// Evol script. // Author: // Jesusalva // Elvano // Description: // Contains master skills which can only be learnt after killing boss // See also: // Notes: // Not exactly as Elvano proposal. I actually care for restrictions you know... // Variables: // PERMANENT: // MASTERBOOK_PAGES - How many pages your Master Book have. // Defaults to zero, so you can't @item it. // MASTERBOOK_SKILL - An array with the skills you have learnt from Master Book. // - It's more flexible this way. // TEMPORARY: // @mb_BossId - Contains the MobID of the boss your party killed. // @mb_SkillId - Contains the SkillID which can be learnt with the boss. // @mb_ItemId - Contains the Feather Id to write (or whatever) // @mb_ItemAm - How many ink is required to write the skill // Remember: @mb_BossId will be reset to zero after 15 seconds from boss death. // Or upon logout. Or when changing maps. Temporary variables aren't reliable. // // @mb_BossId controls if you'll try to LEARN a skill, or READ the book. // Remember: A dialog prevents timer events from happening, but doesn't stops the timer. // TODO: Currently no way to get skill name from database (add getskillinfo() to server-plugin please) // TODO: Reset @mb_* when register_skill() finish // TODO: You cannot get Magic Feather anywhere in the game (yet) // TODO: See if the time (15s) is enough. - script #MasterBook NPC_HIDDEN,{ function register_skill { setnpcdialogtitle l(.book_name$); // If boss is set, but is negative, this means somebody else defeated it if (@mb_BossId < 0) { mesc l("You did not defeat the boss, you can't learn any skills."); @mb_BossId=0; close; } // Report the boss you killed, and the boss level .@mb_lvl=strmobinfo(3, @mb_BossId); mesc l("You just defeated the following boss: @@ (Lv. @@)", strmobinfo(1, @mb_BossId), .@mb_lvl); // The boss must have a skill if (!@mb_SkillId) { mesc l("But there is no skill to be learnt from this boss."); @mb_BossId=0; close; } // You must have free pages if (array_entries(MASTERBOOK_SKILL) >= MASTERBOOK_PAGES) { mesc l("But you ran out of empty pages on this book."); @mb_BossId=0; close; } // TODO: Party Level Range // You must be at most 30 levels below the monster level if (BaseLevel+30 < .@mb_lvl) { mesc l("But you are out of the boss level range."); @mb_BossId=0; close; } // You must have enough materials if (countitem(@mb_ItemId) < @mb_ItemAm) { mesc l("But you do not have enough Magic Ink. (You need: @@ @@)", @mb_ItemAm, getitemlink(@mb_ItemId)); //@mb_BossId=0; close; } // Allow you to check which skills are here to learn mes ""; mesc l("You have: @@/@@ @@", countitem(@mb_ItemId), @mb_ItemAm, getitemlink(@mb_ItemId)); select rif(!getskilllv(@mb_SkillId), l("Learn Skill")), l("Do not learn"); mes ""; if (@menu == 1) { delitem @mb_ItemId, @mb_ItemAm; skill(@mb_SkillId, 1, 0); array_push(MASTERBOOK_SKILL, @mb_SkillId); closeclientdialog; dispbottom l("You have learnt the skill."); } @mb_BossId=0; close; } function read_book { setnpcdialogtitle l(.book_name$); mesc l("@@/@@ pages used.", array_entries(MASTERBOOK_SKILL), MASTERBOOK_PAGES); mesc l("List of known master skills:"); mes ""; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(MASTERBOOK_SKILL); ++.@i) { mesc l("* Skill ID: @@", MASTERBOOK_SKILL[.@i]); } close; } OnUse: // We assume if @mb_BossId is set, everything else is set, too if (@mb_BossId) register_skill; if (openbook()) read_book; closeclientdialog(); close; OnInit: .book_name$ = getitemname(MasterBook); .bodytype = BODYTYPE_1; .distance = 1; end; }