/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2006 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include "particleemitter.h" #include "animationparticle.h" #include "imageparticle.h" #include "log.h" #include "particle.h" #include "resources/animation.h" #include "resources/image.h" #include "resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "resources/imageset.h" #include #define SIN45 0.707106781f #define DEG_RAD_FACTOR 0.017453293f ParticleEmitter::ParticleEmitter(xmlNodePtr emitterNode, Particle *target, Map *map): mParticleImage(0) { mMap = map; mParticleTarget = target; //initializing default values mParticlePosX.set(0.0f); mParticlePosY.set(0.0f); mParticlePosZ.set(0.0f); mParticleAngleHorizontal.set(0.0f); mParticleAngleVertical.set(0.0f); mParticlePower.set(0.0f); mParticleGravity.set(0.0f); mParticleRandomnes.set(0); mParticleBounce.set(0.0f); mParticleAcceleration.set(0.0f); mParticleDieDistance.set(-1.0f); mParticleMomentum.set(1.0f); mParticleLifetime.set(-1); mParticleFadeOut.set(0); mParticleFadeIn.set(0); mOutput.set(1); for_each_xml_child_node(propertyNode, emitterNode) { if (xmlStrEqual(propertyNode->name, BAD_CAST "property")) { std::string name = XML::getProperty(propertyNode, "name", ""); if (name == "position-x") { mParticlePosX = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); } else if (name == "position-y") { mParticlePosY = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); } else if (name == "position-z") { mParticlePosZ = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); } else if (name == "image") { std::string image = XML::getProperty(propertyNode, "value", ""); // Don't leak when multiple images are defined if (image != "" && !mParticleImage) { ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); mParticleImage = resman->getImage(image); } } else if (name == "horizontal-angle") { mParticleAngleHorizontal = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); mParticleAngleHorizontal.minVal *= DEG_RAD_FACTOR; mParticleAngleHorizontal.maxVal *= DEG_RAD_FACTOR; } else if (name == "vertical-angle") { mParticleAngleVertical = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); mParticleAngleVertical.minVal *= DEG_RAD_FACTOR; mParticleAngleVertical.maxVal *= DEG_RAD_FACTOR; } else if (name == "power") { mParticlePower = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); } else if (name == "gravity") { mParticleGravity = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); } else if (name == "randomnes") { mParticleRandomnes = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0); } else if (name == "bounce") { mParticleBounce = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); } else if (name == "lifetime") { mParticleLifetime = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0); mParticleLifetime.minVal += 1; } else if (name == "output") { mOutput = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0); mOutput.maxVal +=1; } else if (name == "acceleration") { mParticleAcceleration = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); } else if (name == "die-distance") { mParticleDieDistance = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0.0f); } else if (name == "momentum") { mParticleMomentum = readMinMax(propertyNode, 1.0f); } else if (name == "fade-out") { mParticleFadeOut = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0); } else if (name == "fade-in") { mParticleFadeIn = readMinMax(propertyNode, 0); } else { logger->log("Particle Engine: Warning, unknown emitter property \"%s\"", name.c_str() ); } } else if (xmlStrEqual(propertyNode->name, BAD_CAST "emitter")) { ParticleEmitter newEmitter(propertyNode, mParticleTarget, map); mParticleChildEmitters.push_back(newEmitter); } else if (xmlStrEqual(propertyNode->name, BAD_CAST "animation")) { ImageSet *imageset = ResourceManager::getInstance()->getImageSet( XML::getProperty(propertyNode, "imageset", ""), XML::getProperty(propertyNode, "width", 0), XML::getProperty(propertyNode, "height", 0) ); // Get animation frames for_each_xml_child_node(frameNode, propertyNode) { int delay = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "delay", 0); int offsetX = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "offsetX", 0); int offsetY = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "offsetY", 0); offsetY -= imageset->getHeight() - 32; offsetX -= imageset->getWidth() / 2 - 16; if (xmlStrEqual(frameNode->name, BAD_CAST "frame")) { int index = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "index", -1); if (index < 0) { logger->log("No valid value for 'index'"); continue; } Image *img = imageset->get(index); if (!img) { logger->log("No image at index " + (index)); continue; } mParticleAnimation.addFrame(img, delay, offsetX, offsetY); } else if (xmlStrEqual(frameNode->name, BAD_CAST "sequence")) { int start = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "start", -1); int end = XML::getProperty(frameNode, "end", -1); if (start < 0 || end < 0) { logger->log("No valid value for 'start' or 'end'"); continue; } while (end >= start) { Image *img = imageset->get(start); if (!img) { logger->log("No image at index " + (start)); continue; } mParticleAnimation.addFrame(img, delay, offsetX, offsetY); start++; } } else if (xmlStrEqual(frameNode->name, BAD_CAST "end")) { mParticleAnimation.addTerminator(); } } // for frameNode } } } ParticleEmitter::~ParticleEmitter() { if (mParticleImage) { mParticleImage->decRef(); } } template MinMax ParticleEmitter::readMinMax(xmlNodePtr propertyNode, T def) { MinMax retval; def = (T)XML::getFloatProperty(propertyNode, "value", (double)def); retval.set ( (T)XML::getFloatProperty(propertyNode, "min", (double)def), (T)XML::getFloatProperty(propertyNode, "max", (double)def) ); return retval; } std::list ParticleEmitter::createParticles() { std::list newParticles; for (int i = mOutput.value(); i > 0; i--) { // Limit maximum particles if (Particle::particleCount > Particle::maxCount) break; Particle *newParticle; if (mParticleImage) { newParticle = new ImageParticle(mMap, mParticleImage); } else if (mParticleAnimation.getLength() > 0) { Animation *newAnimation = new Animation(mParticleAnimation); newParticle = new AnimationParticle(mMap, newAnimation); } else { newParticle = new Particle(mMap); } newParticle->setPosition( mParticlePosX.value(), mParticlePosY.value(), mParticlePosZ.value() ); float angleH = mParticleAngleHorizontal.value(); float angleV = mParticleAngleVertical.value(); float power = mParticlePower.value(); newParticle->setVector( cos(angleH) * cos(angleV) * power, sin(angleH) * cos(angleV) * SIN45 * power, sin(angleV) * SIN45 * power ); newParticle->setRandomnes(mParticleRandomnes.value()); newParticle->setGravity(mParticleGravity.value()); newParticle->setBounce(mParticleBounce.value()); newParticle->setDestination(mParticleTarget, mParticleAcceleration.value(), mParticleMomentum.value() ); newParticle->setDieDistance(mParticleDieDistance.value()); newParticle->setLifetime(mParticleLifetime.value()); newParticle->setFadeOut(mParticleFadeOut.value()); newParticle->setFadeIn(mParticleFadeIn.value()); for ( std::list::iterator i = mParticleChildEmitters.begin(); i != mParticleChildEmitters.end(); i++ ) { newParticle->addEmitter(new ParticleEmitter(*i)); } newParticles.push_back(newParticle); } return newParticles; }