/* * The Mana Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 The Mana Developers * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gui/viewport.h" #include "actorspritemanager.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "keyboardconfig.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "playerinfo.h" #include "textmanager.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "gui/ministatuswindow.h" #include "gui/popupmenu.h" #include "gui/beingpopup.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "net/playerhandler.h" #include "resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include extern volatile int tick_time; Viewport::Viewport(): mMap(0), mMouseX(0), mMouseY(0), mPixelViewX(0.0f), mPixelViewY(0.0f), mDebugFlags(0), mPlayerFollowMouse(false), mLocalWalkTime(-1), mHoverBeing(0), mHoverItem(0) { setOpaque(false); addMouseListener(this); mScrollLaziness = config.getIntValue("ScrollLaziness"); mScrollRadius = config.getIntValue("ScrollRadius"); mScrollCenterOffsetX = config.getIntValue("ScrollCenterOffsetX"); mScrollCenterOffsetY = config.getIntValue("ScrollCenterOffsetY"); mPopupMenu = new PopupMenu; mBeingPopup = new BeingPopup; setFocusable(true); listen(Event::ConfigChannel); listen(Event::ActorSpriteChannel); } Viewport::~Viewport() { delete mPopupMenu; delete mBeingPopup; } void Viewport::setMap(Map *map) { if (mMap && map) { map->setDebugFlags(mMap->getDebugFlags()); } mMap = map; } extern MiniStatusWindow *miniStatusWindow; void Viewport::draw(gcn::Graphics *gcnGraphics) { static int lastTick = tick_time; // Check whether map was successfully loaded since // the rest of this function relies on it if (!mMap || !local_player) { // Render unicolor background to avoid // rendering issues gcnGraphics->setColor(gcn::Color(64, 64, 64)); gcnGraphics->fillRectangle( gcn::Rectangle(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight())); return; } Graphics *graphics = static_cast(gcnGraphics); // Avoid freaking out when tick_time overflows if (tick_time < lastTick) { lastTick = tick_time; } // Calculate viewpoint int midTileX = (graphics->getWidth() + mScrollCenterOffsetX) / 2; int midTileY = (graphics->getHeight() + mScrollCenterOffsetX) / 2; const Vector &playerPos = local_player->getPosition(); const int player_x = (int) playerPos.x - midTileX; const int player_y = (int) playerPos.y - midTileY; if (mScrollLaziness < 1) mScrollLaziness = 1; // Avoids division by zero while (lastTick < tick_time) { // Apply lazy scrolling if (player_x > mPixelViewX + mScrollRadius) { mPixelViewX += (player_x - mPixelViewX - mScrollRadius) / mScrollLaziness; } if (player_x < mPixelViewX - mScrollRadius) { mPixelViewX += (player_x - mPixelViewX + mScrollRadius) / mScrollLaziness; } if (player_y > mPixelViewY + mScrollRadius) { mPixelViewY += (player_y - mPixelViewY - mScrollRadius) / mScrollLaziness; } if (player_y < mPixelViewY - mScrollRadius) { mPixelViewY += (player_y - mPixelViewY + mScrollRadius) / mScrollLaziness; } // manage shake effect for (ShakeEffects::iterator i = mShakeEffects.begin(); i != mShakeEffects.end(); i++) { // apply the effect to viewport mPixelViewX += i->x *= -i->decay; mPixelViewY += i->y *= -i->decay; // check death conditions if (abs(i->x) + abs(i->y) < 1.0f || (i->duration > 0 && --i->duration == 0)) { i = mShakeEffects.erase(i); } } lastTick++; } // Auto center when player is off screen if ( player_x - mPixelViewX > graphics->getWidth() / 2 || mPixelViewX - player_x > graphics->getWidth() / 2 || mPixelViewY - player_y > graphics->getHeight() / 2 || player_y - mPixelViewY > graphics->getHeight() / 2 ) { mPixelViewX = player_x; mPixelViewY = player_y; }; // Don't move camera so that the end of the map is on screen const int mapWidthPixels = mMap->getWidth() * mMap->getTileWidth(); const int mapHeightPixels = mMap->getHeight() * mMap->getTileHeight(); const int viewXmax = mapWidthPixels - graphics->getWidth(); const int viewYmax = mapHeightPixels - graphics->getHeight(); if (mPixelViewX < 0) mPixelViewX = 0; if (mPixelViewY < 0) mPixelViewY = 0; if (mPixelViewX > viewXmax) mPixelViewX = viewXmax; if (mPixelViewY > viewYmax) mPixelViewY = viewYmax; // Center camera on map if the map is smaller than the screen if (mapWidthPixels < graphics->getWidth()) mPixelViewX = (mapWidthPixels - graphics->getWidth()) / 2; if (mapHeightPixels < graphics->getHeight()) mPixelViewY = (mapHeightPixels - graphics->getHeight()) / 2; // Draw black background if map is smaller than the screen if ( mapWidthPixels < graphics->getWidth() || mapHeightPixels < graphics->getHeight()) { gcnGraphics->setColor(gcn::Color(0, 0, 0)); gcnGraphics->fillRectangle( gcn::Rectangle(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight())); } // Draw tiles and sprites mMap->draw(graphics, (int) mPixelViewX, (int) mPixelViewY); if (mDebugFlags) { if (mDebugFlags & (Map::DEBUG_GRID | Map::DEBUG_COLLISION_TILES)) { mMap->drawCollision(graphics, (int) mPixelViewX, (int) mPixelViewY, mDebugFlags); } _drawDebugPath(graphics); } if (local_player->getCheckNameSetting()) { local_player->setCheckNameSetting(false); local_player->setName(local_player->getName()); } // Draw text if (textManager) { textManager->draw(graphics, (int) mPixelViewX, (int) mPixelViewY); } // Draw player names, speech, and emotion sprite as needed const ActorSprites &actors = actorSpriteManager->getAll(); for (ActorSpritesConstIterator it = actors.begin(), it_end = actors.end(); it != it_end; it++) { if ((*it)->getType() == ActorSprite::FLOOR_ITEM) continue; Being *b = static_cast(*it); b->drawSpeech((int) mPixelViewX, (int) mPixelViewY); } if (mDebugFlags & Map::DEBUG_BEING_IDS) { graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(255, 0, 255, 255)); ActorSpritesConstIterator it, it_end; const ActorSprites &actors = actorSpriteManager->getAll(); for (it = actors.begin(), it_end = actors.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { Being *being = dynamic_cast(*it); if (!being) continue; const Vector &beingPos = being->getPosition(); std::string idString = toString(being->getId()); graphics->drawText(idString, beingPos.x - mPixelViewX, beingPos.y - mPixelViewY, gcn::Graphics::CENTER); } } if (miniStatusWindow) miniStatusWindow->drawIcons(graphics); // Draw contained widgets WindowContainer::draw(gcnGraphics); } void Viewport::shakeScreen(int intensity) { float direction = rand()%628 / 100.0f; // random value between 0 and 2PI float x = std::sin(direction) * intensity; float y = std::cos(direction) * intensity; shakeScreen(x, y); } void Viewport::shakeScreen(float x, float y, float decay, unsigned duration) { ShakeEffect effect; effect.x = x; effect.y = y; effect.decay = decay; effect.duration = duration; mShakeEffects.push_back(effect); } void Viewport::logic() { WindowContainer::logic(); // Make the player follow the mouse position // if the mouse is dragged elsewhere than in a window. _followMouse(); } void Viewport::_followMouse() { Uint8 button = SDL_GetMouseState(&mMouseX, &mMouseY); // If the left button is dragged if (mPlayerFollowMouse && button & SDL_BUTTON(1)) { // We create a mouse event and send it to mouseDragged. const Uint8 *keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); gcn::MouseEvent mouseEvent(NULL, (keys[SDLK_LSHIFT] || keys[SDLK_RSHIFT]), false, false, false, gcn::MouseEvent::DRAGGED, gcn::MouseEvent::LEFT, mMouseX, mMouseY, 0); mouseDragged(mouseEvent); } } void Viewport::_drawDebugPath(Graphics *graphics) { if (mDebugFlags & Map::DEBUG_MOUSE_PATH) { // Get the current mouse position SDL_GetMouseState(&mMouseX, &mMouseY); // Prepare the walkmask corresponding to the protocol unsigned char walkMask; switch (Net::getNetworkType()) { case ServerInfo::TMWATHENA: walkMask = Map::BLOCKMASK_WALL | Map::BLOCKMASK_CHARACTER; break; case ServerInfo::MANASERV: default: walkMask = Map::BLOCKMASK_WALL; break; } static Path debugPath; static Vector lastMouseDestination = Vector(0.0f, 0.0f); Vector mouseDestination(mMouseX + (int) mPixelViewX, mMouseY + (int) mPixelViewY); if (mouseDestination.x != lastMouseDestination.x || mouseDestination.y != lastMouseDestination.y) { const Vector &playerPos = local_player->getPosition(); // Adapt the path finding to the precision requested if (Net::getPlayerHandler()->usePixelPrecision()) { debugPath = mMap->findPixelPath((int) playerPos.x, (int) playerPos.y, mouseDestination.x, mouseDestination.y, local_player->getCollisionRadius(), walkMask); } else { debugPath = mMap->findTilePath((int) playerPos.x, (int) playerPos.y, mouseDestination.x, mouseDestination.y, walkMask); } lastMouseDestination = mouseDestination; } _drawPath(graphics, debugPath, gcn::Color(128, 0, 128, 150)); } // Draw the path debug information for every beings. ActorSpritesConstIterator it, it_end; const ActorSprites &actors = actorSpriteManager->getAll(); for (it = actors.begin(), it_end = actors.end(); it != it_end; it++) { Being *being = dynamic_cast(*it); if (!being) continue; const Vector &beingPos = being->getPosition(); graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(128, 128, 0, 150)); if (mDebugFlags & Map::DEBUG_BEING_COLLISION_RADIUS) { const int radius = being->getCollisionRadius(); graphics->fillRectangle(gcn::Rectangle( (int) beingPos.x - (int) mPixelViewX - radius, (int) beingPos.y - (int) mPixelViewY - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2)); } if (mDebugFlags & Map::DEBUG_BEING_PATH) _drawPath(graphics, being->getPath(), gcn::Color(0, 0, 255, 150)); if (mDebugFlags & Map::DEBUG_BEING_POSITION) { // Draw the absolute x, y position using a cross. graphics->setColor(gcn::Color(0, 0, 255, 255)); graphics->drawLine((int) beingPos.x - (int) mPixelViewX - 4, (int) beingPos.y - (int) mPixelViewY - 4, (int) beingPos.x - (int) mPixelViewX + 4, (int) beingPos.y - (int) mPixelViewY + 4); graphics->drawLine((int) beingPos.x - (int) mPixelViewX + 4, (int) beingPos.y - (int) mPixelViewY - 4, (int) beingPos.x - (int) mPixelViewX - 4, (int) beingPos.y - (int) mPixelViewY + 4); } } } void Viewport::_drawPath(Graphics *graphics, const Path &path, gcn::Color color) { graphics->setColor(color); for (Path::const_iterator i = path.begin(); i != path.end(); ++i) { int squareX = i->x - (int) mPixelViewX; int squareY = i->y - (int) mPixelViewY; graphics->fillRectangle(gcn::Rectangle(squareX - 4, squareY - 4, 8, 8)); graphics->drawText( toString(mMap->getMetaTile(i->x / mMap->getTileWidth(), i->y / mMap->getTileHeight())->Gcost), squareX + 4, squareY + 12, gcn::Graphics::CENTER); } } void Viewport::mousePressed(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { if (event.getSource() != this) return; // Check if we are alive and kickin' if (!mMap || !local_player || !local_player->isAlive()) return; // Check if we are busy if (PlayerInfo::isTalking()) return; mPlayerFollowMouse = false; mBeingPopup->setVisible(false); const int pixelX = event.getX() + (int) mPixelViewX; const int pixelY = event.getY() + (int) mPixelViewY; mHoverBeing = actorSpriteManager->findBeingByPixel(pixelX, pixelY); mHoverItem = actorSpriteManager->findItem(pixelX / mMap->getTileWidth(), pixelY / mMap->getTileHeight()); updateCursorType(); // Right click might open a popup if (event.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::RIGHT) { if (mHoverBeing && mHoverBeing != local_player) { mPopupMenu->showPopup(event.getX(), event.getY(), mHoverBeing); return; } else if (mHoverItem) { mPopupMenu->showPopup(event.getX(), event.getY(), mHoverItem); return; } } // If a popup is active, just remove it if (mPopupMenu->isVisible()) { mPopupMenu->setVisible(false); return; } // Left click can cause different actions if (event.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::LEFT) { // Interact with some being if (mHoverBeing) { if (mHoverBeing->canTalk()) mHoverBeing->talkTo(); else { // Ignore it if its dead if (mHoverBeing->isAlive()) { if (local_player->withinRange(mHoverBeing, local_player->getAttackRange()) || keyboard.isKeyActive(keyboard.KEY_ATTACK)) { local_player->attack(mHoverBeing, !keyboard.isKeyActive(keyboard.KEY_TARGET)); } else { local_player->setGotoTarget(mHoverBeing); } } } // Picks up a item if we clicked on one } else if (mHoverItem) { local_player->pickUp(mHoverItem); } else if (local_player->getCurrentAction() == Being::SIT) { return; } // Just walk around else { local_player->stopAttack(); mPlayerFollowMouse = true; // Make the player go to the mouse position _followMouse(); } } else if (event.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::MIDDLE) { // Find the being nearest to the clicked position Being *target = actorSpriteManager->findNearestLivingBeing( pixelX, pixelY, 20, ActorSprite::MONSTER); if (target) local_player->setTarget(target); } } void Viewport::mouseDragged(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { if (!mMap || !local_player) return; if (mPlayerFollowMouse && !event.isShiftPressed()) { if (get_elapsed_time(mLocalWalkTime) >= walkingMouseDelay) { mLocalWalkTime = tick_time; local_player->setDestination(event.getX() + (int) mPixelViewX, event.getY() + (int) mPixelViewY); local_player->pathSetByMouse(); } } } void Viewport::mouseReleased(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { mPlayerFollowMouse = false; } void Viewport::showPopup(Window *parent, int x, int y, Item *item, bool isInventory, bool canDrop) { mPopupMenu->showPopup(parent, x, y, item, isInventory, canDrop); } void Viewport::closePopupMenu() { mPopupMenu->handleLink("cancel"); } void Viewport::mouseMoved(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { // Check if we are on the map if (!mMap || !local_player) return; const int x = (event.getX() + (int) mPixelViewX); const int y = (event.getY() + (int) mPixelViewY); mHoverBeing = actorSpriteManager->findBeingByPixel(x, y); mBeingPopup->show(getMouseX(), getMouseY(), mHoverBeing); mHoverItem = actorSpriteManager->findItem(x / mMap->getTileWidth(), y / mMap->getTileHeight()); updateCursorType(); } void Viewport::updateCursorType() { if (mHoverBeing) { switch (mHoverBeing->getType()) { // NPCs case ActorSprite::NPC: gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_TALK); break; // Monsters case ActorSprite::MONSTER: gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_FIGHT); break; default: gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_POINTER); break; } // Item mouseover } else if (mHoverItem) { gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_PICKUP); } else { gui->setCursorType(Gui::CURSOR_POINTER); } } void Viewport::setShowDebugPath(int debugFlags) { mDebugFlags = debugFlags; if (mMap) mMap->setDebugFlags(debugFlags); } void Viewport::hideBeingPopup() { mBeingPopup->setVisible(false); } void Viewport::event(Event::Channel channel, const Event &event) { if (channel == Event::ActorSpriteChannel && event.getType() == Event::Destroyed) { ActorSprite *actor = event.getActor("source"); if (mHoverBeing == actor) mHoverBeing = 0; if (mHoverItem == actor) mHoverItem = 0; } else if (channel == Event::ConfigChannel && event.getType() == Event::ConfigOptionChanged) { const std::string option = event.getString("option"); if (option == "ScrollLaziness" || option == "ScrollRadius") { mScrollLaziness = config.getIntValue("ScrollLaziness"); mScrollRadius = config.getIntValue("ScrollRadius"); } } }