/* * The Mana Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gui/widgets/window.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "log.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "gui/palette.h" #include "gui/theme.h" #include "gui/viewport.h" #include "gui/widgets/layout.h" #include "gui/widgets/resizegrip.h" #include "gui/widgets/windowcontainer.h" #include "resources/image.h" #include #include int Window::instances = 0; int Window::mouseResize = 0; Window::Window(const std::string &caption, bool modal, Window *parent, const std::string &skin): gcn::Window(caption), mGrip(0), mParent(parent), mLayout(NULL), mWindowName("window"), mShowTitle(true), mModal(modal), mCloseButton(false), mDefaultVisible(false), mSaveVisible(false), mStickyButton(false), mSticky(false), mMinWinWidth(100), mMinWinHeight(40), mMaxWinWidth(graphics->getWidth()), mMaxWinHeight(graphics->getHeight()) { logger->log("Window::Window(\"%s\")", caption.c_str()); if (!windowContainer) throw GCN_EXCEPTION("Window::Window(): no windowContainer set"); instances++; setFrameSize(0); setPadding(3); setTitleBarHeight(20); // Loads the skin mSkin = Theme::instance()->load(skin); // Add this window to the window container windowContainer->add(this); if (mModal) { gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_POINTER); requestModalFocus(); } // Windows are invisible by default setVisible(false); addWidgetListener(this); } Window::~Window() { logger->log("Window::~Window(\"%s\")", getCaption().c_str()); saveWindowState(); delete mLayout; while (!mWidgets.empty()) delete mWidgets.front(); removeWidgetListener(this); instances--; mSkin->instances--; } void Window::setWindowContainer(WindowContainer *wc) { windowContainer = wc; } void Window::draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics) { Graphics *g = static_cast(graphics); g->drawImageRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), mSkin->getBorder()); // Draw title if (mShowTitle) { g->setColor(Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::TEXT)); g->setFont(getFont()); g->drawText(getCaption(), 7, 5, gcn::Graphics::LEFT); } // Draw Close Button if (mCloseButton) { g->drawImage(mSkin->getCloseImage(), getWidth() - mSkin->getCloseImage()->getWidth() - getPadding(), getPadding()); } // Draw Sticky Button if (mStickyButton) { Image *button = mSkin->getStickyImage(mSticky); int x = getWidth() - button->getWidth() - getPadding(); if (mCloseButton) x -= mSkin->getCloseImage()->getWidth(); g->drawImage(button, x, getPadding()); } drawChildren(graphics); } void Window::setContentSize(int width, int height) { width = width + 2 * getPadding(); height = height + getPadding() + getTitleBarHeight(); if (getMinWidth() > width) width = getMinWidth(); else if (getMaxWidth() < width) width = getMaxWidth(); if (getMinHeight() > height) height = getMinHeight(); else if (getMaxHeight() < height) height = getMaxHeight(); setSize(width, height); } void Window::setLocationRelativeTo(gcn::Widget *widget) { int wx, wy; int x, y; widget->getAbsolutePosition(wx, wy); getAbsolutePosition(x, y); setPosition(getX() + (wx + (widget->getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2 - x), getY() + (wy + (widget->getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2 - y)); } void Window::setLocationRelativeTo(ImageRect::ImagePosition position, int offsetX, int offsetY) { if (position == ImageRect::UPPER_LEFT) { } else if (position == ImageRect::UPPER_CENTER) { offsetX += (graphics->getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2; } else if (position == ImageRect::UPPER_RIGHT) { offsetX += graphics->getWidth() - getWidth(); } else if (position == ImageRect::LEFT) { offsetY += (graphics->getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2; } else if (position == ImageRect::CENTER) { offsetX += (graphics->getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2; offsetY += (graphics->getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2; } else if (position == ImageRect::RIGHT) { offsetX += graphics->getWidth() - getWidth(); offsetY += (graphics->getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2; } else if (position == ImageRect::LOWER_LEFT) { offsetY += graphics->getHeight() - getHeight(); } else if (position == ImageRect::LOWER_CENTER) { offsetX += (graphics->getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2; offsetY += graphics->getHeight() - getHeight(); } else if (position == ImageRect::LOWER_RIGHT) { offsetX += graphics->getWidth() - getWidth(); offsetY += graphics->getHeight() - getHeight(); } setPosition(offsetX, offsetY); } void Window::setMinWidth(int width) { mMinWinWidth = width > mSkin->getMinWidth() ? width : mSkin->getMinWidth(); } void Window::setMinHeight(int height) { mMinWinHeight = height > mSkin->getMinHeight() ? height : mSkin->getMinHeight(); } void Window::setMaxWidth(int width) { mMaxWinWidth = width; } void Window::setMaxHeight(int height) { mMaxWinHeight = height; } void Window::setResizable(bool r) { if ((bool) mGrip == r) return; if (r) { mGrip = new ResizeGrip; mGrip->setX(getWidth() - mGrip->getWidth() - getChildrenArea().x); mGrip->setY(getHeight() - mGrip->getHeight() - getChildrenArea().y); add(mGrip); } else { remove(mGrip); delete mGrip; mGrip = 0; } } void Window::widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event) { const gcn::Rectangle area = getChildrenArea(); if (mGrip) mGrip->setPosition(getWidth() - mGrip->getWidth() - area.x, getHeight() - mGrip->getHeight() - area.y); if (mLayout) { int w = area.width; int h = area.height; mLayout->reflow(w, h); } } void Window::widgetHidden(const gcn::Event &event) { if (gui) { gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_POINTER); } WidgetListIterator it; for (it = mWidgets.begin(); it != mWidgets.end(); it++) { if (mFocusHandler->isFocused(*it)) mFocusHandler->focusNone(); } } void Window::setCloseButton(bool flag) { mCloseButton = flag; } bool Window::isResizable() const { return mGrip; } void Window::setStickyButton(bool flag) { mStickyButton = flag; } void Window::setSticky(bool sticky) { mSticky = sticky; } void Window::setVisible(bool visible) { setVisible(visible, false); } void Window::setVisible(bool visible, bool forceSticky) { if (visible == isVisible()) return; // Nothing to do // Check if the window is off screen... if (visible) checkIfIsOffScreen(); gcn::Window::setVisible((!forceSticky && isSticky()) || visible); } void Window::scheduleDelete() { windowContainer->scheduleDelete(this); } void Window::mousePressed(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { // Let Guichan move window to top and figure out title bar drag gcn::Window::mousePressed(event); if (event.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::LEFT) { const int x = event.getX(); const int y = event.getY(); // Handle close button if (mCloseButton) { gcn::Rectangle closeButtonRect( getWidth() - mSkin->getCloseImage()->getWidth() - getPadding(), getPadding(), mSkin->getCloseImage()->getWidth(), mSkin->getCloseImage()->getHeight()); if (closeButtonRect.isPointInRect(x, y)) { close(); } } // Handle sticky button if (mStickyButton) { Image *button = mSkin->getStickyImage(mSticky); int rx = getWidth() - button->getWidth() - getPadding(); if (mCloseButton) rx -= mSkin->getCloseImage()->getWidth(); gcn::Rectangle stickyButtonRect(rx, getPadding(), button->getWidth(), button->getHeight()); if (stickyButtonRect.isPointInRect(x, y)) { setSticky(!isSticky()); } } // Handle window resizing mouseResize = getResizeHandles(event); } } void Window::close() { setVisible(false); } void Window::mouseReleased(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { if (mGrip && mouseResize) { mouseResize = 0; gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_POINTER); } // This should be the responsibility of Guichan (and is from 0.8.0 on) mMoved = false; } void Window::mouseExited(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { if (mGrip && !mouseResize) gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_POINTER); } void Window::mouseMoved(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { int resizeHandles = getResizeHandles(event); // Changes the custom mouse cursor based on it's current position. switch (resizeHandles) { case BOTTOM | RIGHT: gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN_RIGHT); break; case BOTTOM | LEFT: gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN_LEFT); break; case BOTTOM: gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_RESIZE_DOWN); break; case RIGHT: case LEFT: gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_RESIZE_ACROSS); break; default: gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_POINTER); } if (viewport) viewport->hideBeingPopup(); } void Window::mouseDragged(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { // Let Guichan handle title bar drag gcn::Window::mouseDragged(event); // Keep guichan window inside screen when it may be moved if (isMovable() && mMoved) { int newX = std::max(0, getX()); int newY = std::max(0, getY()); newX = std::min(graphics->getWidth() - getWidth(), newX); newY = std::min(graphics->getHeight() - getHeight(), newY); setPosition(newX, newY); } if (mouseResize && !mMoved) { const int dx = event.getX() - mDragOffsetX; const int dy = event.getY() - mDragOffsetY; gcn::Rectangle newDim = getDimension(); if (mouseResize & (TOP | BOTTOM)) { int newHeight = newDim.height + ((mouseResize & TOP) ? -dy : dy); newDim.height = std::min(mMaxWinHeight, std::max(mMinWinHeight, newHeight)); if (mouseResize & TOP) newDim.y -= newDim.height - getHeight(); } if (mouseResize & (LEFT | RIGHT)) { int newWidth = newDim.width + ((mouseResize & LEFT) ? -dx : dx); newDim.width = std::min(mMaxWinWidth, std::max(mMinWinWidth, newWidth)); if (mouseResize & LEFT) newDim.x -= newDim.width - getWidth(); } // Keep guichan window inside screen (supports resizing any side) if (newDim.x < 0) { newDim.width += newDim.x; newDim.x = 0; } if (newDim.y < 0) { newDim.height += newDim.y; newDim.y = 0; } if (newDim.x + newDim.width > graphics->getWidth()) { newDim.width = graphics->getWidth() - newDim.x; } if (newDim.y + newDim.height > graphics->getHeight()) { newDim.height = graphics->getHeight() - newDim.y; } // Update mouse offset when dragging bottom or right border if (mouseResize & BOTTOM) { mDragOffsetY += newDim.height - getHeight(); } if (mouseResize & RIGHT) { mDragOffsetX += newDim.width - getWidth(); } // Set the new window and content dimensions setDimension(newDim); } } void Window::loadWindowState() { const std::string &name = mWindowName; assert(!name.empty()); setPosition((int) config.getValue(name + "WinX", mDefaultX), (int) config.getValue(name + "WinY", mDefaultY)); if (mSaveVisible) setVisible((bool) config.getValue(name + "Visible", mDefaultVisible)); if (mStickyButton) setSticky((bool) config.getValue(name + "Sticky", isSticky())); if (mGrip) { int width = (int) config.getValue(name + "WinWidth", mDefaultWidth); int height = (int) config.getValue(name + "WinHeight", mDefaultHeight); if (getMinWidth() > width) width = getMinWidth(); else if (getMaxWidth() < width) width = getMaxWidth(); if (getMinHeight() > height) height = getMinHeight(); else if (getMaxHeight() < height) height = getMaxHeight(); setSize(width, height); } else { setSize(mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight); } // Check if the window is off screen... checkIfIsOffScreen(); } void Window::saveWindowState() { // Saving X, Y and Width and Height for resizables in the config if (!mWindowName.empty() && mWindowName != "window") { config.setValue(mWindowName + "WinX", getX()); config.setValue(mWindowName + "WinY", getY()); if (mSaveVisible) config.setValue(mWindowName + "Visible", isVisible()); if (mStickyButton) config.setValue(mWindowName + "Sticky", isSticky()); if (mGrip) { if (getMinWidth() > getWidth()) setWidth(getMinWidth()); else if (getMaxWidth() < getWidth()) setWidth(getMaxWidth()); if (getMinHeight() > getHeight()) setHeight(getMinHeight()); else if (getMaxHeight() < getHeight()) setHeight(getMaxHeight()); config.setValue(mWindowName + "WinWidth", getWidth()); config.setValue(mWindowName + "WinHeight", getHeight()); } } } void Window::setDefaultSize(int defaultX, int defaultY, int defaultWidth, int defaultHeight) { if (getMinWidth() > defaultWidth) defaultWidth = getMinWidth(); else if (getMaxWidth() < defaultWidth) defaultWidth = getMaxWidth(); if (getMinHeight() > defaultHeight) defaultHeight = getMinHeight(); else if (getMaxHeight() < defaultHeight) defaultHeight = getMaxHeight(); mDefaultX = defaultX; mDefaultY = defaultY; mDefaultWidth = defaultWidth; mDefaultHeight = defaultHeight; } void Window::setDefaultSize() { mDefaultX = getX(); mDefaultY = getY(); mDefaultWidth = getWidth(); mDefaultHeight = getHeight(); } void Window::setDefaultSize(int defaultWidth, int defaultHeight, ImageRect::ImagePosition position, int offsetX, int offsetY) { int x = 0, y = 0; if (position == ImageRect::UPPER_LEFT) { } else if (position == ImageRect::UPPER_CENTER) { x = (graphics->getWidth() - defaultWidth) / 2; } else if (position == ImageRect::UPPER_RIGHT) { x = graphics->getWidth() - defaultWidth; } else if (position == ImageRect::LEFT) { y = (graphics->getHeight() - defaultHeight) / 2; } else if (position == ImageRect::CENTER) { x = (graphics->getWidth() - defaultWidth) / 2; y = (graphics->getHeight() - defaultHeight) / 2; } else if (position == ImageRect::RIGHT) { x = graphics->getWidth() - defaultWidth; y = (graphics->getHeight() - defaultHeight) / 2; } else if (position == ImageRect::LOWER_LEFT) { y = graphics->getHeight() - defaultHeight; } else if (position == ImageRect::LOWER_CENTER) { x = (graphics->getWidth() - defaultWidth) / 2; y = graphics->getHeight() - defaultHeight; } else if (position == ImageRect::LOWER_RIGHT) { x = graphics->getWidth() - defaultWidth; y = graphics->getHeight() - defaultHeight; } mDefaultX = x - offsetX; mDefaultY = y - offsetY; mDefaultWidth = defaultWidth; mDefaultHeight = defaultHeight; } void Window::resetToDefaultSize() { setPosition(mDefaultX, mDefaultY); setSize(mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight); saveWindowState(); } int Window::getResizeHandles(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { int resizeHandles = 0; const int y = event.getY(); if (mGrip && y > (int) mTitleBarHeight) { const int x = event.getX(); if (!getChildrenArea().isPointInRect(x, y) && event.getSource() == this) { resizeHandles |= (x > getWidth() - resizeBorderWidth) ? RIGHT : (x < resizeBorderWidth) ? LEFT : 0; resizeHandles |= (y > getHeight() - resizeBorderWidth) ? BOTTOM : (y < resizeBorderWidth) ? TOP : 0; } if (event.getSource() == mGrip) { mDragOffsetX = x; mDragOffsetY = y; resizeHandles |= BOTTOM | RIGHT; } } return resizeHandles; } int Window::getGuiAlpha() { float alpha = std::max(config.getValue("guialpha", 0.8), (double) Theme::instance()->getMinimumOpacity()); return (int) (alpha * 255.0f); } Layout &Window::getLayout() { if (!mLayout) mLayout = new Layout; return *mLayout; } void Window::clearLayout() { clear(); // Restore the resize grip if (mGrip) add(mGrip); // Recreate layout instance when one is present if (mLayout) { delete mLayout; mLayout = new Layout; } } LayoutCell &Window::place(int x, int y, gcn::Widget *wg, int w, int h) { add(wg); return getLayout().place(wg, x, y, w, h); } ContainerPlacer Window::getPlacer(int x, int y) { return ContainerPlacer(this, &getLayout().at(x, y)); } void Window::reflowLayout(int w, int h) { assert(mLayout); mLayout->reflow(w, h); delete mLayout; mLayout = NULL; setContentSize(w, h); } void Window::redraw() { if (mLayout) { const gcn::Rectangle area = getChildrenArea(); int w = area.width; int h = area.height; mLayout->reflow(w, h); } } void Window::center() { setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); } void Window::checkIfIsOffScreen(bool partially, bool entirely) { // Move the window onto screen if it has become off screen // For instance, because of resolution change... // First of all, don't deal when a window hasn't got // any size initialized yet... if (getWidth() == 0 && getHeight() == 0) return; // Made partially the default behaviour if (!partially && !entirely) partially = true; // Keep guichan window inside screen (supports resizing any side) gcn::Rectangle winDimension = getDimension(); if (winDimension.x < 0) { winDimension.width += winDimension.x; winDimension.x = 0; } if (winDimension.y < 0) { winDimension.height += winDimension.y; winDimension.y = 0; } // Look if the window is partially off-screen limits... if (partially) { if (winDimension.x + winDimension.width > graphics->getWidth()) { winDimension.x = graphics->getWidth() - winDimension.width; } if (winDimension.y + winDimension.height > graphics->getHeight()) { winDimension.y = graphics->getHeight() - winDimension.height; } setDimension(winDimension); return; } if (entirely) { if (winDimension.x > graphics->getWidth()) { winDimension.x = graphics->getWidth() - winDimension.width; } if (winDimension.y > graphics->getHeight()) { winDimension.y = graphics->getHeight() - winDimension.height; } } setDimension(winDimension); }