030-2,47,82,0 script Jonathan NPC328,{ callfunc "XmasStates"; if($@xmas_time) goto L_XmasMain; goto L_OffSeason; L_OffSeason: mes "[Jonathan]"; mes "\"Hello! Welcome to the reclamation department.\""; mes "\"Lucky all the presents stolen have been replaced. Save any you find. You never know what we will need to replace next year.\""; goto L_close; L_XmasMain: mes "[Jonathan]"; mes "\"Hello! Welcome to the reclamation department.\""; if(@xmas_helper_bit) goto L_Helping; mes "\"We are incredibly busy right now, monsters have stolen some of our presents.\""; mes "\"I must go inform Chief Warrick immediately.\""; goto L_close; L_Helping: mes "\"Here we take back any presents stolen from us by those nasty creatures.\""; next; goto L_Main; L_Main: mes "\"Did you find any presents you would like to return?\""; next; menu "No, I just wanted to say hello.",L_close, $@xmas_present_amount + " Purple present boxes.",L_Purple, $@xmas_present_amount + " Blue present boxes.",L_Blue, $@xmas_present_amount + " Green present boxes.",L_Green, $@xmas_present_amount + " Yellow present boxes.",L_Yellow, $@xmas_present_amount + " White present boxes.",L_White; L_Purple: @karma_bonus = $@xmas_karma_bonus; @present_name$ = "PurplePresentBox"; goto L_RewardIncrease; L_Blue: @karma_bonus = $@xmas_karma_bonus; @present_name$ = "BluePresentBox"; goto L_RewardIncrease; L_Green: @karma_bonus = $@xmas_karma_bonus; @present_name$ = "GreenPresentBox"; goto L_RewardIncrease; L_Yellow: @karma_bonus = 2; @present_name$ = "YellowPresentBox"; goto L_RewardIncrease; L_White: @karma_bonus = 2; @present_name$ = "WhitePresentBox"; goto L_RewardIncrease; L_RewardIncrease: if ($@xmas_present_amount > countitem(@present_name$)) goto L_NotEnough; mes "\"Oh, thank you!\""; delitem @present_name$, $@xmas_present_amount; callfunc "XmasNice"; goto L_close; L_NotEnough: mes "\"I am sorry, but you don't have enough presents to return.\""; goto L_Main; L_close: mes "\"See You later!\""; @present_name$ = ""; close; }