/* * The Mana Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gui/serverdialog.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "log.h" #include "gui/okdialog.h" #include "gui/sdlinput.h" #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "gui/widgets/dropdown.h" #include "gui/widgets/label.h" #include "gui/widgets/layout.h" #include "gui/widgets/listbox.h" #include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h" #include "gui/widgets/textfield.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include "utils/xml.h" #include "widgets/dropdown.h" #include #include #include #define MAX_SERVERLIST 5 static ServerInfo::Type stringToServerType(const std::string &type) { if (compareStrI(type, "eathena") == 0) return ServerInfo::EATHENA; else if (compareStrI(type, "manaserv") == 0) return ServerInfo::MANASERV; return ServerInfo::UNKNOWN; } static std::string serverTypeToString(ServerInfo::Type type) { switch (type) { case ServerInfo::EATHENA: return "eAthena"; case ServerInfo::MANASERV: return "manaserv"; default: return ""; } } static unsigned short defaultPortForServerType(ServerInfo::Type type) { switch (type) { default: case ServerInfo::EATHENA: return 6901; case ServerInfo::MANASERV: return 9601; } } ServersListModel::ServersListModel(ServerInfos *servers, ServerDialog *parent): mServers(servers), mParent(parent) { } int ServersListModel::getNumberOfElements() { MutexLocker lock = mParent->lock(); return mServers->size(); } std::string ServersListModel::getElementAt(int elementIndex) { MutexLocker lock = mParent->lock(); ServerInfo server = mServers->at(elementIndex); std::string myServer; if (server.name.empty()) { myServer += server.hostname; myServer += ":"; myServer += toString(server.port); } else { myServer += server.name; myServer += " ("; myServer += server.hostname; myServer += ":"; myServer += toString(server.port); myServer += ")"; } return myServer; } std::string TypeListModel::getElementAt(int elementIndex) { if (elementIndex == 0) return "eAthena"; else if (elementIndex == 1) return "Manaserv"; else return "Unknown"; } ServerDialog::ServerDialog(ServerInfo *serverInfo, const std::string &dir): Window(_("Choose Your Server")), mDir(dir), mDownloadStatus(DOWNLOADING_PREPARING), mDownloadProgress(-1.0f), mServers(ServerInfos()), mServerInfo(serverInfo) { Label *serverLabel = new Label(_("Server:")); Label *portLabel = new Label(_("Port:")); Label *typeLabel = new Label(_("Server type:")); mServerNameField = new TextField(mServerInfo->hostname); mPortField = new TextField(toString(mServerInfo->port)); // Add the most used servers from config for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_SERVERLIST; ++i) { const std::string index = toString(i); const std::string nameKey = "MostUsedServerName" + index; const std::string typeKey = "MostUsedServerType" + index; const std::string portKey = "MostUsedServerPort" + index; ServerInfo server; server.hostname = config.getValue(nameKey, ""); server.type = stringToServerType(config.getValue(typeKey, "")); const int defaultPort = defaultPortForServerType(server.type); server.port = (unsigned short) config.getValue(portKey, defaultPort); if (server.isValid()) { server.save = true; mServers.push_back(server); } } mServersListModel = new ServersListModel(&mServers, this); mServersList = new ListBox(mServersListModel); mServersList->addMouseListener(this); ScrollArea *usedScroll = new ScrollArea(mServersList); usedScroll->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(gcn::ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER); mTypeListModel = new TypeListModel(); mTypeField = new DropDown(mTypeListModel); mDescription = new Label(std::string()); mQuitButton = new Button(_("Quit"), "quit", this); mConnectButton = new Button(_("Connect"), "connect", this); mManualEntryButton = new Button(_("Custom Server"), "addEntry", this); mDeleteButton = new Button(_("Delete"), "remove", this); mServerNameField->setActionEventId("connect"); mPortField->setActionEventId("connect"); mServerNameField->addActionListener(this); mPortField->addActionListener(this); mManualEntryButton->addActionListener(this); mServersList->addSelectionListener(this); usedScroll->setVerticalScrollAmount(0); place(0, 0, serverLabel); place(1, 0, mServerNameField, 4).setPadding(3); place(0, 1, portLabel); place(1, 1, mPortField, 4).setPadding(3); place(0, 2, typeLabel); place(1, 2, mTypeField, 4).setPadding(3); place(0, 3, usedScroll, 5, 5).setPadding(3); place(0, 8, mDescription, 5); place(0, 9, mManualEntryButton); place(1, 9, mDeleteButton); place(3, 9, mQuitButton); place(4, 9, mConnectButton); // Make sure the list has enough height getLayout().setRowHeight(3, 80); reflowLayout(300, 0); addKeyListener(this); center(); setFieldsReadOnly(true); mServersList->setSelected(0); // Do this after for the Delete button setVisible(true); if (mServerNameField->getText().empty()) { mServerNameField->requestFocus(); } else { if (mPortField->getText().empty()) mPortField->requestFocus(); else mConnectButton->requestFocus(); } downloadServerList(); } ServerDialog::~ServerDialog() { if (mDownload) { mDownload->cancel(); delete mDownload; mDownload = 0; } delete mServersListModel; delete mTypeListModel; } void ServerDialog::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { if (event.getId() == "ok") { // Give focus back to the server dialog. mServerNameField->requestFocus(); } else if (event.getId() == "connect") { // Check login if (mServerNameField->getText().empty() || mPortField->getText().empty()) { OkDialog *dlg = new OkDialog(_("Error"), _("Please type both the address and the port of a server.")); dlg->addActionListener(this); } else { mDownload->cancel(); mQuitButton->setEnabled(false); mConnectButton->setEnabled(false); // First, look if the entry is a new one. ServerInfo currentServer; currentServer.hostname = mServerNameField->getText(); currentServer.port = (short) atoi(mPortField->getText().c_str()); switch (mTypeField->getSelected()) { case 0: currentServer.type = ServerInfo::EATHENA; break; case 1: currentServer.type = ServerInfo::MANASERV; break; default: currentServer.type = ServerInfo::UNKNOWN; } // now rewrite the configuration... // id = 0 is always the last selected server config.setValue("MostUsedServerName0", currentServer.hostname); config.setValue("MostUsedServerPort0", currentServer.port); config.setValue("MostUsedServerType0", serverTypeToString(currentServer.type)); // now add the rest of the list... int configCount = 1; for (int i = 0; i < mServersListModel->getNumberOfElements(); ++i) { const ServerInfo server = mServersListModel->getServer(i); // Only save servers that were loaded from settings if (!server.save) continue; // ensure, that our server will not be added twice if (server != currentServer) { const std::string index = toString(configCount); const std::string nameKey = "MostUsedServerName" + index; const std::string typeKey = "MostUsedServerType" + index; const std::string portKey = "MostUsedServerPort" + index; config.setValue(nameKey, toString(server.hostname)); config.setValue(typeKey, serverTypeToString(server.type)); config.setValue(portKey, toString(server.port)); configCount++; } // stop if we exceed the number of maximum config entries if (configCount >= MAX_SERVERLIST) break; } mServerInfo->hostname = currentServer.hostname; mServerInfo->port = currentServer.port; mServerInfo->type = currentServer.type; Client::setState(STATE_CONNECT_SERVER); } } else if (event.getId() == "quit") { mDownload->cancel(); Client::setState(STATE_FORCE_QUIT); } else if (event.getId() == "addEntry") { setFieldsReadOnly(false); } else if (event.getId() == "remove") { int index = mServersList->getSelected(); mServersList->setSelected(0); mServersListModel->remove(index); } } void ServerDialog::keyPressed(gcn::KeyEvent &keyEvent) { gcn::Key key = keyEvent.getKey(); if (key.getValue() == Key::ESCAPE) { Client::setState(STATE_EXIT); } else if (key.getValue() == Key::ENTER) { action(gcn::ActionEvent(NULL, mConnectButton->getActionEventId())); } } void ServerDialog::valueChanged(const gcn::SelectionEvent &) { const int index = mServersList->getSelected(); if (index == -1) { mDeleteButton->setEnabled(false); return; } // Update the server and post fields according to the new selection const ServerInfo myServer = mServersListModel->getServer(index); mDescription->setCaption(myServer.name); mServerNameField->setText(myServer.hostname); mPortField->setText(toString(myServer.port)); switch (myServer.type) { case ServerInfo::EATHENA: mTypeField->setSelected(0); break; case ServerInfo::MANASERV: mTypeField->setSelected(1); default: mTypeField->setSelected(2); break; } setFieldsReadOnly(true); mDeleteButton->setEnabled(myServer.save); } void ServerDialog::mouseClicked(gcn::MouseEvent &mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2 && mouseEvent.getSource() == mServersList) { action(gcn::ActionEvent(mConnectButton, mConnectButton->getActionEventId())); } } void ServerDialog::logic() { { MutexLocker lock(&mMutex); if (mDownloadStatus == DOWNLOADING_COMPLETE) { mDownloadStatus = DOWNLOADING_OVER; mDescription->setCaption(std::string()); } else if (mDownloadStatus == DOWNLOADING_IN_PROGRESS) { mDescription->setCaption(strprintf(_("Downloading server list..." "%2.2f%%"), mDownloadProgress * 100)); } else if (mDownloadStatus == DOWNLOADING_IDLE) { mDescription->setCaption(_("Waiting for server...")); } else if (mDownloadStatus == DOWNLOADING_PREPARING) { mDescription->setCaption(_("Preparing download")); } } Window::logic(); } void ServerDialog::setFieldsReadOnly(bool readOnly) { if (!readOnly) { mDescription->setCaption(std::string()); mServersList->setSelected(-1); mServerNameField->setText(std::string()); mPortField->setText(std::string()); mServerNameField->requestFocus(); } mManualEntryButton->setEnabled(readOnly); mDeleteButton->setEnabled(false); mDescription->setVisible(readOnly); mServerNameField->setEnabled(!readOnly); mPortField->setEnabled(!readOnly); mTypeField->setEnabled(!readOnly); } void ServerDialog::downloadServerList() { // Try to load the configuration value for the onlineServerList std::string listFile = branding.getValue("onlineServerList", std::string()); if (listFile.empty()) listFile = config.getValue("onlineServerList", std::string()); // Fall back to manasource.org when neither branding nor config set it if (listFile.empty()) listFile = "http://manasource.org/serverlist.xml"; mDownload = new Net::Download(this, listFile, &downloadUpdate); mDownload->setFile(mDir + "/serverlist.xml"); mDownload->start(); } void ServerDialog::loadServers() { XML::Document doc(mDir + "/serverlist.xml", false); xmlNodePtr rootNode = doc.rootNode(); if (!rootNode || !xmlStrEqual(rootNode->name, BAD_CAST "serverlist")) { logger->log("Error loading server list!"); return; } int version = XML::getProperty(rootNode, "version", 0); if (version != 1) { logger->log("Error: unsupported online server list version: %d", version); return; } for_each_xml_child_node(serverNode, rootNode) { if (!xmlStrEqual(serverNode->name, BAD_CAST "server")) continue; ServerInfo server; std::string type = XML::getProperty(serverNode, "type", "unknown"); server.type = stringToServerType(type); server.name = XML::getProperty(serverNode, "name", std::string()); if (server.type == ServerInfo::UNKNOWN) { logger->log("Unknown server type: %s", type.c_str()); continue; } for_each_xml_child_node(subNode, serverNode) { if (!xmlStrEqual(subNode->name, BAD_CAST "connection")) continue; server.hostname = XML::getProperty(subNode, "hostname", ""); server.port = XML::getProperty(subNode, "port", 0); if (server.port == 0) { // If no port is given, use the default for the given type server.port = defaultPortForServerType(server.type); } } MutexLocker lock(&mMutex); // Add the server to the local list if it's not already present ServerInfos::iterator it; bool found = false; for (it = mServers.begin(); it != mServers.end(); it++) { if ((*it) == server) { // Use the name listed in the server list (*it).name = server.name; found = true; break; } } if (!found) mServers.push_back(server); } } int ServerDialog::downloadUpdate(void *ptr, DownloadStatus status, size_t total, size_t remaining) { if (status == DOWNLOAD_STATUS_CANCELLED) return -1; ServerDialog *sd = reinterpret_cast(ptr); bool finished = false; if (status == DOWNLOAD_STATUS_COMPLETE) { finished = true; } else if (status < 0) { logger->log("Error retreiving server list: %s\n", sd->mDownload->getError()); finished = true; } else { float progress = (float) remaining / total; if (progress != progress) progress = 0.0f; // check for NaN else if (progress < 0.0f) progress = 0.0f; // no idea how this could ever happen, but why not check for it anyway. else if (progress > 1.0f) progress = 1.0f; MutexLocker lock(&sd->mMutex); sd->mDownloadStatus = DOWNLOADING_IN_PROGRESS; sd->mDownloadProgress = progress; } if (finished) { sd->loadServers(); MutexLocker lock(&sd->mMutex); sd->mDownloadStatus = DOWNLOADING_COMPLETE; } return 0; }