// Cronos, the lord of time and apparently a shopkeeper // There's also Father Time in the GM stuff 099-7,99,30,0 script Chronos NPC313,{ function outOfStock; mesn; mesq l("I'm Chronos, lord of time, the immortal, the head editor of the Almanach, the... Alright, let's forget that."); if (BOSS_POINTS < .price) close; // Boss Points validation .@cur=(BOSS_POINTS / .price); .@dif=.@cur - BOSS_MEDALS; if (.@dif) { next; getitembound BossMedal, .@dif, IBT_ACCOUNT; BOSS_MEDALS+=.@dif; mesn; mesq l("For your deeds, I shall bestow upon you %d %s. Use them wisely, they are the results of your hard effort.", .@dif, getitemlink(BossMedal)); mesc l("Boss Medals are earned each %s boss points. They are account-bound and cannot be given to other players.", fnum(.price)); next; } // Check for stock. // Adding a limit to individual purchases would be a pain so I didn't. // But code is commented below //.@cur_date = (gettime(7) * 100 + gettime(6)); //if (#CHRONOS == .@cur_date) outOfStock(); if ($CHRONOS_STOCK < 1) outOfStock(); // Shopkeeping mesc l("All things shall pass, but with the limited time you have, please enjoy shopkeeping."); if (countitem(UnderworldKey)) { select l("Thanks."), l("Do you know what the Underworld Key is for?"); mes ""; if (@menu == 2) { mesn; mesq l("Yes, I do. But now is not the time. One day, when the event horizon aligns itself and the lazy titans move, then I shall tell you what you need to know."); // lazy titans = The developers and shout out to Kronus from mythology close; } } else { next; } openshop; closeclientdialog; close; function outOfStock { mesn; mesq l("I'm afraid I don't have anything now, please wait until my next travel, or complete the Tree of Knowledge quest for my amusement."); close; } OnClock0010: if (gettime(5) == 1) set $CHRONOS_STOCK, 5; end; OnInit: tradertype(NST_CUSTOM); .distance=4; .price=5000; if ($CHRONOS_STOCK < 1) set $CHRONOS_STOCK, 3; sellitem MovieCap, 1; sellitem BlueWolfHelmet, 1; sellitem CloverHat, 1; sellitem RabbitEars, 1; sellitem Goggles, 1; sellitem LeatherGoggles, 1; sellitem Crown, 1; sellitem Cap, 1; sellitem GuyFawkesMask, 1; sellitem WitchDoctorsMask, 1; sellitem ElfNightcap, 1; sellitem Sunglasses, 1; sellitem ChristmasTreeHat, 1; sellitem SantaBeardHat, 1; sellitem MoubooHead, 1; sellitem PaperBag, 1; sellitem BunchOfParsley, 1; sellitem SkullMask, 1; sellitem SnowGoggles, 1; sellitem HeartGlasses, 1; sellitem OperaMask, 1; sellitem JesterMask, 1; sellitem WitchHat, 1; sellitem GoblinMask, 1; sellitem ChefHat, 1; sellitem EskimoHat, 1; sellitem AFKCap, 1; sellitem SmileyCap, 1; sellitem RedShades, 1; sellitem GreenShades, 1; sellitem DarkBlueShades, 1; sellitem YellowShades, 1; sellitem LightBlueShades, 1; sellitem PinkShades, 1; sellitem BlackShades, 1; sellitem OrangeShades, 1; sellitem PurpleShades, 1; sellitem DarkGreenShades, 1; sellitem SnowLauncher, 1; sellitem Eyepatch, 2; sellitem TopHat, 2; sellitem FunkyHat, 2; sellitem MushHat, 2; sellitem ShroomHat, 2; sellitem ChristmasElfHat, 2; sellitem FaceMask, 2; sellitem CaptainsHat, 2; sellitem TamOShanter, 2; sellitem BunnyEars, 2; sellitem PanHat, 2; sellitem PilotHat, 2; sellitem CarbonGasMask, 2; sellitem GroovyHat, 2; sellitem JazzyHat, 2; sellitem AnniversaryHat, 2; sellitem ChicSantaHat, 2; sellitem ReadingGlasses, 2; sellitem EggshellHat, 2; sellitem Pipe, 2; sellitem ScarabArmlet, 2; sellitem BlinkingEvil, 2; sellitem BlinkingEvilRed, 2; sellitem BlinkingEvilBlue, 2; sellitem BlinkingEvilPink, 2; sellitem BlinkingEvilYellow, 2; sellitem BlinkingHocus, 2; sellitem GoldenPlatemail, 2; sellitem Earmuffs, 2; //sellitem DesertHelmet, 2; // UNRELEASED sellitem BlinkingEvilHalloween, 3; sellitem MoonshroomHat, 3; sellitem WhiteEvokersRobeBlue, 3; sellitem BlackEvokersRobeBlue, 3; sellitem ApprenticeRobe, 3; sellitem GoldenWarlordPlate, 3; sellitem MageRing, 3; sellitem OverlordsHelmet, 4; sellitem DarkTalisman, 4; sellitem Aureole, 4; sellitem PaladinsHelmet, 4; sellitem EnchantersAmulet, 4; sellitem HeartOfIsis, 4; sellitem BansheeBow, 4; sellitem BullHelmet, 4; sellitem AssassinShirt, 4; sellitem LazuriteRobe, 4; sellitem DarkHelm, 4; sellitem UnderworldMask, 4; sellitem Phylactery, 4; end; OnCountFunds: setcurrency(countitem(BossMedal)); end; OnPayFunds: if( countitem(BossMedal) < @price ) end; delitem BossMedal, @price; purchaseok(); end; }