019-1,77,44,0 script Snowman NPC129,{ if (FLAGS & FLAG_SNOWMAN) goto L_Done; if (gettime(6) == 12 || gettime(6) == 1 || gettime(6) == 2) goto L_Quest; mes "A beautiful snowman. It looks almost alive."; mes "Maybe the magic of Christmas time will breath life into it?"; goto L_close; L_Quest: @candy_amount = 15; @chocolate_amount = 10; @cactus_amount = 5; mes "[Snowman]"; mes "\"Hello there."; mes "Would you like a Christmas hat?\""; next; goto L_Menu; L_Menu: menu "Yes", L_Sure, "No", L_Next, "What do you need?", L_Need; L_Next: mes "[Snowman]"; mes "\"Well, thats too bad, but make sure to have the holiday spirit!\""; goto L_close; L_Sure: mes "[Snowman]"; mes "\"Hmm, let me see what you have.\""; next; if(countitem("Candy") < @candy_amount) goto L_NoItem; if(countitem("ChocolateBar") < @chocolate_amount) goto L_NoItem; if(countitem("CactusPotion") < @cactus_amount) goto L_NoItem; getinventorylist; if (@inventorylist_count > 99) goto L_TooMany; delitem "Candy", @candy_amount; delitem "ChocolateBar", @chocolate_amount; delitem "CactusPotion", @cactus_amount; mes "[Snowman]"; mes "\"Here you go, enjoy your new hat!\""; getitem "SantaHat", 1; FLAGS = FLAGS | FLAG_SNOWMAN; goto L_close; L_Need: mes "[Snowman]"; mes "\"For this special hat, I need a pint of magic and a little help."; mes "Just kidding. I would like to get some food:"; mes @candy_amount + " pieces of Candy"; mes @chocolate_amount + " Chocolate Bars"; mes @cactus_amount + " Cactus Potions\""; next; goto L_Menu; L_NoItem: mes "[Snowman]"; mes "\"Well, I am interested in some food and you don't have enought to get a hat.\""; goto L_close; L_Done: mes "[Snowman]"; mes "\"Thank you for your help!\""; goto L_close; L_TooMany: mes "[Snowman]"; mes "\"It doesn't look like you have room for this. Come back later.\""; goto L_close; L_close: @candy_amount = 0; @chocolate_amount = 0; @cactus_amount = 0; close; }