// This file is generated automatically. All manually added changes will be removed when running the Converter. // Map 029-1: Candor Island mobs 029-1,46,48,2,0 monster The CloverPatch 1037,1,10000,120000 029-1,73,93,7,6 monster The Maggot 1002,8,100000,30000 029-1,90,35,7,5 monster The TameScorpionMob 1046,16,100000,30000 029-1,93,100,10,9 monster The TameScorpionMob 1046,8,100000,30000 029-1,43,43,15,11 monster The ScorpionMob 1003,2,100000,30000 029-1,76,42,26,12 monster The ManaBug 1131,3,0,0