// Evol scripts. // Author: // Micksha // Description: // Toichi, the smith in Candor island. // THIS IS A PLACEHOLDER! 012-2-5,40,35,0 script Toichi NPC_TOICHI,{ function askCrafting; speech l("Hi there."), l("My name is Toichi, and it seems I am the only one working on this lazy island."); next; mesq l("So I kindly request you not to listen to that stupid Rosen, saying 'Toichi is lazy'."); next; mesq l("At least I am doing something!"); // TODO: Add here a check for crafting skills askCrafting(); close; function askCrafting { next; select l("Okay..."), l("Hey, do you mind if I use your equipment?"), rif(is_dev(), "[Debug]"); mes ""; if (@menu == 1) return; // Debug if (debug && @menu == 3) RECIPES[CraftInfantryHelmet]=!RECIPES[CraftInfantryHelmet]; if (debug || @menu == 3) mesf("[DEBUG] Knows the infantry helmet recipe? %s", (RECIPES[CraftInfantryHelmet] ? "YES" : "NO")); mesn; mesq l("Sure, go ahead. But I'll charge you %d E per craft as commission!", .price); next; do { mesc l("What will you craft today?"); mesc l("It costs %d E to use.", .price), 1; if (Zeny < .price) close; if (SmithSystem()) { // This should NEVER, EVER happen. if (Zeny < .price) { mesc l("WARNING, you have been detected cheating and thus, violating Gasaron Anti-Theft Policy."), 1; mesc l("You were jailed and now need a GM to get you out of there."), 1; // At this point I just c/p the code logmes "WARNING, "+strcharinfo(0)+" found out cheating, only had "+Zeny+" Esperins for craft table. Jailed.", LOGMES_ATCOMMAND; atcommand("@jail "+strcharinfo(0)); Zeny=0; close; } Zeny-=.price; mesc l("Success!"), 3; } else { mesc l("That didn't work!"), 1; } next; mesc l("Try again?"); } while (askyesno() == ASK_YES); return; } OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 4; .price = 6000; end; }