AC_PREREQ(2.59) AC_INIT([The Mana World], [], [], [tmw]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([]) AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_HEADER_STDBOOL AC_C_CONST AC_HEADER_TIME AC_C_VOLATILE # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_ERROR_AT_LINE AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_FUNC_REALLOC AC_FUNC_SELECT_ARGTYPES AC_FUNC_VPRINTF AC_CHECK_FUNCS([atexit floor getcwd gethostbyname memset mkdir select socket]) # Checks for libraries AC_CHECK_LIB([pthread], [pthread_create], , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find pthread library ])) AC_CHECK_LIB([guichan], [gcnGuichanVersion], , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find Guichan library (])) #AC_CHECK_LIB([guichan_sdl], [gcnSDL], , #AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find Guichan SDL library (])) #AC_CHECK_LIB([guichan_opengl], [gcnOpenGL], , #AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find Guichan OpenGL library (])) AC_CHECK_LIB([physfs], [PHYSFS_init], , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find PhysFS library (])) AC_CHECK_LIB([curl], [curl_global_init], , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find CURL library (])) CURL_LIBS=" `curl-config --libs`" CURL_CFLAGS=" `curl-config --cflags` " AC_SUBST(CURL_LIBS) AC_SUBST(CURL_CFLAGS) AC_CHECK_LIB([xml2], [xmlInitParser], , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find libxml2 library (])) AC_CHECK_LIB(SDL_image, IMG_LoadPNG_RW, , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find SDL_image library with PNG support (])) AC_CHECK_LIB(SDL_mixer, Mix_OpenAudio, , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find SDL_mixer library (])) AC_CHECK_LIB(SDL_net, SDLNet_Init, , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find SDL_net library])) AC_CHECK_LIB(png, png_write_info, , AC_MSG_ERROR([ *** Unable to find png library])) # Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS([arpa/inet.h fcntl.h malloc.h netdb.h netinet/in.h stdlib.h string.h sys/socket.h unistd.h]) # Check for guichan headers AC_CHECK_HEADERS([guichan.hpp], , AC_MSG_ERROR([*** Library found but cannot find headers ( *** ])) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE # Option to enable OpenGL AC_ARG_WITH(opengl,[ --with-opengl use OpenGL ] ) if test "x$with_opengl" == "xyes"; then with_opengl=yes OPENGL_CFLAGS=' -DUSE_OPENGL' OPENGL_LIBS=' -lGL -lguichan_opengl' AC_SUBST(OPENGL_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(OPENGL_LIBS) else with_opengl=no fi # Search for sdl-config AC_PATH_PROG(LIBSDL_CONFIG, sdl-config) if test -n "$LIBSDL_CONFIG"; then LIBSDL_LIBS="`$LIBSDL_CONFIG --libs` -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer" LIBSDL_CFLAGS="`$LIBSDL_CONFIG --cflags`" AC_SUBST(LIBSDL_LIBS) AC_SUBST(LIBSDL_CFLAGS) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBSDL, 1, [Defines if your system has the LIBSDL library]) else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBSDL, 0, [Defines if your system has the LIBSDL library]) AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find sdl-config, check]) fi AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile src/Makefile data/Makefile data/graphics/Makefile data/graphics/gui/Makefile data/graphics/images/Makefile data/graphics/sprites/Makefile data/graphics/tiles/Makefile data/help/Makefile data/icons/Makefile data/maps/Makefile data/sfx/Makefile docs/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT echo echo Build with OpenGL: $with_opengl echo echo configure complete, now type \"make\" echo