027-4,39,84,38,22 monster Fallen 1045,3,60000,8000,specialMob027-4::On1045 027-4,27,57,15,22 monster Zombie 1036,2,60000,8000,specialMob027-4::On1036 027-4,108,77,39,14 monster Fallen 1045,3,60000,8000,specialMob027-4::On1045 027-4,61,37,38,30 monster Zombie 1036,2,60000,8000,specialMob027-4::On1036 027-4,101,36,38,30 monster Zombie 1036,2,60000,8000,specialMob027-4::On1036 027-4,0,0,0 script specialMob027-4 NPC32767,{ end; On1036: @mobId = 1036; callsub S_MOBCOUNT_ZOMBIES; fix_mobkill(1036); end; On1045: @mobId = 1045; callsub S_MOBCOUNT_FALLENS; fix_mobkill(1045); end; S_MOBCOUNT_ZOMBIES: @Graveyard_Inn_MASK = NIBBLE_2_MASK; @Graveyard_Inn_SHIFT = NIBBLE_2_SHIFT; @state = ((QUEST_Graveyard_Inn & @Graveyard_Inn_MASK) >> @Graveyard_Inn_SHIFT); if (@state != 1) goto L_Return; @ring = @ring + 1; if (@ring < 10) goto L_Return; if (rand(8) != 0) goto L_Return; message strcharinfo(0), "You found a ring hidden in the zombie's rotten rags. Maybe this is what Aldred was looking for..."; @state = 2; callsub S_Update_Mask; return; S_MOBCOUNT_FALLENS: @Graveyard_Inn_MASK = NIBBLE_2_MASK; @Graveyard_Inn_SHIFT = NIBBLE_2_SHIFT; @state = ((QUEST_Graveyard_Inn & @Graveyard_Inn_MASK) >> @Graveyard_Inn_SHIFT); if (@state != 1) goto L_Return; @ring = @ring + 1; if (@ring < 10) goto L_Return; if (rand(8) != 0) goto L_Return; message strcharinfo(0), "You found a ring inside the fallen's broken helmet. Maybe this is what Aldred was looking for..."; @state = 2; callsub S_Update_Mask; return; L_Return: return; S_Update_Mask: QUEST_Graveyard_Inn = (QUEST_Graveyard_Inn & ~(@Graveyard_Inn_MASK)) | (@state << @Graveyard_Inn_SHIFT); return; }