001-2,114,89,0 script Fieri NPC117,{ if (QL_FIERI >= 4) goto L_Done2; if (QL_FIERI == 3) goto L_Progress2; if (QL_FIERI == 2) goto L_Done1; if (QL_FIERI == 1) goto L_Progress; @temp = rand(2); if(@temp == 1) goto L_Opening1; goto L_Opening0; L_Opening0: mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"The Wizards are always hungry. All the magic all the time, sapping their energy."; mes "Could I ask a favor of you?\""; next; goto L_Ask; L_Opening1: mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"These Wizards eat like a store house full of maggots."; mes "At this rate I'll have nothing left to cook. Can you help me with a task?\""; next; goto L_Ask; L_Ask: menu "Yes.", L_Yes, "No.", L_close; L_Yes: @temp = rand(2); if(@temp == 1) goto L_Req1; goto L_Req0; L_Req0: mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"Great! I need a Beer for my Tonori Delight.\""; next; goto L_Set; L_Req1: mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"Bring me a Beer. I'll give you something if you do.\""; next; goto L_Set; L_Set: QL_FIERI = 1; mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"Please bring it to me!\""; goto L_close; L_Progress: if (countitem("Beer") < 1) goto L_NotEnough; mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"Oooh, perfect! It's perfect!"; mes "You brought me my Beer! Here, have some cake for your troubles.\""; getinventorylist; if (@inventorylist_count - (countitem("Beer") == 1) > 99 - (countitem("CherryCake") == 0) ) goto L_TooMany; delitem "Beer", 1; getexp 100, 0; getitem "CherryCake", 5; QL_FIERI = 2; next; mes "\"Now let's see...\""; goto L_close; L_Progress2: if (countitem("MaggotSlime") < 3) goto L_NotEnough1; mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"Nice! They're perfect, just perfect!"; mes "You brought me the 3 Maggot Slimes! Here, have some Tonori Delight as reward.\""; getinventorylist; if ((@inventorylist_count - (countitem("MaggotSlime") == 3) > 99 - (countitem("TonoriDelight") == 0) )) goto L_TooMany; delitem "MaggotSlime", 3; getexp 100, 0; getitem "TonoriDelight", 3; QL_FIERI = 4; goto L_close; L_NotEnough: mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"Oh, please hurry and bring me a Beer. The Wizards need their Tonori Delight!\""; goto L_close; L_NotEnough1: mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"Please do hurry and bring me 3 Maggot Slimes, so I can finish the Tonori Delight!\""; goto L_close; L_Done1: mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"Thank you so much!\""; mes "\"But... I need some more ingredients.\""; next; mes "\"I need 3 Maggot Slimes for that.\""; mes "\"Bring them to me, and I'll give you something nice.\""; QL_FIERI = 3; goto L_close; L_Done2: mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"I hope you like Tonori Delight as much as I do, because, you see...\""; next; mes "\"Tonori Delight is life!\""; goto L_close; L_close: @temp = 0; close; L_TooMany: next; mes "[Fieri]"; mes "\"You don't have room for my reward. I'll wait until you do.\""; goto L_close; }