{title:Candont is Cando again} {date:2014-11-18} Today we have a couple minor bug fixes to quests. TMWA is the big release here with the script ASN/AST. The script language for TMW has been sanitized. If you were developing, we should have updates to the wiki pages soon enough. Otherwise, you can always find us on IRC. {link:https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#themanaworld} {ul} {li}Divorce crashes Fixed{/li} {li}Poison crashes Fixed{/li} {li}ASN/AST script changes{/li} {li}#inma works on NPCs{/li} {li}Selim's cloth dye option more visible{/li} {li}All global timers comply with debug=2 means off{/li} {li}Parua (Candor) works again{/li} {li}Fight Club avatar shows properly{/li} {li}Fight Club mini-game{/li} {li}Fix krukan boss points{/li} {li}042-1/-2 warp fixes{/li} {li}Typos{/li} {/ul} {author:TMW Development Team}