stages: - test - build - deploy # --- globals ----------------------------------------------------------------- variables: CROSS: i686-w64-mingw32.shared MP_REPOSITORY: .job-deploy: &job-deploy artifacts: paths: - build - logs - public when: always expire_in: 3 week .job-build: &job-build artifacts: paths: - build - logs when: always expire_in: 3 week .job-test: &job-test artifacts: paths: - logs when: always expire_in: 3 week # --- jobs -------------------------------------------------------------------- mxe_gcc5: image: jak891/mxe-win-build:1.0.1 stage: build except: - /^test.*/ - /^registry.*/ script: - cd / - mkdir -p "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/logs/" || true - mkdir -p "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/build/" || true - git clone $CI_REPOSITORY_URL -b $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH /opt || exit 1 - rm -rf /opt/.git/ - cp -r opt/* / - git clone -b master $MP_REPOSITORY manaplus || exit 1 - chmod +x ./ && ./ <<: *job-build tags: - docker - glados pages: image: debian:stable stage: deploy only: - stable - release before_script: - apt-get update - apt-get -y -qq install openssh-client libxml2-utils jsonlint wget - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64}" | base64 -d | tr -d '\r' > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh script: - echo "[WIP] mirror" - chmod +x ./ && ./ - rm -rf ~/.ssh <<: *job-deploy # note: i guess mxe dl build and patch takes to long, ci allows 'only' 3hours, # there runners are still overwhelmed from building simple stuff # may using own runner could make it work a bit faster registry_deploy: image: alpine stage: deploy only: - /^registry_.*/ - /^registry/.*/ script: - echo "[WIP]" - exit 1 <<: *job-test allow_failure: true test_only: image: alpine stage: test only: - /^test_.*/ - /^test/.*/ script: - echo "ci testing should use branches named test_* (doesnt trigger mxe_gcc5 build)" - exit 1 <<: *job-test allow_failure: true