// Evol scripts. // Author: // Micksha // Description: // Cynric, Candor's banker. // THIS IS A PLACEHOLDER! 012-2-3,27,28,0 script Cynric NPC_CYNRIC,{ mesn; mesq l("Welcome to %s's Bank!", l($@BANK_TOWN$[.bankid])); next; do { select l("I would like to store some items."), l("I would like to perform money transactions."), l("Is there any request for me?"), menuaction(l("Quit")); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: mesn; mesq l("Sure thing! I'll have your items transported here from Artis before you realize!"); next; closeclientdialog(); openstorage(); close; case 2: MerchantGuild_Bank(); break; case 3: MerchantGuild_Quests(.bankid); break; default: closeclientdialog; goodbye; close; } } while (true); close; OnInit: .distance = 4; // Bank configuration array_push($@BANK_NAME$, .name$); array_push($@BANK_TOWN$, "Candor"); .bankid = getarraysize($@BANK_NAME$)-1; end; }