exit(1) def WhatRace(rac): rc=rac.race if rc == 0: return "Formless" elif rc == 1: return "Undead" elif rc == 2: return "Brute" elif rc == 3: return "Plant" elif rc == 4: return "Insect" elif rc == 5: return "Mineral" elif rc == 6: return "-" elif rc == 7: return "SemiHuman" elif rc == 8: return "Angel" elif rc == 9: return "Dragon" elif rc == 10: return "Player" elif rc == 11: return "Boss" elif rc == 12: return "NonBoss" elif rc == 14: return "NonSemiHuman" elif rc == 15: return "NonPlayer" elif rc == 16: return "SemiPlayer" elif rc == 17: return "NonSemiPlayer" else: print("ERROR, INVALID RACE ID: %d (ID: %s)" % (rc, rac.id)) exit(1) def WhatElem(rac): rc=rac.elem tl="ERROR" cl="#F00" if rc == 0: tl,cl="Neutral","#000" elif rc == 1: tl,cl="Water","#00F" elif rc == 2: tl,cl="Nature","#7A0" elif rc == 3: tl,cl="Fire","#F00" elif rc == 4: tl,cl="Error(W)","#093" elif rc == 5: tl,cl="Error(P)","#040" elif rc == 6: tl,cl="Holy","#afa" elif rc == 7: tl,cl="Dark","#908" elif rc == 8: tl,cl="Error(G)","#404" elif rc == 9: tl,cl="Error(U)","#440" else: print("ERROR, INVALID ELEM ID: %d (ID: %s)" % (rc, rac.id)) exit(1) Ele[rc]+=1 return "%s" % (cl, tl) class Mob: def __init__(self): # Basic self.id="0" #self.aegis="UnknownMonster" # SpriteName is not used anywhere, we are using its ID self.name="Unknown Monster Name" self.view="1" self.boss=False self.plant=False # Defensive self.mobpt="0" # Mob Points “Level” self.hp="0" self.xp="Exp: 0" self.jp="JExp: 0" self.st="" self.dfn=0 self.mdf=0 # Offensive self.atk="[0, 0]" self.range="1" self.move="0" self.delay="0" self.drops=[] # New self.race=-1 self.elem=-1 self.elel=-1 self.walk="NORMAL" # Stats self.str='0' self.agi='0' self.vit='0' self.int='0' self.dex='0' self.luk='0' def MobAlloc(ab): try: maab=int(ab.mobpt) except: maab=9901 if maab <= 20 or skipCI: Mobs1.append(ab) elif maab <= 40: Mobs2.append(ab) elif maab <= 60: Mobs3.append(ab) elif maab <= 80: Mobs4.append(ab) elif maab <= 100: Mobs5.append(ab) elif maab <= 150: Mobs6.append(ab) else: MobsA.append(ab) # Aeros allocation """Plants=[] Level50=[] Level100=[] Aggressive=[] Assistant=[] Looter=[] Boss=[]""" normie=True if ab.plant: Plants.append(ab.id) normie=False if ab.boss: Boss.append(ab.id) normie=False if normie: if "Agr" in ab.st: Aggressive.append(ab.id) normie=False if "Lot" in ab.st: Looter.append(ab.id) normie=False if "Ass" in ab.st: Assistant.append(ab.id) normie=False if normie: if maab <= 55: Level50.append(ab.id) else: Level100.append(ab.id) def testMobs(): print("Generating Elem-Mob Wiki...") if len(sys.argv) >= 3: src=open(sys.argv[2]+"/db/pre-re/mob_db.conf", "r", encoding="utf-8") else: src=open("../../server-data/db/pre-re/mob_db.conf", "r", encoding="utf-8") wikib.write("

EleGen Monster Database

\n") start=False dropper=False skip=0 x=Mob() # Only for pyflakes2 for a2 in src: a=a2.replace(' ', '\t'); if a == "{\n": if skip: skip=0 if start: MobAlloc(x) else: start=True x=Mob() if skip: start=False x=Mob() continue if " Id:" in a: x.id=stp(a) if x.id == "ID": continue if " Name:" in a: x.name=stp(a) elif " Hp:" in a: x.hp=stp(a) elif " Lv:" in a: x.mobpt=stp(a) elif " Exp:" in a: x.xp=stp(a) elif " JExp:" in a: x.jp=stp(a) elif " Attack:" in a: x.atk=stp(a) elif " AttackRange:" in a: x.range=stp(a) elif " MoveSpeed:" in a: x.move=stp(a) elif " ViewRange:" in a: x.view=stp(a) elif " AttackDelay:" in a: x.delay=stp(a) elif " Def:" in a: x.dfn=stp(a) elif " Mdef:" in a: x.mdf=stp(a) elif " Str:" in a: x.str=stp(a) elif " Agi:" in a: x.agi=stp(a) elif " Vit:" in a: x.vit=stp(a) elif " Int:" in a: x.int=stp(a) elif " Dex:" in a: x.dex=stp(a) elif " Luk:" in a: x.luk=stp(a) elif " Boss: true" in a: x.boss=True elif " Plant: true" in a: x.plant=True elif " Looter: true" in a: x.st+="Lot," elif " Assist: true" in a: x.st+="Ass," elif " Aggressive: true" in a: x.st+="Agr," elif " WalkMask:" in a: x.walk=stp(a) elif " Element:" in a: tmp=stp(a) tmp2=tmp.split(',') try: x.elem=int(tmp2[0]) x.elel=int(tmp2[1]) except: print("Invalid Element for mob %s: %s" % (x.id, tmp)) exit(1) elif " Race:" in a: try: x.race=int(stp(a)) except: print("Invalid Race for mob %s: %s" % (x.id, a)) exit(1) elif 'Drops: ' in a: dropper=True elif dropper and '}' in a: dropper=False elif dropper: x.drops.append(stp(a).split(": ")) elif "Plant: true" in a: skip=1 # Write last entry MobAlloc(x) writeMob() wikib.write('\n\n|Mode|Desc|\n|----|----|\n') wikib.write('|Lot|Looter|\n') wikib.write('|Ass|Assist|\n') wikib.write('|Agr|Aggressive|\n') src.close() def stp(x): return x.replace('\n', '').replace('|', '').replace('(int, defaults to ', '').replace(')', '').replace('basic experience', '').replace('"','').replace(" ","").replace("\t","").replace('(string', '').replace('Name: ','').replace('Element: ','').replace('Race: ','').replace('AttackDelay: ', '').replace('WalkMask: ','').replace('MoveSpeed: ', '').replace('AttackRange: ', '').replace('ViewRange: ','').replace('Attack: ','').replace('ViewRange: ','').replace('Hp: ','').replace('Id: ','').replace('Lv: ','').replace('view range','').replace('attack range','').replace('move speed','').replace('health','').replace('(int','').replace('attack delay','atk.').replace('(','').replace(')','').replace('WALK_','').replace('Def: ','').replace('Mdef: ','') def MonsterWrite(tbl): global skipCI # TODO: Check _mobs files to determine the usual monster density (a misc info to aid adding proper drop specs) wikib.write("\n") if stgen: wikib.write("\n") else: wikib.write("\n") if not skipCI: tbl=sorted(tbl, key=lambda tbl: int(tbl.mobpt)) for i in tbl: if i.id == 'ID': continue # Special skips for REDESIGN #if (int(i.id) < 1187): # continue if not bifs and ((int(i.hp) <= 50) or (i.race == 3)): continue if i.boss: i.name=""+i.name+"" if stgen: wikib.write('\n" ) else: wikib.write('\n" ) wikib.write("
IDNameMob InfoStgenElegenMisc InfoRewardsStatsDrops
IDNameMob InfoElegenMisc InfoRewardsStatsDrops
' + i.id +""+ i.name +""+ mb_core(i) +""+ mbdt('advise',mb_stgen(i)) +""+ mb_eleg(i) +""+ mbdt('misc', mb_rdmisc(i)) +""+ mbdt('Exp\'s', mb_rdrw(i)) +""+ mbdt('stats', mb_rdstat(i)) +""+ mbdt('drops', mb_rddrop(i)) +"
' + i.id +""+ i.name +""+ mb_core(i) +""+ mb_eleg(i) +""+ mbdt('misc', mb_rdmisc(i)) +""+ mbdt('Exp\'s', mb_rdrw(i)) +""+ mbdt('stats', mb_rdstat(i)) +""+ mbdt('drops', mb_rddrop(i)) +"
\n") wikib.write("Total: %02d Monsters
\n" % len(tbl)) wikib.write("\n(↑) Return to top

\n\n") def writeMob(): wikib.write(" ") wikib.write("

Lv 0-20

\n\n") MonsterWrite(Mobs1) wikib.write("

Lv 21-40

\n\n") MonsterWrite(Mobs2) wikib.write("

Lv 41-60

\n\n") MonsterWrite(Mobs3) wikib.write("

Lv 61-80

\n\n") MonsterWrite(Mobs4) wikib.write("

Lv 81-100

\n\n") MonsterWrite(Mobs5) wikib.write("

Lv 101-150

\n\n") MonsterWrite(Mobs6) wikib.write("

Lv 101+

\n\n") MonsterWrite(MobsA) def mbdt(summary, content): return ""+summary+"
" return "
\ "+summary+"\
" def mb_core(mb): buff="" buff+="Lvl: %s
\n" % (mb.mobpt) buff+="HP: %s
\n" % (mb.hp) buff+="ATK: %s
\n" % (mb.atk) buff+="DEF: %s/%s
\n" % (mb.dfn, mb.mdf) if mb.st != "": buff+="Modes: %s" % (mb.st) return buff def mb_eleg(mb): buff="" buff+="Race: %s
\n" % (WhatRace(mb)) if (mb.walk != "NORMAL"): buff+="Walk: %s
\n" % (fwalk(mb.walk)) buff+="Element: %s
\n" % (WhatElem(mb)) return buff ############################################################ def mb_stgen(mb): lv=int(mb.mobpt) st=int(mb.str.replace(' ', '').replace('Str:','')) #ag=int(mb.agi.replace(' ', '').replace('Agi:','')) vi=int(mb.vit.replace(' ', '').replace('Vit:','')) #it=int(mb.int.replace(' ', '').replace('Int:','')) #dx=int(mb.dex.replace(' ', '').replace('Dex:','')) #lk=int(mb.luk.replace(' ', '').replace('Luk:','')) # Attack Range vs Attack Delay ar=int(mb.range) ad=int(mb.delay) mv=int(mb.move) magr=False mass=False if ('Agr' in mb.st): magr=True if ('Ass' in mb.st): mass=True if (not ar): ar=1 # Over100 Special Formula OVER100=0 if lv > 100: OVER100=lv-100 lv=100+OVER100*0.25 # Fórmula da HPTable: 400+(x*50) # MASTERED lat=(lv*40+lv**1.2+lv*(st/100)) hat=(lv*40+lv**1.5+lv*(st/100)) if (ar > 1): lat*=max(0.5, 1.0-((ar-1)/10.0)) hat*=max(0.5, 1.0-((ar-1)/10.0)) # Casos especiais if mb.boss: lat*=1.2 hat*=1.4 if "slime" in mb.name.lower(): lat*=0.3 hat*=0.3 # Attack is DPS. So we must adjust to be a damage per second lat*=(ad/1872) hat*=(ad/1872) # Formula is not reliable lat*=0.55 hat*=0.55 lat*=max(0.5, 1.0-(lv/10.0)) hat*=max(0.5, 1.0-(lv/10.0)) # Consider Aggressive and Assist mobs if magr: lat*=0.78 hat*=0.78 if mass: lat*=0.89 hat*=0.89 # Over100 Special Formula if OVER100: lv=100+OVER100*2 # HP: Each 10 levels give you 100 extra weapon damage # I expect from 6 to 14 hits to kill # You deliver in average two hits per second # Mobs deliver one hit each four seconds (and that's 1hand advantage) lhp=lv*20*6+lv*(vi/100) hhp=lv*20*14+lv*(vi/100) if mb.boss: lhp*=1.4 hhp*=1.8 if "slime" in mb.name.lower(): lhp*=0.6 hhp*=0.6 if ar > 1 and not OVER100: lhp*=0.9 hhp*=0.9 # Experience is way too non-linear and I prefer to do it with reference formula # like I was doing before # But let's use a formula based on mobs-to-lvl-up where you must kill 1580 lv 60 mobs # to raise from lv 60 (you can kill lv 50 mobs easier - but then I expect 3700 kills) # mobs to kill to raise level # This is the current mob-lvl-exp-table generated by this software # As you see, it is somewhat similar to TMW Org. # Remember aggressive, fast, and assistant mobs give even more exp # Over100 Special Formula if OVER100: lv=100+OVER100 try: calc_exp = max(1, int(math.floor(effective_hp * (math.sqrt(attack_factor) + math.sqrt(dodge_factor) + math.sqrt(persuit_factor) + 55)**3 * aggression_factor / 2000000))) hxp=int(calc_exp*(1+lv/50.0)) lxp=int(calc_exp) except: hxp=1 lxp=1 print("Warning: Invalid exp for mob \033[1m%s\033[0m" % (mb.name.replace("", "").replace("", ""))) # Over100 Special Formula (kinda) olv=0 if lv > 80: olv=lv+0 lv=80+(lv-80)*0.25 # Defense follows the same player formula dfn=((lv**1.255)*2.5) dfn=dfn*350.0/810.0 mdf=max(0, lv-5)+(lv/10.0) if not mb.boss: mdf/=2 if ar > 3: dfn/=2 # Nerf mobs def in 50% (to be more realistic to what we have) dfn/=2 # Over100 Special Formula if OVER100: lv=100+OVER100 else: lv=olv+0 del olv # Force HP to be higher # It'll only start applying from level 40 onwards # It gives a bonus of 0.5% HP per mob level # This means a level 100 mob got 60 times that stronger: 30% if lv > 40: lhp=lhp*(1.0+((lv-40)/210.0)) lhp=int(lhp) # Norm lhp=int(lhp) hhp=int(hhp) lat=int(lat) hat=int(hat) lxp=int(lxp) hxp=int(hxp) dfn=int(dfn) mdf=int(mdf) buff="
    buff+="HP Range: %s ~ %s
\n" % (lhp, hhp) buff+="ATK Range: %s ~ %s
\n" % (lat, hat) buff+="Maximum XP: %s ~ %s
\n" % (lxp, hxp) buff+="DEF: %s / %s
\n" % (dfn, mdf) buff+="Drop, Move, Elegen, aspd
\n" buff+="
" return buff def mb_rdstat(mb): buff="
    buff+="%s\n" % (mb.str)
    buff+="%s\n" % (mb.agi)
    buff+="%s\n" % (mb.vit)
    buff+="%s\n" % (mb.int)
    buff+="%s\n" % (mb.dex)
    buff+="%s\n" % (mb.luk)
" return buff def mb_rdmisc(mb): buff="" if "agr" in mb.st.lower(): buff+="View Range: %s\n" % (mb.view) buff+="Attack Range: %s\n" % (mb.range) buff+="AtkDelay: %s ms\n" % (mb.delay) buff+="Move speed: %s ms\n" % (mb.move) buff+="Element Level: %d\n" % (mb.elel) return buff def mb_rdrw(mb): buff="" buff+="%s\n" % (mb.xp.replace(' ', ' ')) buff+="%s\n" % (mb.jp.replace(' ', ' ')) #try: # buff+="MobPoints: %d\n" % (int(mb.mobpt)*11/10) #except: # pass return buff def mb_rddrop(mb): buff="" for ax in mb.drops: # Ignore disabled drops if ax[0].startswith("//"): continue # Write drop try: buff+=ax[0]+': ' + str(int(ax[1])/100.0) + ' %\n' except IndexError: print("Fatal: invalid %s mob with %s drops" % (mb.name, str(ax))) exit(1) except: print("[Warning] %s incorrect drop: %s" % (mb.name, str(ax))) buff+=ax[0]+': ' + ax[1] + ' ppm\n' # Save to SysDrops SysDrops.append([ax[0], ax[1], mb.name]) return buff showHeader() testMobs() wikib.write('

') wikib.write("Run at: " + datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()) wikib.write('
') wikib.write('
') err=int(Ele[4])+int(Ele[8])+int(Ele[5]) wikib.write("""

Elemental Count

""" % ( "Neutral", Ele[0], "Fire", Ele[3], "Water", Ele[1], "Nature", Ele[2], "Holy", Ele[6], "Dark", Ele[7], "Error", err)) wikib.write('') wikib.close() #print(str(SysDrops)) # Aeros allocation if aeros: print("// These arrays are filled automatically by redesign.py"); print("setarray .ML_Plants, "+ str(Plants).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'","")+";") print("setarray .ML_Boss, "+ str(Boss).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'","")+";") print("setarray .ML_Aggr, "+ str(Aggressive).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'","")+";") print("setarray .ML_Asst, "+ str(Assistant).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'","")+";") print("setarray .ML_Loot, "+ str(Looter).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'","")+";") print("setarray .ML_Lv50, "+ str(Level50).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'","").replace('ID, ','')+ ";") print("setarray .ML_Lv99, "+ str(Level100).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'","")+";") showFooter() exit(0)