/* * The Mana World * Copyright (C) 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "configuration.h" #include "equipment.h" #include "floor_item.h" #include "game.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "inventory.h" #include "item.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "monster.h" #include "particle.h" #include "simpleanimation.h" #include "sound.h" #include "text.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "net/messageout.h" #include "net/protocol.h" #include "resources/animation.h" #include "resources/imageset.h" #include "resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "utils/tostring.h" LocalPlayer *player_node = NULL; static const int NAME_X_OFFSET = 15; static const int NAME_Y_OFFSET = 30; LocalPlayer::LocalPlayer(Uint32 id, Uint16 job, Map *map): Player(id, job, map), mCharId(0), mJobXp(0), mLevel(0), mJobLevel(0), mXpForNextLevel(0), mJobXpForNextLevel(0), mHp(0), mMaxHp(0), mMp(0), mMaxMp(0), mGp(0), mAttackRange(0), mTotalWeight(0), mMaxWeight(0), ATK(0), MATK(0), DEF(0), MDEF(0), HIT(0), FLEE(0), ATK_BONUS(0), MATK_BONUS(0), DEF_BONUS(0), MDEF_BONUS(0), FLEE_BONUS(0), mStatPoint(0), mSkillPoint(0), mStatsPointsToAttribute(0), mEquipment(new Equipment()), mXp(0), mNetwork(0), mTarget(NULL), mPickUpTarget(NULL), mTrading(false), mGoingToTarget(false), mTargetTime(-1), mLastAction(-1), mLastTarget(-1), mWalkingDir(0), mDestX(0), mDestY(0), mInventory(new Inventory(INVENTORY_SIZE)), mStorage(new Inventory(STORAGE_SIZE)) { // Variable to keep the local player from doing certain actions before a map // is initialized. e.g. drawing a player's name using the TextManager, since // it appears to be dependant upon map coordinates for updating drawing. mMapInitialized = false; mUpdateName = true; initTargetCursor(); } LocalPlayer::~LocalPlayer() { delete mInventory; delete mStorage; delete mName; for (int i = Being::TC_SMALL; i < Being::NUM_TC; i++) { delete mTargetCursor[0][i]; delete mTargetCursor[1][i]; mTargetCursorImages[0][i]->decRef(); mTargetCursorImages[1][i]->decRef(); } } void LocalPlayer::logic() { switch (mAction) { case STAND: break; case SIT: break; case DEAD: break; case HURT: break; case WALK: mFrame = (get_elapsed_time(mWalkTime) * 6) / mWalkSpeed; if (mFrame >= 6) nextStep(); break; case ATTACK: int frames = 4; if (mEquippedWeapon && mEquippedWeapon->getAttackType() == ACTION_ATTACK_BOW) frames = 5; mFrame = (get_elapsed_time(mWalkTime) * frames) / mAttackSpeed; if (mFrame >= frames) nextStep(); break; } // Actions are allowed once per second if (get_elapsed_time(mLastAction) >= 1000) mLastAction = -1; // Targeting allowed 4 times a second if (get_elapsed_time(mLastTarget) >= 250) mLastTarget = -1; // Remove target if its been on a being for more than a minute if (get_elapsed_time(mTargetTime) >= 60000) { mTargetTime = -1; setTarget(NULL); mLastTarget = -1; } if (mTarget) { // Find whether target is in range const int rangeX = abs(mTarget->mX - mX); const int rangeY = abs(mTarget->mY - mY); const int attackRange = getAttackRange(); const int inRange = rangeX > attackRange || rangeY > attackRange ? 1 : 0; mTarget->setTargetAnimation( mTargetCursor[inRange][mTarget->getTargetCursorSize()]); if (mTarget->mAction == DEAD) stopAttack(); if (mKeepAttacking && mTarget) attack(mTarget, true); } Being::logic(); } void LocalPlayer::setGM() { mIsGM = !mIsGM; mNameColor = mIsGM ? 0x009000: 0x202020; setName(getName()); config.setValue(getName() + "GMassert", mIsGM); } void LocalPlayer::setName(const std::string &name) { if (mName) { delete mName; mName = 0; } if (config.getValue("showownname", false) && mMapInitialized) Player::setName(name); else Being::setName(name); } void LocalPlayer::nextStep() { if (mPath.empty()) { if (mPickUpTarget) pickUp(mPickUpTarget); if (mWalkingDir) walk(mWalkingDir); } if (mGoingToTarget && mTarget && withinAttackRange(mTarget)) { mAction = Being::STAND; attack(mTarget, true); mGoingToTarget = false; mPath.clear(); return; } else if (mGoingToTarget && !mTarget) { mGoingToTarget = false; mPath.clear(); } Player::nextStep(); } void LocalPlayer::equipItem(Item *item) { MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_PLAYER_EQUIP); outMsg.writeInt16(item->getInvIndex()); outMsg.writeInt16(0); } void LocalPlayer::unequipItem(Item *item) { if (!item) return; MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_PLAYER_UNEQUIP); outMsg.writeInt16(item->getInvIndex()); // Tidy equipment directly to avoid weapon still shown bug, for instance mEquipment->removeEquipment(item->getInvIndex()); } void LocalPlayer::useItem(Item *item) { MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_USE); outMsg.writeInt16(item->getInvIndex()); outMsg.writeInt32(item->getId()); // Note: id is dest of item, usually player_node->account_ID ?? } void LocalPlayer::dropItem(Item *item, int quantity) { // TODO: Fix wrong coordinates of drops, serverside? MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_PLAYER_INVENTORY_DROP); outMsg.writeInt16(item->getInvIndex()); outMsg.writeInt16(quantity); } void LocalPlayer::pickUp(FloorItem *item) { int dx = item->getX() - mX; int dy = item->getY() - mY; if (dx * dx + dy * dy < 4) { MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_ITEM_PICKUP); outMsg.writeInt32(item->getId()); mPickUpTarget = NULL; } else { setDestination(item->getX(), item->getY()); mPickUpTarget = item; stopAttack(); } } void LocalPlayer::walk(unsigned char dir) { if (!mMap || !dir) return; if (mAction == WALK && !mPath.empty()) { // Just finish the current action, otherwise we get out of sync Being::setDestination(mX, mY); return; } Sint16 dx = 0, dy = 0; if (dir & UP) dy--; if (dir & DOWN) dy++; if (dir & LEFT) dx--; if (dir & RIGHT) dx++; // Prevent skipping corners over colliding tiles if (dx && mMap->tileCollides(mX + dx, mY)) dx = 0; if (dy && mMap->tileCollides(mX, mY + dy)) dy = 0; // Choose a straight direction when diagonal target is blocked if (dx && dy && mMap->tileCollides(mX + dx, mY + dy)) dx = 0; // Walk to where the player can actually go if ((dx || dy) && !mMap->tileCollides(mX + dx, mY + dy)) { setDestination(mX + dx, mY + dy); } else if (dir) { // If the being can't move, just change direction // TODO: Communicate this to the server (waiting on tmwserv) setDirection(dir); } } void LocalPlayer::setTarget(Being *target) { if (mLastTarget != -1 || target == this) return; mLastTarget = tick_time; if (target == mTarget) target = NULL; if (target || mAction == ATTACK) { mTargetTime = tick_time; } else { mKeepAttacking = false; mTargetTime = -1; } if (mTarget) mTarget->untarget(); if (mTarget && mTarget->getType() == Being::MONSTER) static_cast(mTarget)->showName(false); mTarget = target; if (target && target->getType() == Being::MONSTER) static_cast(target)->showName(true); } void LocalPlayer::setDestination(Uint16 x, Uint16 y) { // Only send a new message to the server when destination changes if (x != mDestX || y != mDestY) { mDestX = x; mDestY = y; char temp[4] = ""; MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); set_coordinates(temp, x, y, mDirection); outMsg.writeInt16(0x0085); outMsg.writeString(temp, 3); } mPickUpTarget = NULL; Being::setDestination(x, y); } void LocalPlayer::setWalkingDir(int dir) { if (mWalkingDir != dir) { mWalkingDir = dir; } // If we're not already walking, start walking. if (mAction != WALK && dir) { walk(dir); } } void LocalPlayer::raiseAttribute(Attribute attr) { MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_STAT_UPDATE_REQUEST); switch (attr) { case STR: outMsg.writeInt16(0x000d); break; case AGI: outMsg.writeInt16(0x000e); break; case VIT: outMsg.writeInt16(0x000f); break; case INT: outMsg.writeInt16(0x0010); break; case DEX: outMsg.writeInt16(0x0011); break; case LUK: outMsg.writeInt16(0x0012); break; } outMsg.writeInt8(1); } void LocalPlayer::raiseSkill(Uint16 skillId) { if (mSkillPoint <= 0) return; MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_SKILL_LEVELUP_REQUEST); outMsg.writeInt16(skillId); } void LocalPlayer::toggleSit() { if (mLastAction != -1) return; mLastAction = tick_time; char type; switch (mAction) { case STAND: type = 2; break; case SIT: type = 3; break; default: return; } MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(0x0089); outMsg.writeInt32(0); outMsg.writeInt8(type); } void LocalPlayer::emote(Uint8 emotion) { if (mLastAction != -1) return; mLastAction = tick_time; MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(0x00bf); outMsg.writeInt8(emotion); } void LocalPlayer::tradeReply(bool accept) { if (!accept) mTrading = false; MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_TRADE_RESPONSE); outMsg.writeInt8(accept ? 3 : 4); } void LocalPlayer::trade(Being *being) const { MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(CMSG_TRADE_REQUEST); outMsg.writeInt32(being->getId()); } bool LocalPlayer::tradeRequestOk() const { return !mTrading; } void LocalPlayer::attack(Being *target, bool keep) { mKeepAttacking = keep; if (!target) return; if ((mTarget != target) || !mTarget) { mLastTarget = -1; setTarget(target); } int dist_x = target->mX - mX; int dist_y = target->mY - mY; // Must be standing and be within attack range to continue if ((mAction != STAND) || (mAttackRange < abs(dist_x)) || (mAttackRange < abs(dist_y))) return; if (abs(dist_y) >= abs(dist_x)) { if (dist_y > 0) setDirection(DOWN); else setDirection(UP); } else { if (dist_x > 0) setDirection(RIGHT); else setDirection(LEFT); } // Implement charging attacks here mLastAttackTime = 0; mWalkTime = tick_time; mTargetTime = tick_time; setAction(ATTACK); if (mEquippedWeapon) { std::string soundFile = mEquippedWeapon->getSound(EQUIP_EVENT_STRIKE); if (soundFile != "") sound.playSfx(soundFile); } else { sound.playSfx("sfx/fist-swish.ogg"); } MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(0x0089); outMsg.writeInt32(target->getId()); outMsg.writeInt8(0); if (!keep) stopAttack(); } void LocalPlayer::stopAttack() { if (mTarget) { setAction(STAND); mLastTarget = -1; } setTarget(NULL); mLastTarget = -1; } Being* LocalPlayer::getTarget() const { return mTarget; } void LocalPlayer::revive() { MessageOut outMsg(mNetwork); outMsg.writeInt16(0x00b2); outMsg.writeInt8(0); } void LocalPlayer::setXp(int xp) { if (mMap && xp > mXp) { const std::string text = toString(xp - mXp) + " xp"; // Show XP number particleEngine->addTextRiseFadeOutEffect(text, hitYellowFont, mPx + 16, mPy - 16); } mXp = xp; } bool LocalPlayer::withinAttackRange(Being *target) { int dist_x = abs(target->mX - mX); int dist_y = abs(target->mY - mY); if (dist_x > getAttackRange() || dist_y > getAttackRange()) { return false; } return true; } void LocalPlayer::setGotoTarget(Being *target) { mLastTarget = -1; setTarget(target); mGoingToTarget = true; setDestination(target->mX, target->mY); } void LocalPlayer::initTargetCursor() { // Load target cursors loadTargetCursor("graphics/gui/target-cursor-blue-s.png", 44, 35, false, TC_SMALL); loadTargetCursor("graphics/gui/target-cursor-red-s.png", 44, 35, true, TC_SMALL); loadTargetCursor("graphics/gui/target-cursor-blue-m.png", 62, 44, false, TC_MEDIUM); loadTargetCursor("graphics/gui/target-cursor-red-m.png", 62, 44, true, TC_MEDIUM); loadTargetCursor("graphics/gui/target-cursor-blue-l.png", 82, 60, false, TC_LARGE); loadTargetCursor("graphics/gui/target-cursor-red-l.png", 82, 60, true, TC_LARGE); } void LocalPlayer::loadTargetCursor(std::string filename, int width, int height, bool outRange, TargetCursorSize size) { assert(size > -1); assert(size < 3); ImageSet* currentImageSet; SimpleAnimation* currentCursor; ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); currentImageSet = resman->getImageSet(filename, width, height); Animation *anim = new Animation(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currentImageSet->size(); ++i) { anim->addFrame(currentImageSet->get(i), 75, (16 - (currentImageSet->getWidth() / 2)), (16 - (currentImageSet->getHeight() / 2))); } currentCursor = new SimpleAnimation(anim); const int index = outRange ? 1 : 0; mTargetCursorImages[index][size] = currentImageSet; mTargetCursor[index][size] = currentCursor; }