// Evol scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // The Door for Town Archives 001-2-8,38,30,0 script #ArtisArchiveGate NPC_NO_SPRITE,0,0,{ function breakIn; function notToday; .@q=getq(ThiefQuests_Artis); mes l("The door is locked and you don't have the key."); next; mes l("This is probably where the town files are kept."); if (.@q > 1) notToday(); if (.@q == 1) breakIn(); close; function notToday { mesc l("I have nothing else to do down there."); return; } function breakIn { mesc l("Should we break in? We'll be in a bad situation if we're found out."); next; // Better to not use only a pine! if (LockPicking(2, 3, false)) { // Delete previous timers. deltimer("#ArtisThiefBook_0::OnBust1"); deltimer("#ArtisThiefBook_0::OnBust2"); deltimer("#ArtisThiefBook_0::OnBust3"); deltimer("#ArtisThiefBook_0::OnBust4"); // Begin the catch timer (addtimer) addtimer 30000, "#ArtisThiefBook_0::OnBust1"; warp "001-2-43", 27, 34; } else { if (ArrestedChances()) { mesc l("Arrested!"); mesc l("You'll now spend a few minutes on the jail to reflect on your actions."); ArrestPlayer(5); } else { mesc l("You're almost found out, but manage to make a quick escape!"); warp "001-1", 90, 55; } } return; } OnTouch: npctalkonce l("Dang! It is locked."); end; OnInit: .distance=1; end; }