029-1,69,61,0 script #CandorBarrier NPC45,0,0,{ if ($@FIGHT_CAVE_STATUS == 1) goto L_Block; if (BaseLevel < 40) goto L_Block; warp "029-3", 49, 53; end; L_Block: message strcharinfo(0), "Some force seems to be blocking you from entering."; end; } 029-1,69,61,0 script #CandorAnnouncer NPC32767,{ end; OnTalk: if (BaseLevel >= 40) announce "Parua : " + $@candor_npctalk$, 3; // do not show these to newbies end; OnCommandTalk: areatimer 0, "029-1", 61, 61, 69, 73, 0, "#CandorAnnouncer::OnTalk"; end; }