function script BarberDebug { function setGender { clear(); setnpcdialogtitle(l("Appearance Debug - Body Type Change")); mes(l("Warning: changing your body type will send you back to the character selection screen.")); mes(""); mes(l("Please choose the desired body type:")); next(); menuint( l("Tanky"), GENDER_MALE, l("Boobed"), GENDER_FEMALE, l("Neutral"), GENDER_HIDDEN); Gender = @menuret; return; } function setStyle { clear; setnpcdialogtitle l("Appearance Debug - Barber"); mes l("Hair style") + ": " + getlook(LOOK_HAIR); next; mes l("Please enter the desired style") + " (1-255)"; input .@h, 1, 0xFF; setlook LOOK_HAIR, max(1, min(0xFF, .@h)); return; } function setColor { clear; setnpcdialogtitle l("Appearance Debug - Barber"); mes l("Hair color") + ": " + getlook(LOOK_HAIR_COLOR); next; mes l("Please enter the desired color") + " (0-255)"; input .@h, 0, 0xFF; setlook LOOK_HAIR_COLOR, max(0, min(0xFF, .@h)); return; } function setRace { clear; setnpcdialogtitle l("Appearance Debug - Race"); mes l("Race") + ": " + Class + " (" + get_race(GETRACE_FULL) + ")"; next; mes l("Please enter the desired race") + " (0-32767)"; input .@r, 0, 0x7FFF; jobchange max(0, min(0x7FFF, .@r)); return; } do { clear; setnpcdialogtitle l("Appearance Debug"); mes l("This menu allows you to customize your appearance."); mes ""; mes "---"; mes l("Body Type") + ": " + genderToString(Gender); mes l("Hair style") + ": " + getlook(LOOK_HAIR); mes l("Hair color") + ": " + getlook(LOOK_HAIR_COLOR); mes l("Race") + ": " + Class + " (" + get_race() + ")";; mes "---"; next; mes l("What do you want to change?"); select menuimage("actions/edit", l("Body Type") + " [" + l("Requires logout") + "]"), menuimage("actions/edit", l("Hair style")), menuimage("actions/edit", l("Hair color")), menuimage("actions/edit", l("Race")), rif(getarg(0,0), menuimage("actions/back", l("Return to Debug menu"))); switch (@menu) { case 1: setGender; break; case 2: setStyle; break; case 3: setColor; break; case 4: setRace; break; case 5: return; } } while (1); } - script @look 32767,{ end; OnCall: if (!debug && !is_dev()) { end; } BarberDebug; closeclientdialog; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "look", "@look::OnCall", 0, 99, 0; }