/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "resources/beingcommon.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "logger.h" #include "enums/resources/map/blockmask.h" #include "resources/beinginfo.h" #include "resources/sprite/spritereference.h" #include "debug.h" void BeingCommon::readBasicAttributes(BeingInfo *const info, XmlNodePtrConst node, const std::string &hoverCursor) { info->setTargetCursorSize(XML::getProperty(node, "targetCursor", "medium")); info->setHoverCursor(XML::getProperty(node, "hoverCursor", hoverCursor)); info->setTargetOffsetX(XML::getProperty(node, "targetOffsetX", 0)); info->setTargetOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "targetOffsetY", 0)); info->setNameOffsetX(XML::getProperty(node, "nameOffsetX", 0)); info->setNameOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "nameOffsetY", 0)); info->setSortOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "sortOffsetY", 0)); info->setHpBarOffsetX(XML::getProperty(node, "hpBarOffsetX", 0)); info->setHpBarOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "hpBarOffsetY", 0)); info->setQuickActionEffectId(XML::getProperty(node, "quickActionEffect", -1)); } void BeingCommon::readWalkingAttributes(BeingInfo *const info, XmlNodePtrConst node, const int moreBlockFlags) { unsigned char block = 0; std::string walkStr = XML::getProperty( node, "walkType", "walk"); const unsigned char allFlags = BlockMask::GROUND | BlockMask::WALL | BlockMask::WATER | BlockMask::AIR | moreBlockFlags; StringVect tokens; splitToStringVector(tokens, walkStr, ','); FOR_EACH (StringVectCIter, it, tokens) { if (walkStr == "walk" || walkStr == "ground") block |= BlockMask::GROUND; else if (walkStr == "fly" || walkStr == "air") block |= BlockMask::GROUND | BlockMask::WATER | BlockMask::AIR; else if (walkStr == "all") block |= allFlags; else if (walkStr == "wall") block |= BlockMask::WALL; else if (walkStr == "monsterwall") block |= BlockMask::MONSTERWALL; else if (walkStr == "swim" || walkStr == "water") block |= BlockMask::WATER; else if (walkStr == "walkswim" || walkStr == "swimwalk") // legacy block |= BlockMask::GROUND | BlockMask::WATER; } info->setBlockWalkMask(CAST_U8(block ^ allFlags)); } void BeingCommon::readAiAttributes(BeingInfo *const info, XmlNodePtrConst node) { info->setStartFollowDist(XML::getProperty(node, "startFollowDistance", 3)); info->setFollowDist(XML::getProperty(node, "followDistance", 0)); info->setWarpDist(XML::getProperty(node, "warpDistance", 11)); info->setTargetOffsetX(XML::getProperty(node, "offsetX", 0)); info->setTargetOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "offsetY", 1)); info->setSitOffsetX(XML::getProperty(node, "sitOffsetX", 0)); info->setSitOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "sitOffsetY", 1)); info->setMoveOffsetX(XML::getProperty(node, "moveOffsetX", 0)); info->setMoveOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "moveOffsetY", 1)); info->setDeadOffsetX(XML::getProperty(node, "deadOffsetX", 0)); info->setDeadOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "deadOffsetY", 1)); info->setAttackOffsetX(XML::getProperty(node, "attackOffsetX", info->getTargetOffsetX())); info->setAttackOffsetY(XML::getProperty(node, "attackOffsetY", info->getTargetOffsetY())); info->setThinkTime(XML::getProperty(node, "thinkTime", 500) / 10); info->setDirectionType(XML::getProperty(node, "directionType", 1)); info->setSitDirectionType(XML::getProperty(node, "sitDirectionType", 1)); info->setDeadDirectionType(XML::getProperty(node, "deadDirectionType", 1)); info->setAttackDirectionType(XML::getProperty(node, "attackDirectionType", 4)); } bool BeingCommon::readObjectNodes(XmlNodePtrConst &spriteNode, SpriteDisplay &display, BeingInfo *const currentInfo, const std::string &dbName) { if (xmlNameEqual(spriteNode, "sprite")) { if (!XmlHaveChildContent(spriteNode)) return true; SpriteReference *const currentSprite = new SpriteReference; currentSprite->sprite = XmlChildContent(spriteNode); currentSprite->variant = XML::getProperty( spriteNode, "variant", 0); display.sprites.push_back(currentSprite); return true; } else if (xmlNameEqual(spriteNode, "sound")) { if (!XmlHaveChildContent(spriteNode)) return true; const std::string event = XML::getProperty( spriteNode, "event", ""); const int delay = XML::getProperty( spriteNode, "delay", 0); const char *const filename = XmlChildContent(spriteNode); if (event == "hit") { currentInfo->addSound(ItemSoundEvent::HIT, filename, delay); } else if (event == "miss") { currentInfo->addSound(ItemSoundEvent::MISS, filename, delay); } else if (event == "hurt") { currentInfo->addSound(ItemSoundEvent::HURT, filename, delay); } else if (event == "die") { currentInfo->addSound(ItemSoundEvent::DIE, filename, delay); } else if (event == "move") { currentInfo->addSound(ItemSoundEvent::MOVE, filename, delay); } else if (event == "sit") { currentInfo->addSound(ItemSoundEvent::SIT, filename, delay); } else if (event == "sittop") { currentInfo->addSound(ItemSoundEvent::SITTOP, filename, delay); } else if (event == "spawn") { currentInfo->addSound(ItemSoundEvent::SPAWN, filename, delay); } else { logger->log((dbName + ": Warning, sound effect %s for " "unknown event %s of monster %s").c_str(), filename, event.c_str(), currentInfo->getName().c_str()); } return true; } else if (xmlNameEqual(spriteNode, "attack")) { const int attackId = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "id", 0); const int effectId = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "effect-id", paths.getIntValue("effectId")); const int hitEffectId = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "hit-effect-id", paths.getIntValue("hitEffectId")); const int criticalHitEffectId = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "critical-hit-effect-id", paths.getIntValue("criticalHitEffectId")); const int missEffectId = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "miss-effect-id", paths.getIntValue("missEffectId")); const std::string spriteAction = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "action", "attack"); const std::string skySpriteAction = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "skyaction", "skyattack"); const std::string waterSpriteAction = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "wateraction", "waterattack"); const std::string rideSpriteAction = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "rideaction", "rideattack"); const std::string missileParticle = XML::getProperty(spriteNode, "missile-particle", ""); currentInfo->addAttack(attackId, spriteAction, skySpriteAction, waterSpriteAction, rideSpriteAction, effectId, hitEffectId, criticalHitEffectId, missEffectId, missileParticle); return true; } else if (xmlNameEqual(spriteNode, "particlefx")) { if (!XmlHaveChildContent(spriteNode)) return true; display.particles.push_back(XmlChildContent(spriteNode)); return true; } return false; }